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List of 8/9 PM telenovelas of TV Globo

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TV Globo (formerly Rede Globo) is the main producer of telenovelas in Brazil. Its productions are split into five different categories, according to the airtime. Novelas airing at 9:00 p.m. (known as "novela das nove"), or 8:00 p.m ("novela das oito") telenovela, but these programs are never broadcast at 8:00 p.m, the earliest known time that a novela of this period has aired was 8:30 p.m.) feature plots that tend to be more formulaic, although a wider range of themes are explored. These productions include elements of action, romance and humour and usually last longer than the other novelas. These productions usually garner the highest ratings. These categories became widely adopted by most television companies in Brazil.


  Gold indicates the #1 most watched telenovela of all time.
  Silver indicates the #2 most watched telenovela of all time.
  Yellow indicates the top 10 most watched telenovelas.
  Red indicates the least watched telenovela of all time.


# Run Title Chapters Author Director Ibope Rating
1 8 November 1965— 18 February 1966 O Ébrio[1][note 1] 75 José Castellar
Heloísa Castellar
Líbero Miguel 5.23
Temporary interruption (18 February – 12 September 1966)[note 2][2][3]
2 12 September 1966—20 February 1967 O Rei dos Ciganos[4] 120 Moysés Weltman Ziembinski 6.70
3 21 February 1967—23 June 1967 A Sombra de Rebecca[note 3][5] 90 Glória Magadan Henrique Martins 8.00
4 26 June 1967—16 December 1967 Anastácia, a Mulher sem Destino[6] 127 Emiliano Queiroz[note 4] [note 5] Henrique Martins N/A
5 18 December 1967—15 June 1968 Sangue e Areia[7] [note 6] 135 Janete Clair Daniel Filho
Régis Cardoso
6 26 June 1968—14 January 1969 Passo dos Ventos[8] 171 Janete Clair Daniel Filho
Régis Cardoso[note 7]
7 15 January 1969—13 October 1969 Rosa Rebelde[9] 212 Janete Clair Daniel Filho
Régis Cardoso
Temporary interruption (13 October - 10 November 1969)[note 8][10][11]
8 10 November 1969—18 July 1970 Véu de Noiva[12] 221 Janete Clair Daniel Filho 31.56


# Run Title Chapters Author Director Ibope rating
9 8 June 1970—12 June 1971 Irmãos Coragem[13][note 9] 328 Janete Clair Daniel Filho
Milton Gonçalves
Reynaldo Boury
10 14 June 1971—8 April 1972 O Homem Que Deve Morrer[15] 258 Janete Clair Daniel Filho
Milton Gonçalves
11 10 April 1972—23 January 1973 Selva de Pedra[16][note 10] 243 Janete Clair Daniel Filho
Walter Avancini
12 24 January 1973—18 August 1973 Cavalo de Aço[18] 179 Walther Negrão[note 11] Walter Avancini 46[17]
13 20 August 1973—7 May 1974 O Semideus[19] 221 Janete Clair Daniel Filho
Walter Avancini
14 8 May 1974—4 January 1975 Fogo sobre Terra[20] 209 Janete Clair Walter Avancini 44[17]
15 6 January 1975—26 August 1975 Escalada[21] 197 Lauro César Muniz Régis Cardoso 47[17]
Temporary interruption (27 August - 22 November 1975)[note 12][22]
16 24 November 1975—5 June 1976 Pecado Capital[23][note 13] 167 Janete Clair Daniel Filho 55[17]
17 7 June 1976—11 December 1976 O Casarão[25] 162 Lauro César Muniz Daniel Filho
Jardel Mello
18 13 December 1976—13 June 1977 Duas Vidas[26] 159 Janete Clair Daniel Filho 58[17]
19 14 June 1977—5 December 1977 Espelho Mágico[27] 150 Lauro César Muniz Daniel Filho
Gonzaga Blota
20 6 December 1977—8 July 1978 O Astro [28] 186 Janete Clair Daniel Filho[note 14]
Gonzaga Blota
21 10 July 1978—26 January 1979 Dancin' Days[29] 173 Gilberto Braga Daniel Filho
Marcos Paulo
22 29 January 1979—18 August 1979 Pai Herói[30][note 15] 174 Janete Clair Walter Avancini
Roberto Talma
Gonzaga Blota
23 20 August 1979—1 February 1980 Os Gigantes[31][note 16] 143 Lauro César Muniz Régis Cardoso
Jardel Mello


