Category:Taxa named by Johann Friedrich Gmelin
- Animal taxa named by Johann Friedrich Gmelin (1748-1804) — an 18th and early 19th-century German zoologist, naturalist, and taxonomist.
Pages in category "Taxa named by Johann Friedrich Gmelin"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 772 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Abyssinian thrush
- Acanthopleura granulata
- African jacana
- African rail
- African silverbill
- Agami heron
- Agaronia hiatula
- Agathistoma viridulum
- Alcithoe arabica
- Amauropsis islandica
- American avocet
- American black swift
- American coot
- American pickerel
- American white pelican
- American wigeon
- American woodcock
- Amphibola crenata
- Ampulla priamus
- Ancient murrelet
- Ancilla ampla
- Antarctic petrel
- Antarctic prion
- Antarctic tern
- ʻApapane
- Aplysia depilans
- Arfak astrapia
- Arge melanochroa
- Arge ochropus
- Asian emerald cuckoo
- Aspa marginata
- Astralium stellare
- Atactodea striata
- Atlantic chub mackerel
- Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross
- Austral negrito
- Australian pied cormorant
- Autochton bipunctatus
- Aye-aye
- Azure gallinule
- Baikal seal
- Balistes capriscus
- Balistes punctatus
- Banded mongoose
- Barred buttonquail
- Barrow's goldeneye
- Batillaria sordida
- Bearded barbet
- Bembicium melanostoma
- Bengal florican
- Bistolida ursellus
- Black bulbul
- Black rail
- Black wheatear
- Black-and-red broadbill
- Black-breasted leaf turtle
- Black-capped bulbul
- Black-eared fairy
- Black-faced cuckooshrike
- Black-faced dacnis
- Black-faced ibis
- Black-headed antbird
- Black-lored parrot
- Black-throated blue warbler
- Black-throated green warbler
- Amazonian black-throated trogon
- Blond-crested woodpecker
- Blue duck
- Blue petrel
- Blue-and-yellow tanager
- Blue-crowned lorikeet
- Blue-headed hummingbird
- Booted eagle
- Boreal woodland caribou
- Bostrycapulus aculeatus
- Botula fusca
- Brahminy starling
- Brasenia schreberi
- Brazilian teal
- Bright-rumped attila
- Bristle-thighed curlew
- Broad-striped Malagasy mongoose
- Brown fish owl
- Brown-headed barbet
- Brunneifusus ternatanus
- Bullia laevissima
- Burnupena catarrhacta
- Bursa bufonia
- Buru friarbird
- Buru green pigeon
- Bushwren
- Caatinga puffbird
- Calliostoma jujubinum
- Callistocypraea aurantium
- Campo troupial
- Cansjera rheedei
- Cantharus tranquebaricus
- Cape dwarf chameleon
- Cape grassbird
- Cape May warbler
- Cape parrot
- Cape spurfowl
- Cape teal
- Capped wheatear
- Caracolus marginella
- Cardinal myzomela
- Caribachlamys imbricata
- Caribbean martin
- Carphephorus odoratissimus
- Caspian seal
- Caspian turtle
- Caspian whipsnake
- Cassidula nucleus
- Cassis tessellata
- Caucasian squirrel
- Causa holosericea
- Cellana radians
- Cellana rota
- Cellana stellifera
- Central African rock python
- Centrolophus niger
- Ceratostoma foliatum
- Chalcosyrphus valgus
- Chama macerophylla
- Changeable hawk-eagle
- Chattering kingfisher
- Cheilodipterus arabicus
- Chersobius signatus
- Chestnut-bellied cuckoo
- Chestnut-bellied partridge
- Chestnut-belted gnateater
- Chestnut-tailed starling
- Chorister robin-chat
- Christmas sandpiper
- Chrysobothris tranquebarica
- Chuck-will's-widow
- Chuquiraga jussieui
- Cinereous tinamou
- Cinnamon attila
- Cinnamon bittern
- Clanculus corallinus
- Clanculus guineensis
- Clapper rail
- Clava multicornis
- Clematis paniculata
- Cliff flycatcher
- Closterotomus norvegicus
- Cochlis vittata
- Coelotrochus viridis
- Collared aracari
- Colubraria maculosa
- Colubrellina condita
- Common diving petrel
- Common potoo
- Common warthog
- Common woodshrike
- Conasprella jaspidea
- Conus achatinus
- Conus amadis
- Conus coccineus
- Conus coffeae
- Conus coronatus
- Conus locumtenens
- Conus ochroleucus
- Conus radiatus
- Conus regius
- Conus solidus
- Conus spurius
- Conus thomae
- Conus ventricosus
- Conus vexillum
- Conus violaceus
- Cookia sulcata
- Copper-rumped hummingbird
- Coraya wren
- Coregonus ussuriensis
- Cotton pygmy goose
- Cratena peregrina
- Crimson rosella
- Crimson-crested woodpecker
- Crimson-fronted barbet
- Crucibulum auricula
- Cryptonatica affinis
- Cryptospira elegans
- Cuban grassquit
- Cut-throat finch
- Cyclina sinensis
- Cymbiola cymbiola
- Cymbiola flavicans
- Cymbium glans
- Cymbula canescens
- Cyrtulus undatus