Category:Out of copyright in 2027
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
- Film posters by Josef Fenneker (159 F)
Media in category "Out of copyright in 2027"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 373 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- File:A Debt of Honour (1921 film).jpg
- File:A history of the theories of aether and electricity. Whittacker E.T. (1910).pdf
- File:A Knight in London.jpg
- File:A Woman with Style.jpg
- File:A-Kiss-From-Mary-Pickford-1927.jpg
- File:A-peep-into-the-past.jpg
- File:A-survey-carson.jpg
- File:A-survey-gordon-craig.jpg
- File:A-survey-gosse.jpg
- File:A-survey-gwynn.jpg
- File:A-survey-hewlett.jpg
- File:A-survey-king-spain.jpg
- File:A-survey-lloyd-george.jpg
- File:A-survey-lord-spencer.jpg
- File:About That 1923 cover.jpg
- File:Aerial View of Edinburgh, by Alfred Buckham, from about 1920 - Original.png
- File:Aerial View of Edinburgh, by Alfred Buckham, from about 1920.jpg
- File:Aerial View of Edinburgh, by Alfred Buckham, from about 1920.png
- File:Albert Gleizes, Juan Gris, Jean Metzinger, El Correo Catalán, 25 April 1912.jpg
- File:George Alexander Vanity Fair 20 January 1909.JPG
- File:Ali Mall July 2020.jpg
- File:Alraune (1918) poster.jpg
- File:Anna Karenina (1920 film).jpg
- File:Babar1.jpg
- File:Baccarat (film).jpg
- File:Back to Bool Bool book cover.png
- File:Barmaid (film).jpg
- File:Beardsley-max-1896.jpg
- File:Beerbohm Theft and Restitution (en).jpg
- File:Beerbohm-Beardsley.jpg
- File:Beerbohm-club-types.jpg
- File:Benno Stehkragen.jpg
- File:Bernard-Shaw-1904.jpg
- File:Blonde Poison.jpg
- File:Brooklyn Museum - South Sea Islander (Südsee-Insulaner II) - Emil Nolde.jpg
- File:Cartoon about tanks by Louis Raemaekers.jpg
- File:Casanova (1918) poster.jpg
- File:Circus of Life.jpg
- File:Clown Charly (1918) poster.jpg
- File:Compagnie Générale de Transports Aériens-Air Algérie logo 1956.png
- File:Count Festenberg.jpg
- File:Count Varenne's Lover.jpg
- File:Countess Ironing-Maid Poster.jpg
- File:Countess Maritza (1925 film).jpg
- File:Cover of Sovetskoe Foto No.10, October 1927.png
- File:Daisy, The Adventures of a Lady.jpeg
- File:Dante Gabriel Rossetti in His Back-Garden.gif
- File:Das alte Gesetz (1923) poster.jpg
- File:Das Buch Esther (1919) poster.jpg
- File:Das Mädel vom Ballet (1918) poster.jpg
- File:Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen (1918) poster.jpg
- File:Das Wunder des Schneeschuhs (1920) poster.jpg
- File:Das Zeichen des Malayen (1920) poster.jpg
- File:Department Store Princess.jpg
- File:Der Gelbe Schein (1918) poster.jpg
- File:Der Graf von Essex (1922) poster.jpg
- File:Der Totentanz (1919) poster.jpg
- File:Der-januskopf-german-movie-poster-md.jpg
- File:Dick Tracy (character).png
- File:Die Augen der Mumie Ma (1918) poster.jpg
- File:Die elf Teufel (1927) poster.jpg
- File:Die Jagd nach dem Tode (1920) poster.jpg
- File:Die Prinzessin vom Nil (1920) poster.jpg
- File:Die Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen (1919) poster.jpg
- File:Die Siebzehnjährigen (1929) poster.jpg
- File:Die tolle Lola -- movie poster.jpg
- File:Die Tophar-Mumie (1920) poster.jpg
- File:Do You Reverse? by Sidney Strube.png
- File:Doctor Schotte.jpg
- File:Douro, Faina Fluvial (1931) Film Poster.jpg
- File:Driving Force (1921 film).jpg
- File:EDIT GIRL based on Alexander Rodchenko 1924 poster.png
- File:Egyptian, Nicos Nicolaides, 1917.jpg
- File:Emil Nolde - 1909 - Wildly Dancing Children.jpg
- File:Emil Nolde, 1915, Die Grablegung (Begravelsen, The Burial), oil on canvas, 87 x 117 cm, Stiftung Nolde, Seebüll.jpg
- File:EmilNolde-Blumengarten(ohne+Figur)1908.jpg
- File:Enoch-soames-max.jpg
- File:Ernest Crosbie photo.png
- File:Eternal River.jpg
- File:Father and Son (1918 film).jpg
- File:Femmes au chien 1923 oil on canvas.jpg
- File:Ferdinand Lassalle (film).jpg
- File:Fifty-caricatures-1913.jpg
- File:Fifty-caricatures-balfour-1913.jpg
- File:Fifty-caricatures-caruso-1913.jpg
- File:Fifty-caricatures-chesterfield-1913.jpg
- File:Fifty-caricatures-shaw-1913.jpg
- File:Fifty-caricatures-title-1913.jpg
- File:Five Minutes Too Late.jpg
- File:Florence-beerbohm-c1918.jpg
- File:Four Around a Woman.jpg
- File:Frank Brangwyn - Old Houses (Gant) - Google Art Project.jpg
- File:Fräulein Julie (1922) poster.jpg
- File:French ironclad Duguesclin NH 66072.jpg