# Run Title Chapters Author Director Ibope Rating
24 4 February 1980—8 August 1980 Água Viva[32][note 17] 161 Gilberto Braga Roberto Talma
Paulo Ubiratan
25 11 August 1980—13 March 1981 Coração Alado[33] 185 Janete Clair Roberto Talma
Paulo Ubiratan
26 16 March 1981—25 September 1981 Baila Comigo[34] 167 Manoel Carlos Roberto Talma
Paulo Ubiratan
27 28 September 1981—26 March 1982 Brilhante[35] 155 Gilberto Braga Daniel Filho[note 18] 45[17]
28 29 March 1982—8 October 1982 Sétimo Sentido[36][note 19] 166 Janete Clair Roberto Talma 46[17]
29 11 October 1982—18 March 1983 Sol de Verão[37][note 20] 137 Manoel Carlos Roberto Talma 45[17]
Temporary interruption (21 March - 9 April 1983)[note 21][38]
30 11 April 1983—21 October 1983 Louco Amor[39][note 22] 167 Gilberto Braga Wolf Maya 49[17]
31 24 October 1983—4 May 1984 Champagne[40] 167 Cassiano Gabus Mendes Paulo Ubiratan 46[17]
32 7 May 1984—23 November 1984 Partido Alto[41] 173 Aguinaldo Silva
Glória Perez
Roberto Talma 47 [17]
33 26 November 1984—21 June 1985 Corpo a Corpo[42] 179 Gilberto Braga Dennis Carvalho 53[17]
34 24 June 1985—21 February 1986 Roque Santeiro[43][note 23] [note 24] 209 Dias Gomes Paulo Ubiratan 67[44]
35 24 February 1986—22 August 1986 Selva de Pedra[45][note 25] 155 Regina Braga
Eloy Araújo
Walter Avancini[note 26] 60[17]
36 25 August 1986—20 March 1987 Roda de Fogo[46] 179 Lauro César Muniz Dennis Carvalho 56[17]
37 23 March 1987—9 October 1987 O Outro[47] 173 Aguinaldo Silva Gonzaga Blota
Del Rangel
38 12 October 1987—13 May 1988 Mandala[48] 185 Dias Gomes Ricardo Waddington 56[17]
39 16 May 1988—6 January 1989 Vale Tudo[49] 204 Gilberto Braga
Aguinaldo Silva
Leonor Bassères
Dennis Carvalho 56[44]
40 9 January 1989—11 August 1989 O Salvador da Pátria[50] 185 Lauro César Muniz Paulo Ubiratan
Gonzaga Blota
41 14 August 1989—30 March 1990 Tieta[note 27][51] 197 Aguinaldo Silva
Ana Maria Moretzsohn
Ricardo Linhares
Paulo Ubiratan 65[44]


