Category:Poetry book cover images
Media in category "Poetry book cover images"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 394 total.
(previous page) (next page)"
- File:A false start.jpg
- File:A Hornbook for Witches (cover art).jpg
- File:A Light in the Attic cover.jpg
- File:A Useless Death - Patti Smith.jpg
- File:A-writing-kind-of-day.jpg
- File:AboutTheHouse.jpg
- File:AcademicGraffiti.jpg
- File:AgeOfAnxiety.jpg
- File:Aimé Césaire Moi laminaire.jpg
- File:Ajavasnamatsy.jpg
- File:Al pittman island cover.jpg
- File:Alice Front.jpg
- File:ALittleTreasuryOfModernPoetry.jpg
- File:Allen Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night cover.jpg
- File:AllWatchedOver.jpg
- File:AllYouWhoSleepTonight.jpg
- File:AlQueQuiere.jpg
- File:Always comes evening.jpg
- File:AmericanNight.jpg
- File:AnEarlyMartyr.JPG
- File:Angelou Collected poems.jpg
- File:AnnieAllen.jpg
- File:AnotherTime.jpg
- File:Anthology of Modern Serbian Lyric.jpg
- File:AprilTwilights.jpg
- File:ArielPlath.jpg
- File:Aroundtheborelog.jpg
- File:Ashwattha Book Cover.jpeg
- File:At the hub cover.jpg
- File:Atwoodanimals.jpg
- File:Auguries of Innocence - Patti Smith.jpg
- File:Autumn Journal (1939).jpg
- File:Averno Book Cover.jpg
- File:Babel - Patti Smith.jpg
- File:Bahuk Coverpage.jpg
- File:Banalata Sen.jpg
- File:Banner of joan.jpg
- File:Barda Na Dungar Coverpage.jpeg
- File:BarrackRoomBallads.jpg
- File:BeastlyTales.jpg
- File:Becoming the Villainess.jpg
- File:Beginnings (1988 book) cover.jpg
- File:Berman actual air.jpg
- File:Bhitarno.jpg
- File:Bihu songs of assam.jpg
- File:BirthdayLetters.jpg
- File:Black book of CAS.jpg
- File:Blinkingwithfistscover.jpeg
- File:Blood, Sparrows and Sparrows.jpg
- File:BobDylan Taratula.jpg
- File:Body Sweats Cover.jpg
- File:Book cover of "4 shekuj para Krishtit", poetry by Ferik Ferra.jpg
- File:BookOfHaikus.jpg
- File:BookOfPracticalCats.jpg
- File:BookOfSketches.jpg
- File:Borderlands La Frontera (Anzaldua book).jpg
- File:Buah Rindu cover.jpg
- File:BuckdancersChoice.jpg
- File:Burger hot dog cover.jpg
- File:Buried-alive.jpg
- File:By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept Cover.jpg
- File:ByTheCandelabrasGlare.jpg
- File:CarpenteredHen.jpg
- File:Carver A Life in Poems cover.jpg
- File:Chhe To Chhe Coverpage.jpeg
- File:ChineseWhispers.jpg
- File:Citizen - An American Lyric.jpg
- File:CityWithoutWalls.jpg
- File:Clarel - A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land (title page).jpg
- File:Coffey collected.jpg
- File:Collected poems tierney.jpg
- File:Colossus and Other Poems.jpg
- File:Coneyislandmind.jpg
- File:Cool Gardens logo.jpg
- File:Cover of Dàin do Eimhir.jpg
- File:Cover of Pei-Xiong translation of the Thai poem Lilit Phra Lo, 2013.jpg
- File:Cover of Richard Brautigan's June 30th, June 30th.jpg
- File:CreaturesOfADay.JPG
- File:Creep to death.jpg
- File:CrossingTheWater.jpg
- File:Crow (poem).jpg
- File:Dalkhi Thi Saav Chhutan Cover Page.png
- File:Dancingdream.jpg
- File:Dark chateau.jpg
- File:Dark Haired Girl.jpg
- File:Dark of the moon.jpg
- File:DeathOfANaturalist.jpg
- File:DeathsAndEntrances.jpg
- File:Demons and dinosaurs.jpg
- File:Den-stora-gatan.jpg
- File:Diwanontheprinceofemgion.jpg
- File:Dont dream.jpg
- File:DontBumpTheGlump.jpg
- File:DoorIntoTheDark.jpg
- File:DoublePersephone.jpg
- File:Dream songs cover image.jpg
- File:DreamCommonLanguage Rich.jpg
- File:Dreams from rlyeh.jpg
- File:Drug poems.jpg
- File:FaberBookOfModernAmericanVerse.jpg
- File:Falling Up book cover.jpg
- File:FallOfArthur.jpg
- File:Fêtes et Chansons anciennes de la Chine.jpg
- File:Field Guide to the End of the World, book cover, medium.jpg
- File:FieldWorkHeaney.jpg
- File:FiftyPoems.jpg
- File:Fire and sleet and candlelight.jpg
- File:FloatingWorld.jpg
- File:FlowChartAshbery.jpg
- File:FlowersForHitler.jpg
- File:Footprints on Sand.jpg
- File:ForaLivingCover.jpg
- File:ForTheTimeBeing.jpg
- File:ForTheUnionDead.jpg
- File:Friends (poetry collection).png
- File:Front cover of La Mia Mar by Maria Chessa Lai.jpg
- File:Ha! Ha! Houdini! - Patti Smith.jpg
- File:Have-you-been-to-the-beach-lately.jpg
- File:HawLantern.jpg
- File:Heaney selected poems.jpg
- File:HelloSunshine.jpg
- File:Heroes and hobgoblins.jpg
- File:HHessePoemsCover.jpg
- File:HighWindowsBook.jpg
- File:HomageToClio.jpg
- File:HotAfternoonsHaveBeenInMontana.jpg
- File:HotelLautreamont.jpg
- File:Human Chain.jpg
- File:Humble Administrator VSeth.jpg
- File:HuojuvatKeulat.jpg
- File:I Hope Like Heck cover.jpg
- File:I Shall Not Be Moved (Angelou collection).jpg
- File:I-Am-Wings.jpg
- File:Ian Hamilton - Collected Poems.jpg
- File:Ian Hamilton The Visit.jpg
- File:Ideas of Order in Experimental Poetry - Circle Edition.jpg
- File:In His Own Write.jpg
- File:In mayan spledor.jpg
- File:In Our Translated World.jpg
- File:InfinityBlues.jpg
- File:Inger Christensen - Alphabet.jpeg
- File:Inside The Wave cover.jpg
- File:Insurreciondelpoema.jpg
- File:Interlunar.jpg
- File:IronHorseGinsberg.jpg
- File:Is5Cummings.jpg
- File:La chasse spirituelle, 1949 edition.jpg
- File:LandOfUnlikeness.jpg
- File:Language for a New Century.jpg
- File:Lay the Marble Tea by Richard Brautigan cover.jpg
- File:Leonard Cohen Selected Poems 1956-1968 front (Viking, US).jpg
- File:Les Champs Magnétiques Cover.jpg
- File:LettersFromIceland.jpg
- File:LetUsCompareMythologies.jpg
- File:LifeStudies.jpg
- File:LoadingMercuryWithAPitchfork.jpg
- File:LookStranger.jpg
- File:LordWearysCastle.jpg
- File:LosVersosDelCapitán.jpg
- File:LunchPoems.jpg