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Draft:South Ossetian expedition of 1830

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The South Ossetian expedition of 1830 was an expedition of the Russian Empire with the goal of conquering the Ossetians of South Ossetia.[1] After Treaty of Georgievsk, Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti became part of Russia, but the southern part of Ossetians who bordered Georgia were still unconquered, and therefore the Russian Empire organized a punitive expedition to conquer the Ossetians.[2]

South Ossetian expedition 1830
Date19 June - 5 Jule 1830
Result Russian victory
Russian Empire Russian Empire South Ossetia Ossetian Rebels
Commanders and leaders

Russian Empire Ivan Paskevich

Russian Empire Paul Andreas von Rennenkampff

South Ossetia Bega Kochiev

South Ossetia Aka Kabisov


4 cannons
Casualties and losses
Unkown 121 executed and exiled



Since the beginning of the XIX century, Ossetians often launched attacks on the Georgian military road and in Kartli[3]. In 1810 the first expedition was sent to Ossetia, but it did not produce results[4]. Paskevich-Erivansky decided to conquer them entirely through military force. For these purposes, in 1830, they collected troops for the simultaneous organization of two campaigns against this people from Georgia and the North Caucasus[2].



On June 16, a detachment was formed in Tskhinvali from a battalion of Kherson grenadiers, two companies of the Erivan regiment, two Don hundreds and 4 mountain guns. In total, the expedition included 2,600 soldiers. On June 19, the Russians entered Dzau, where they met no resistance, after which they began advancing into the mountainous regions. Ossetian villages that offered resistance were burned.[5][6]

From 21 to 24 June rennenkampf fought with Ossetians for the village of Daudonasto, as a result of which Russian army lost 19 soldiers[7]. From there they went to the gorges of Kirykom and Chyrygom. Biryulev was delayed by the terrain, and because of this, some of the Ossetians managed to escape into the Zrug gorge.

After this, on June 22, the battles for Zekar Mountains began. Rennenkampf made several attempts to take the mountain, suffering heavy losses[8][1].The Ossetians were driven high into the mountains. On June 24, after the numerous battles, the Ossetian of Zekar mountains were forced to negotiate and surround because of lack of food.[9]

However, among the Ossetians there were those who refused to surrender. Aka Kabisov, together with several other Ossetians, retreated to Kolo Castle. After which clashes began known as the Battle on Kolo[9]

Battle on Kola


On June 26, Rennekampf's troops surrounded the village of Kolo, which had a large battle tower. There were about 30 Ossetian rebels in it who refused to surrender.[4] After this, they began to fire at the tower from mountain weapons, which did not produce any results. Rennenkampf led an attack with 500 soldiers, but it was unsuccessful, as a result of this attack the Russians lost 22 soldiers.The fighting continued all day, but the rebels continued to hold out and refused to surrender. After this, Russian troops burned the tower with the help of fires, the Ossetian rebels tried to escape, but 9 of them were raised at bayonets, and Bega Kochiev was captured.[10]



The main goal - to conquer the Ossetians - was accomplished. South Ossetia was divided into 4 districts. Georgian nobles were placed at the head of these districts.[11][12][13]

Bega Kochiev was imprisoned in Gori, but was able to escape from there. However, despite the cessation of hostilities, Ossetia continued to remain a very troubled region. A German traveler who visited Ossetia in 1838 wrote that the Ossetians from Kolo did not want to recognize Russian domination. The Russian Prince appointed head of one of these regions could not visit Ossetia for fear of death.[14]


  1. ^ a b "ЧУДИНОВ В". vostlit.info. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
  2. ^ a b "Историческое топографическое статистическое этнографическое и военное описание Кавказа". runivers.ru. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
  3. ^ "Кавказская война в отдельных очерках, эпизодах, легендах и биографиях. Том 5-й. Время Паскевича". runivers.ru. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
  4. ^ a b "Завоевание Южной Осетии". travelgeorgia.ru. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
  5. ^ "Историческое топографическое статистическое этнографическое и военное описание Кавказа". runivers.ru. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
  6. ^ "История Осетии с древнейших времен до конца XIX в.: Учебник для старших классов средней школы". runivers.ru. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
  7. ^ "Хронологический указатель военных действий русской армии и флота. Том III. 1826-1854 гг [Т.3]". ebin.pub. 2021-07-01. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
  8. ^ Узел, Кавказский. "Кавказский Узел". Кавказский Узел. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
  9. ^ a b "Кавказская война в отдельных очерках, эпизодах, легендах и биографиях. Том 5-й. Время Паскевича". runivers.ru. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
  10. ^ "Кавказская война в отдельных очерках, эпизодах, легендах и биографиях. Том 5-й. Время Паскевича". runivers.ru. Retrieved 2024-12-22.
  11. ^ "Поход на Осетин". Travelgeorgia.
  12. ^ "Завоевание Южной Осетии". Travelgeorgia.
  13. ^ "История Осетии с древнейших времен до конца ХІХ в.: Учебник для старших классов средней школы". Runivers.
  14. ^ "ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ ЧЕРЕЗ РОССИЮ К КАВКАЗСКОМУ ПЕРЕШЕЙКУ В 1837 И 1838 гг". www.vostlit.info. Retrieved 2024-12-22.