# Run Title Chapters Author Director Ibope Rating
42 April 2, 1990—October 26, 1990 Rainha da Sucata[52] 179 Sílvio de Abreu Jorge Fernando 61[53]
43 October 29, 1990—May 17, 1991 Meu Bem, Meu Mal[54] 173 Cassiano Gabus Mendes Paulo Ubiratan 50[55]
44 May 20, 1991—January 3, 1992 O Dono do Mundo[56] 197 Gilberto Braga Dennis Carvalho 43[55]
45 January 6, 1992—July 31, 1992 Pedra sobre Pedra[57] 178 Aguinaldo Silva
Ana Maria Moretzsohn
Ricardo Linhares
Paulo Ubiratan 56[55]
46 August 3, 1992—March 5, 1993 De Corpo e Alma[58] 185 Glória Perez Roberto Talma 53[55]
47 March 8, 1993—November 13, 1993 Renascer[59] 216 Benedito Ruy Barbosa Luiz Fernando Carvalho 60[60]
48 November 15, 1993—July 16, 1994 Fera Ferida[61] 209 Aguinaldo Silva
Ana Maria Moretzsohn
Ricardo Linhares
Dennis Carvalho
Marcos Paulo
49 July 18, 1994—March 10, 1995 Pátria Minha[62] 203 Gilberto Braga Dennis Carvalho 45
50 March 13, 1995—November 3, 1995 A Próxima Vítima[63] 203 Sílvio de Abreu Jorge Fernando 47
51 November 6, 1995—May 3, 1996 Explode Coração[64] 155 Glória Perez Dennis Carvalho 47
52 May 6, 1996—June 14, 1996 O Fim do Mundo[65][66] 35 Dias Gomes Paulo Ubiratan 47
53 June 17, 1996—February 14, 1997 O Rei do Gado[67] 209 Benedito Ruy Barbosa Luiz Fernando Carvalho 52
54 February 17, 1997—October 10, 1997 A Indomada[68] 203 Aguinaldo Silva
Ricardo Linhares
Marcos Paulo 48
55 October 13, 1997—May 22, 1998 Por Amor[69] 191 Manoel Carlos Paulo Ubiratan
Ricardo Waddington
56 May 25, 1998—January 15, 1999 Torre de Babel[71] 203 Sílvio de Abreu Denise Saraceni 44
57 January 18, 1999—September 17, 1999 Suave Veneno[72] 209 Aguinaldo Silva Daniel Filho
Ricardo Waddington
58 September 20, 1999—June 2, 2000 Terra Nostra[73] 221 Benedito Ruy Barbosa Jayme Monjardim 44


# Run Title Chapters Author Director Ibope Rating
59 June 5, 2000—February 2, 2001 Laços de Família[74] 209 Manoel Carlos Ricardo Waddington 44.9[75]
60 February 5, 2001—September 28, 2001 Porto dos Milagres[76] 203 Aguinaldo Silva
Ricardo Linhares
Marcos Paulo Simões 44.6[77]
61 October 1, 2001—June 14, 2002 O Clone[78] 221 Glória Perez Jayme Monjardim 47.0[79]
62 June 17, 2002—February 14, 2003 Esperança[80] 209 Benedito Ruy Barbosa Luiz Fernando 37.7[81]
63 February 17, 2003—October 10, 2003 Mulheres Apaixonadas[82] 203 Manoel Carlos Ricardo Waddington 46.6[83]
64 October 13, 2003—June 25, 2004 Celebridade[84] 221 Gilberto Braga Dennis Carvalho 46.0[85]
65 June 28, 2004—March 11, 2005 Senhora do Destino[86] 221 Aguinaldo Silva Wolf Maya 50.4[85]
66 March 14, 2005—November 4, 2005 América[87] 203 Glória Perez Jayme Monjardim
Marcos Schechtman
67 November 7, 2005—July 7, 2006 Belíssima[88] 209 Sílvio de Abreu Denise Saraceni 48.5[85]
68 July 10, 2006—March 2, 2007 Páginas da Vida[89] 203 Manoel Carlos Jayme Monjardim 46.8[85]
69 March 5, 2007—September 28, 2007 Paraíso Tropical[90] 179 Gilberto Braga
Ricardo Linhares
Dennis Carvalho 42.8[91]
70 October 1, 2007—May 31, 2008 Duas Caras[92] 210 Aguinaldo Silva Wolf Maya 41.1[91]
71 June 2, 2008—January 16, 2009 A Favorita[93] 197 João Emanuel Carneiro Ricardo Waddington 39.5[91]
72 January 19, 2009—September 11, 2009 Caminho das Índias[94] 203 Glória Perez Marcos Schechtman 38.8[91]
73 September 14, 2009—May 14, 2010 Viver a Vida[95] 209 Manoel Carlos Jayme Monjardim 35.6[91]


