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Category talk:Wikipedians in Cornwall

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July 2005


This is not a category, it masquerades as one. The article4 is Wikipedia:Wikipedians/Cornwall. If yiou want cats go for it but this is not it, SqueakBox 12:49, July 27, 2005 (UTC)

If you read the notice on Wikipedia:Wikipedians you will see that there is an ongoing project to move the system of user categorization to Categories instead of Lists (as is the system in use by almost all other Wikipedias other than the English one). How is this not a Category? Currently there is an enormous tangle of duplicate Cat's for various regions and different classifications of users, but it is slowly being worked out. If you would like to offer some assistance, it would be much appreciated! See Wikipedia:Wikipedians, Category:Wikipedians and Category:Wikipedians by location
It was made into a category after I left the message here. Nice, quick response, SqueakBox 19:34, July 27, 2005 (UTC)
Shouldn't it be Wikipedians in or from Cornwall as people who have left can still feel Cornish, a Bucks ex pat, SqueakBox 04:31, July 30, 2005 (UTC)
aye, perhaps it should, however the naming convention has pretty much been adopted, though I think everyone accepts that being a member of one of these categories doesn't imply you are in the specified area, but that you have some sort of connection to it. for example, I will add myself to Category:Wikipedians in Florida because when I first started using Wikipedia (as Youthinayzhuh, once upon a time) I lived in Florida. In a similar sense, folks from Louisiana might list themselves in Category:Wikipedians in Acadia although Acadia is in Canada, because it has ties to cajun culture. I think that it says (or should, if not) on each of these cats in the description that it is 'Wikipedians from or associated with (blah)'. Some of the cats (ones that already existed - there are only a few) have better naming convention (such as Category:Canadian Wikipedians. The fact is that there are alread so many 'Wikipedians in (area)' that it would be a major headache to go about renaming them all. --thereverendeg 04:49, 30 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Currently various, with no connection to Kernow, soley are in pages about anything Cornish just to stamp their, this is England, claim to everything. They do not care about de jure, nor nationality only to put anything and everything as English from Alfred Molina to and especially anything in or from Kernow (talk) 15:53, 25 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
and Wikipedians | By Location | United Kingdom | England | Cornwall -- who made his up? (talk) 15:55, 25 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]