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Eugene Ivanov (artist)

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Eugene Ivanov
Born (1966-01-19) 19 January 1966 (age 59)
Known forPainting, illustration
WebsiteOfficial website

Eugene Ivanov (Czech: Evžen Ivanov; Russian: Евгений Иванов; born 19 January 1966) is a Russian-Czech contemporary artist, painter, graphic artist and illustrator. Since 1998, he has been living and working in Prague, Czech Republic.[1]


Nad střechami jaro (2011)
Cestování uvnítř velké ryby (2004)
Historie jednoho výletu (2008)
Neznámý občan s červeným baretem (2002)
Předměstí (2006)
Pozorovatel (2009)
Astrologové (2010)

Russian-Czech painter and book illustrator, Ivanov, was born in 1966 in Tyumen, Siberia, Russia. Since 1998 he has lived and worked in Prague, Czech Republic.[2][3] Ivanov's artworks are founded on dreams and of the unconscious. Ivanov's imagery is suffused with surrealistic poetry. Along with his oil paintings and watercolours, Eugene Ivanov has illustrated over 200 books. He has had numerous solo exhibitions and his works are collected internationally.[4] In his art, the artist unites elements of the landscape realism, motifs of yards and back streets of the Prague´s Old Town, or the classical still-life with modern styles of the beginning of the 20th century – cubism, suprematism and expressionism.

Selected exhibitions

  • 2025. 28th Film flap salon. National Museum (Prague), Czech Republic
  • 2024. 27th Film flap salon. Hybernia Theatre, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 2023. KLAPKA TOUR 2023. Hybernia Theatre, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 2022. 25th anniversary of the Film flap salon. Hybernia Theatre, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 2018. Solo Exhibition. Zojak gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 2017. Francysk Skaryna and Prague, National Library of the Czech Republic, Clementinum, Prague, Czech Republic[5][6][7]
  • 2017. Solo Exhibition, Gallery by Jiří Konečný, Veselí nad Moravou, Czech Republic
  • 2013. Solo Exhibition, Krček Gallery. Ostrožská Nová Ves, Czech Republic[8]
  • 2010. Solo Exhibition, Russian Centre Of Science And Culture, Prague, Czech Republic[9][10][11]
  • 2009. "At the Water’s Edge" Solo Exhibition by Eugene Ivanov, EE Fine Art, Cambridge, United Kingdom[12]
  • 2009. EE Fine Art gallery, January Sale, "Keeping it Small", Cambridge, United Kingdom[13]
  • 2009. Solo exhibition, ATRAX Gallery, Přerov, Czech Republic[14][15]
  • 2008. The Christmas exhibition (with Julius Cincar and Moarch Eveno), Ostrožská Nová Ves, Czech Republic[16]
  • 2005. The Christmas exhibition (with Moarch Eveno and Adolf Born), Ostrožská Nová Ves, Czech Republic[17]
  • 2003. Solo Exhibition, Russian Centre Of Science And Culture, Prague, Czech Republic[18]
  • 2002. Solo Exhibition, "Spolek Mlejn", Ostrava, Czech Republic[19]
  • 1993. Group Exhibition 1/2 (with Sergey Shapoval). ONMO Kultura Gallery, Tyumen, Russia[20]
  • 1991. Group exhibition. Exhibition hall of the association of painters (Tyumen artists union), Tyumen, Russia[21]
  • 1991. Solo exhibition No.9, Most Gallery, Palace of culture of oil workers, Tyumen, Russia[22][23][24]


  • 2007. The winner of the competition. 2nd Annual International String Art Competition. United States[25]
  • 2006. The winner of the competition. 1st Annual International String Art Competition. United States[26]
  • 2001. The winner of the competition. Contest of the Illustrations for poems. Belgian publishing house "Wallonie-Bruxelles". Prague, Czech Republic[27][28]