# Run Title Chapters Author Director Ibope Rating
74 17 May 2010 — 14 January 2011 Passione[96] 209 Sílvio de Abreu Denise Saraceni 35.13[97]
9PM telenovelas[98]
1 17 January 2011—19 August 2011 Insensato Coração[99] 185 Gilberto Braga
Ricardo Linhares
Dennis Carvalho 35.77[100]
2 22 August 2011—23 March 2012 Fina Estampa[101] 185 Aguinaldo Silva Wolf Maya 39.03[102]
3 26 March 2012—19 October 2012 Avenida Brasil[103] 179 João Emanuel Carneiro Ricardo Waddington 38.71[104]
4 22 October 2012—17 May 2013 Salve Jorge[105] 179 Glória Perez Marcos Schechtman 33.96[106]
5 20 May 2013—31 January 2014 Amor à Vida[107] 221 Walcyr Carrasco Wolf Maya 35.51[108]
6 3 February 2014—18 July 2014 Em Família[109] 143 Manoel Carlos Jayme Monjardim 29.63[110]
7 21 July 2014—13 March 2015 Império[111][112][113] 203 Aguinaldo Silva Rogério Gomes 32.77[114]
8 16 March 2015—28 August 2015 Babilônia[115][116][117] 143 Gilberto Braga
Ricardo Linhares
João Ximenes Braga
Dennis Carvalho 25.45[118]
9 31 August 2015—11 March 2016 A Regra do Jogo[119][120] 167 João Emanuel Carneiro Amora Mautner 28.48[121]
10 14 March 2016—30 September 2016 Velho Chico[122] 172[note 28] Benedito Ruy Barbosa Luiz Fernando Carvalho 29.02[123]
11 3 October 2016—31 March 2017 A Lei do Amor[124][125] 155 Maria Adelaide Amaral
Vincent Villari
Denise Saraceni 27.16[126]
12 3 April 2017—20 October 2017 A Força do Querer[127] 172 Glória Perez Rogério Gomes 35.67[128]
13 23 October 2017—11 May 2018 O Outro Lado do Paraíso[129] 172 Walcyr Carrasco Mauro Mendonça Filho 38.23[130]
14 14 May 2018—9 November 2018 Segundo Sol[131] 155 João Emanuel Carneiro Dennis Carvalho 33.36[132]
15 12 November 2018—17 May 2019 O Sétimo Guardião[133] 161 Aguinaldo Silva Rogério Gomes 28.78[134]
16 20 May 2019—22 November 2019 A Dona do Pedaço[135] 161 Walcyr Carrasco Amora Mautner 35.97[136]
17 25 November 2019—9 April 2021 Amor de Mãe[137] 125 [note 29][138][139] Manuela Dias José Luiz Villamarim 31.17[140]


# Run Title Chapters Author / Developer Director Ibope rating
Temporary interruption (23 March 2020–15 March 2021; 13 April 2021–6 November 2021)[note 30][138][141]
18 8 November 2021 – 25 March 2022 Um Lugar ao Sol[142] 119 Lícia Manzo Maurício Farias 22.3[143]
19 28 March 2022 – 7 October 2022 Pantanal[144] 167 Bruno Luperi[note 31] Rogério Gomes
Gustavo Fernandez
20 10 October 2022 – 5 May 2023 Travessia[146] 179 Glória Perez Mauro Mendonça Filho 24.2
21 8 May 2023 – 19 January 2024 Terra e Paixão[147] 221[148] Walcyr Carrasco Luiz Henrique Rios 26.5
22 22 January 2024 – 6 September 2024 Renascer[149] 197 Bruno Luperi[note 32] Gustavo Fernandez 25.5
23 9 September 2024 – Mania de Você[150] TBA João Emanuel Carneiro Carlos Araújo TBD

