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Laura Vila Kremer

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Laura Vila Kremer (born 1985) is a Catalan performance artist and intersex rights activist. She is a part of the artistic collective "Que no salga de aquí" ('Don't let it get out of here' in Spanish), who advocate for the medical depathologisation of intersex people using drama, performing arts, and art history. She is also a co-creator of the theatrical production "Hermafrodites a cavall o la rebel·lió del desig", a work that addresses the experiences and challenges faced by intersex individuals.[1]

Background and early life


Laura Vila Kremer was born in Catalonia, Spain.[1]



Graduating in Audiovisual Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Vila later decided to pursue a career in dramaturgy. She has been involved in numerous theatrical works in and outside Catalonia. Notable works include "17 simpàtiques maneres d'acabar amb el capitalisme" ('17 nice ways to end capitalism') by the Casa Real Company in Barcelona,[2][3] and performances at the Sala Cuarta Pared theatre in Madrid,[4] including "Voluptas, trenquem estereotips" ('Pleasure, let's break stereotypes'),[5] "L'amansi(pa)ment de les fúries" at La Villarroel [ca] theatre,[6] the short documentary "Se receta silencio" ('Silence is prescribed') directed by Miquel Missé [ca] (2021),[7] which won the Jury Award for Best Human Rights Short Film at the International Festival of Cinema and Sexual Diversity (2022),[8] and "Cabaret Trans".[9]

Hermafrodites a cavall o la rebel·lió del desig

The Sleeping Hermaphroditus (1620, Gian Lorenzo Bernini) is a recurring image in Vila's work "Hermafrodites a cavall o la rebel·lió del desig".

"Hermafrodites a cavall o la rebel·lió del desig" ('Hermaphrodites on horseback or the rebellion of desire') is a theatrical production co-created by Kremer and playwright Raquel Loscos [wikidata]. It is a first-person narrated documentary work informed by Kremer's personal experience, accompanied by eight other testimonies from intersex individuals, and uses the term "hermaphrodite" in order to re-appropriate the term.[1] It discusses the issues faced by intersex individuals, who are often pathologised or without any laws to protect and support them.[10] During the 2021–2022 season, this work was presented in Pamplona, at the Tàrrega Theatre Festival (currently known as FiraTàrrega),[11] at Teatre Tantarantana [ca] in Barcelona, as part of the Grec Festival,[12] and at the Ateneu Popular de Nou Barris [ca].[13] Additionally, it won the 2022 Critic's Award and an artistic residency at Teatre Tantarantana (2022).[14]


  1. ^ a b c Borrella, Sarah (26 November 2021). ""A les persones intersex ens han extirpat la nostra capacitat de desitjar i ser desitjades"" ["Intersex people have been robbed of our ability to desire and be desired"]. La Directa (in Catalan).
  2. ^ "17 simpàtiques maneres d'acabar amb el capitalisme". Teatre Micalet (in European Spanish). 20 January 2020. Retrieved 30 January 2024.
  3. ^ "17 simpàtiques maneres d'acabar amb el capitalisme" (in European Spanish). La Finestra Digital. 9 May 2016. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
  4. ^ "Laura Vila Kremer: entradas, biografía, fotos y noticias" (in Spanish). Teatro Madrid. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
  5. ^ Ana Requejo (11 December 2020). "Voluptas: trenquem esterotips". Sant Jordi de Nadal. Archived from the original on 10 July 2022. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
  6. ^ Adriana Nicolau Jiménez (14 May 2022). "'L'amansi(pa)ment de les fúries': humor i fúria feminista a La Villarroel" (in Catalan). Temps Arts. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
  7. ^ "Se receta silencio (película 2022)" (in Spanish). La Vanguardia. 10 July 2022. Archived from the original on 10 July 2022. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
  8. ^ "CINHOMO – Muestra Internacional de Cine y Diversidad Sexual" (in Spanish). Retrieved 10 July 2022.
  9. ^ Víctor Fernández Clares (4 October 2020). "Berdache, el nou festival sobre gènere i identitat" (in Catalan). Temps Arts. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
  10. ^ Judit Vela (8 April 2022). "La majoria té una idea molt desdibuixada de les intersexualitats" (in Catalan). Xarxanet. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
  11. ^ Barranco, Justo (12 September 2021). "¿Qué tiene un intersexual bajo la ropa interior? El humor y la valentía de 'Hermafrodites a cavall o la rebel·lió del desig' ponen en pie al público de la feria de Tàrrega" (PDF). La Vanguardia.
  12. ^ "Hermafrodites a cavall o la rebel·lió del desig - Teatre Tantarantana" (in Spanish). Teatre Barcelona. 2022. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
  13. ^ "Hermafrodites a cavall o la rebel·lió del desig" (in Catalan). Ateneu Popular Nou Barris. 6 September 2022. Retrieved 12 November 2022.
  14. ^ "Residència artística: Col·lectiu que no salga de aquí". Teatre Tantarantana (in Catalan). 2022. Retrieved 10 July 2022.