Book illustrations by Eugene Ivanov



  1. ^ "Eugene Ivanov bio in the Kohgan Art Gallery". Archived from the original on 2018-09-27. Retrieved 2014-08-03.
  2. ^ Novaja Gazeta, p.5. (4(10), 2011) (Into Kustannus, 2011). ISBN 978-952-264-013-0
  3. ^ "Cover Art. Melodies of the Jewish Quarter", p. 71. Poetica Magazine (Summer 2010) (Poetica Pub. Co, 2010).
  4. ^ "Eugene Ivanov bio in the Art Brokerage.com".
  5. ^ "Francysk Skaryna and Prague / Czech: František Skorina a Praha". Archived from the original on 2018-01-02. Retrieved 2018-01-01.
  6. ^ "František Skorina a Praha. Mezinárodní sympózium a výstava k 500. výročí vydání Skorinovy pražské Bible" (in Czech).
  7. ^ "Konference "František Skorina a jeho pražská Bible"" (in Czech).
  8. ^ "Exhibition of paintings by Eugene Ivanov through the eyes of children 2013.12.11. / Czech: Výstava obrazů Eguena Ivanova očima dětí 11.12.2013". Archived from the original on 2014-08-12. Retrieved 2014-08-03.
  9. ^ "Opening of the exhibition by Eugene Ivanov / Russian: Вернисаж выставки российского художника Евгения Иванова". Archived from the original on 2014-08-12. Retrieved 2014-08-10.
  10. ^ "The Exhibition of Russian Artist is opened in Prague / Russian: В Праге открылась выставка российского художника".
  11. ^ "Ivanov! Ivanov! / Russian: Иванов! Иванов!".
  12. ^ "EE Fine Art present a solo exhibition by the acclaimed Russian artist, Eugene Ivanov". Archived from the original on 2014-08-08. Retrieved 2014-08-03.
  13. ^ "EE Fine Art invites you to our January Sale, "Keeping it Small"". Archived from the original on 2014-08-08. Retrieved 2014-08-03.
  14. ^ "Eugene Ivanov - paintings, March 2009 / Czech: Eugene Ivanov - obrazy, březen 2009".
  15. ^ "Watercolor exhibition. Rassian painter Eugene Ivanov / Czech: Výstava akvarelů. Ruský malíř Eugen Ivanov".
  16. ^ "Original flyer for the exhibition". Archived from the original on 2014-09-17. Retrieved 2014-08-19.
  17. ^ "Original flyer for the exhibition". Archived from the original on 2014-09-17. Retrieved 2014-08-19.
  18. ^ "Original flyer for the exhibition". Archived from the original on 2014-09-17. Retrieved 2014-08-19.
  19. ^ Uhlář, Břetislav. "Jevgenij Ivanov si zamiloval Prahu a rád malujie její starou část". p. 21. Moravskoslezsky deník, (30 September 2002) (in Czech)
  20. ^ Pashuk, Anatoliy “You'll not see socialist realism here”, Tyumen pravda, (5 August 1993). / Russian: Пашук, Анатолий "Cоцреализма вы здесь не увидите", Тюменская правда, (5 августа 1993).
  21. ^ Borko Taiana "The desperate desire or the ritual fright", Tyumen pravda, (2 July 1991). Russian: Борко, Татьяна "То ли безысходная тоска, то ли ритуальный страх".
  22. ^ Preobrazhensky, F "Capricorn radio", Tyumen Komsomolets, 46, 1991. (Tyumen pravda, 1991). Russian: Преображенский, Ф "Радио козерога", Тюменский комсомолец №46, 1991. (Тюменская правда, 1991).
  23. ^ Maximovich, Alexander "The relative degree of freedom", Tyumen Komsomolets, 47, 1991. (Tyumen pravda, 1991). Russian: Максимович, Александр "Относительная степень свободы", Тюменский комсомолец №47, 1991. (Тюменская правда, 1991).
  24. ^ Grach, Larisa "Yet it is not verity", Tyumen Komsomolets, 48, 1991 (Tyumen pravda, 1991). Russian: Грач, Лариса "Ещё не истина", Тюменский комсомолец №48, 1991. (Тюменская правда, 1991).
  25. ^ "Certificate of award by Eugene Ivanov. 2007". Archived from the original on 2014-09-17. Retrieved 2014-08-17.
  26. ^ "Certificate of award by Eugene Ivanov. 2006". Archived from the original on 2014-09-17. Retrieved 2014-08-17.
  27. ^ Fair news, 12–13 May 2001. 7th International Book Fair Book World, Prague 2001. p. 2. (Jalna, 2001). Czech: Veletržní listy.
  28. ^ "Concours d'illustration de poèmes, La lettre Wallonie Bruxelles a Prague" (in French). 4 September 2011. Archived from the original on 17 September 2014. Retrieved 17 August 2014.
  29. ^ "Was published a new book by renowned author Marianne Goncharova / Russian: Вышла в свет новая книга известной писательницы Марианны Гончаровой". 22 May 2013.