See also



  1. ^ Inspired by the song "O Ébrio" by Vicente Celestino
  2. ^ The temporary discontinuity occurred during the run of O Ébrio, a production of TV São Paulo (later TV Globo São Paulo), just-acquired by Roberto Marinho, while O Rei dos Ciganos was the next novela to premiere on Globo's Rio de Janeiro flagship station.
  3. ^ Based on the opera Madama Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini.
  4. ^ The only telenovela that its writer is also featured as an actor ever aired. He portrayed the character "Pepe Le Coq".
  5. ^ The author was replaced by Janete Clair as a result of low viewership ratings.[6]
  6. ^ It is the first 8 pm telenovelas that ran consecutively all created by Janete Clair at the timeslot till 1973.
  7. ^ Replaced Régis Cardoso, in the last weeks of the telenovela.[8]
  8. ^ Véu de Noiva was originally scheduled to premiere on 15 October 1969, but production delays resulted in the show's premiere date being moved back by three weeks. The miniseries Rosa Rebelde would be broadcast during the hiatus.
  9. ^ First premiered in Rio de Janeiro while in São Paulo it aired from 29 June 1970.
  10. ^ The novela broke record of 100 points viewership ratings. The specific episode aired on 4 October 1972, episode 152
  11. ^ The only telenovela written by the author on this timeslot
  12. ^ A miniseries entitled Roque Santeiro was originally scheduled to premiere on 27 August 1975. However, the program was cancelled before it was scheduled to premiere since the Brazilian government deemed the program to have violated censorship laws. As a result, development of Pecado Capital began earlier than planned; an abridged reprise of Selva de Pedra began airing the day after the final episode of Escalada. Roque Santeiro would eventually premiere in 1985.
  13. ^ First telenovela to be produced in PAL-M.[24]
  14. ^ Directed only the first 30 episodes.[28]
  15. ^ An adaptation of the radionovela Um Estranho na Terra de Ninguém, by the same author.
  16. ^ The last episode was written by Walter George Durst together with Maria Adelaide Amaral.
  17. ^ From episode 37, Gilberto Braga collaborated with Manoel Carlos.
  18. ^ Last participation of a director in a telenovela in this timeslot till 1999.
  19. ^ The last episode was written by Sílvio de Abreu.
  20. ^ Due to the death of Jardel Filho (who was on the show up to episode 120), director Manoel Carlos abandoned the program. Lauro César Muniz wrote the remaining 17 episodes in collaboration with Gianfrancesco Guarnieri.
  21. ^ With the sudden death of Jardel Filho, the novela Sol de Verão was abruptly ended, resulting in an emergency situation. Its replacement, Louco Amor, started production earlier than expected. As a result of Filho's death, Rede Globo aired an adaptation by Zélia Gattai, Anarquistas, Graças a Deus, in the interim.
  22. ^ Beginning with the episode aired on 30 June 1983, the Brazilian advisory rating system reclassified the telenovela as impropriate for minors under 14 years, due to scenes of violence (domestic violence) and its insinuations on sex. The show was later pushed to 9:00 pm as a result of this reclassification. Before the early 2000s, the advisory rating system was only used for internal purposes.
  23. ^ Based on the play O Berço do Herói, produced in 1963, by the same author.
  24. ^ Dias Gomes co-wrote with Aguinaldo Silva between episode 51 and episode 163.
  25. ^ It is a remake based on the original telenovela of the same name by Janete Clair.[45]
  26. ^ The director worked for the first 20 episodes. Then Daniel Filho and Dennis Carvalho directed until the last episode.
  27. ^ Based on Tieta do Agreste, by Jorge Amado.
  28. ^ The program did not air on 5 August due to the opening ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympics. As a result, only 172 episodes aired on the network.
  29. ^ Due to the coronavirus pandemic, production of Amor de Mãe was suspended on 12 March 2020 after less than five months. The network then announced that all new telenovela productions would be suspended indefinitely, with reruns of previous telenovelas expected to occupy the 9:00 p.m. timeslot. Before production was suspended, 102 episodes of the telenovela were aired. Filming of Amor de Mãe resumed in August 2020 under new safety protocols. Newer episodes would later return to air on the network on 15 March 2021.
  30. ^ Due to the coronavirus pandemic, production of all telenovelas that were produced by Rede Globo was suspended on 12 March 2020. Reruns of existing telenovelas would air in the 9:00 p.m. time slot from 23 March 2020 until the end of the year. Production of Globo's telenovelas were resumed on 10 August 2020 under new safety protocols. New episodes of Amor de Mãe would later resume on 15 March 2021—although it would return to re-runs of existing telenovelas after the series ended—from 13 April 2021 to 6 November 2021.
  31. ^ The Telenovela was based from the 1990 telenovela of the same name which Benedito Ruy Barbosa created.
  32. ^ The Telenovela was based from the 1993 telenovela of the same name which Benedito Ruy Barbosa created.


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  2. ^ Memória Globo. "O Ébrio - produção". Archived from the original on 21 December 2014. Retrieved 8 September 2014.
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  24. ^ NOVAES, pp. 434
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