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Gaëlle Josse

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Gaelle Josse in 2019

Gaelle Josse (born 1960) is a French poet and novelist. She has written four novels till date. She has won a number of literary prizes and her work has been translated into several languages.[1]


  • Les heures silencieuses (The Quiet Hours, 2011)
  • Nos vies désaccordées (Our Out of Tune Lives, 2012) - 2013 Prix Alain-Fournier
  • Noces de neige (Snow Wedding, 2013)
  • Le dernier gardien d’Ellis Island (The Last Guardian of Ellis Island) - Grand Livre du Mois Literary Prize, EU Prize for Literature
  • L'Ombre de nos nuits (The shadow of our nights, 2016)
  • De vives voix. Le temps qu'il fait. (With loud voices. The weather that there is., 2016)
  • Un été à quatre mains (A summer for four hands, 2017)
  • Vermeer entre deux songes. (Vermeer between two dreams., 2017)
  • Une longue impatience (A long impatience, 2018)
  • Une femme en contre-jour (A woman against the light, 2019)
  • Ce matin-là (That morning, 2021)
  • La nuit des pères (The night of the fathers, 2022)
  • Et recoudre le soleil (And sew up the sun, 2022)
  • À quoi songent-ils, ceux que le sommeil fuit ? (What are those who loose sleep dreaming about?, 2024)
  • Le fil entre nos cœurs. (The wire between our hearts., 2024)
  • De nos blessures un royaume. (From our wounds a kingdom., 2025)

Formerly a resident of New Caledonia, Josse now lives in Paris.




  1. ^ "Bio". Archived from the original on 2015-06-26. Retrieved 2015-06-26.
  2. ^ "Nomination dans l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres janvier 2016 - Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication". Archived from the original on 2016-06-05. Retrieved 2016-04-03.