- File:James K Hackett as MacBeth sculpture by Florence Brevoort Kane 1923 Paris.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1905-06, Baigneuse, Deux nus dans un jardin exotique (Two Nudes in an Exotic Landscape), oil on canvas, 116 x 88.8 cm.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1906, Coucher de Soleil No. 1 (Landscape), oil on canvas, 72.5 x 100 cm, Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, Netherlands.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1906, La dance (Bacchante), oil on canvas, 73 x 54 cm DSC05359...jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1907, Paysage coloré aux oiseaux aquatiques, oil on canvas, 74 x 99 cm, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1910-11, Deux Nus (Two Nudes, Two Women), oil on canvas, 92 x 66 cm, Gothenburg Museum of Art, Sweden.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1910-11, Deux Nus (Two Nudes), dimensions and whereabouts unknown..jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1910, Nu à la cheminée, published in Les Peintres Cubistes, 1913.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1911-12, La Femme au Cheval - The Rider.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1911-12, Man with a Pipe (Portrait of an American Smoker), oil on canvas, 92.7 x 65.4 cm (36.5 x 25.75 in), Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1911-12, The Harbor, location unknown, reproduced in Du "Cubism" 1912.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1911, Étude pour Le Goûter (Study for Tea Time), Exposició d'Art Cubista, Galeries J. Dalmau, catalogue, Barcelona, 20 April-10 May 1912.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1911, Étude pour Le Goûter, Exposició d'Art Cubista, Galeries Dalmau, Barcelona, 1912 (catalogue).jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1911, Etude pour Le Goûter, graphite and ink on paper, 19 x 15 cm, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1911, Etude pour le portrait de Guillaume Apollinaire, Mine graphite sur papier vergé rose, 48 x 31.2 cm, Musée national d'Art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1911, Nu (Nu debout), oil on carton, 52 x 35 cm. Reproduced in Du "Cubisme", 1912, B&W.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1911, Nu (Nu debout), oil on carton, 52 x 35 cm. Reproduced in Du "Cubisme", 1912.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1912-13, Femme à l'Éventail, Woman with a Fan, oil on canvas, 90.7 x 64.2 cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1912-1913, L'Oiseau bleu, (The Blue Bird) oil on canvas, 230 x 196 cm, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris..jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1912, Danseuse au café, Dancer in a café, oil on canvas, 146.1 x 114.3 cm, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1912, Femme à l'Éventail (Woman with a Fan), oil on canvas, 90.7 x 64.2 cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1912, Landscape (Marine, Composition Cubiste), oil on canvas, 51.4 x 68.6 cm, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1912, Paysage (Landscape), oil on canvas, 59.2 x 73 cm, Art Institute of Chicago.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1913, En Canot, oil on canvas, 146 x 114 cm, missing or destroyed.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1913, Etude pour L'Oiseau bleu, Centre Pompidou, Musée National d'Art Moderne.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1913, La Femme à l'Éventail, Woman with a Fan, oil on canvas, 92.8 x 65.2 cm, Art Institute of Chicago..jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1913, study for Le Canot, pencil drawing on paper, 28 x 23.5 cm, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1915, Soldat jouant aux échecs (Soldier at a Game of Chess), detail chessboard and table.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1915, Soldat jouant aux échecs (Soldier at a Game of Chess), detail head.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1915, Soldat jouant aux échecs (Soldier at a Game of Chess), oil on canvas, 81.3 x 61 cm, Smart Museum of Art.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1915, Soldat jouant aux échecs (Soldier at a Game of Chess), X-ray overlay.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1916, Femme au miroir (Femme à sa toilette, Lady at her Dressing Table), oil on canvas, 92.4 x 65.1 cm, private collection.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1916, Femme au miroir, detail.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1916, Fruit and a Jug on a Table, oil and sand on canvas, 115.9 x 81 cm, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston..jpeg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1917, Nature morte, Exposició d'Art francès d'Avantguarda, Galeries Dalmau, Barcelona, 1920 (catalogue).jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, 1924, Portrait de Léonce Rosenberg, pencil on paper, 50 x 36.5 cm, Musée national d'Art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris..jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, c.1905-06, Nu dans un paysage, oil on canvas, 73 x 54 cm.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, c.1905, Baigneuses, Deux nus dans un jardin exotique, oil on canvas, 116 x 88.8 cm, Colección Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, c.1906, Femme au Chapeau (Woman with a Hat), oil on canvas, 44.8 x 36.8 cm, Korban Art Foundation..jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, c.1908, Baigneuses (Bathers), illustrated in Gelett Burgess, The Wild Men of Paris, The Architectural Record, Document 3, May 1910, New York, location unknown.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, c.1911, Nature morte (Compotier et cruche décorée de cerfs), oil on canvas, 93.5 by 66.5 cm, 1917 publication.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, c.1912, Paysage (Landscape), location unknown. Reproduced in Du "Cubisme", 1912.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, c.1913, Le Fumeur (Man with a Pipe), 129.7 x 96.68 cm, Carnegie Museum of Art.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, c.1914, Femme devant le miroir, pencil on paper, 60.3 x 47.6 cm, private collection.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, c.1915, L'infirmière (The Nurse), published in l'Elan, Number 9, 12 February 1916.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, ca 1911, Nature morte, oil on canvas, 93.5 by 66.5 cm.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, Gino Severini, Albert Gleizes, Les Annales politiques et littéraires, Sommaire du n. 1536, décembre 1912.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, invitation card, Léonce Rosenberg, Galerie de L'Effort Moderne, January 1919.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, Juan Gris, Marie Laurencin, August Agero, Veu de Catalunya, 25 April 1912.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, La Danse (Bacchant); Pablo Picasso, Figure dans un Fauteuil, Catalogue Collection Uhde, Hôtel Drouot, 30 May 1921.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, Le Goûter (Tea Time), published in Le Journal, 30 September 1911.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, Le goûter, Tea Time, 1911, 75.9 x 70.2 cm, Philadelphia Museum of Art.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, Portrait of an American Smoking, 1912, Cubist Exhibition, Boggs & Buhl Department Store, Pittsburgh, July 1913.jpg
- File:Jean Metzinger, Soldier at a Game of Chess, X-ray composite.jpg
- File:Jettchen Gebert's Story.jpg
- File:Jim Cowrey is Dead.jpg
- File:Joaquim Sunyer, c.1920, La sandía, oil on canvas, 59 x 71.5 cm, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.jpg
- File:Johannes Goth.jpg
- File:Johnson-TakeYourStand.jpg
- File:La Boheme (1923 film).jpg
- File:La Reconquista de Buenos Aires.jpg
- File:Lady Hamilton (1921 film).jpg
- File:Laws of the Navy, Plate 1.jpg
- File:Le Cubisme devant les Artistes, Les Annales politiques et littéraires, 1 December 1912.jpg
- File:Leontine's Husbands.jpg
- File:Lilli (1919) poster.jpg
- File:Littoridina gaudichaudii 2.png
- File:Lorenzo Burghardt.jpg
- File:Louis Raemaekers - To your health, civilization, 1916.jpg
- File:Louis Raemakers, Thrown to the Swine; The Martyred Nurse.jpg
- File:Love Affairs (1927 film).jpg
- File:Lt Col J Hartley.gif
- File:Lyda Ssanin.jpg
- File:Lyonel Feininger, 1914, Benz VI, oil on canvas, 100 x 125 cm (39.3 x 49.2 in).jpg
- File:Lyonel Feininger's painting 'Gaberndorf II', 1924.jpg
- File:Maciste und die Javanerin (1922) poster.jpg
- File:Madame de La Pommeraye's Intrigues.jpg
- File:Madame Récamier (1920 film).jpg
- File:Maurice Maeterlinck, Vanity Fair, 1908-07-22.jpg
- File:Maria Pavlowna.jpg
- File:Marià Pidelaserra - A Mountain. Montseny. Sunset - Google Art Project.jpg
- File:Marià Pidelaserra - A Paris Street (Winter Sunshine) - Google Art Project.jpg