Category:Mathematics source templates
![]() | The pages listed in this category are templates.
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This category contains pages in the template namespace. It should not be used to categorize articles or pages in other namespaces. To add a template to this category:
Articles and templates for referencing mathematics articles.
{{Abramowitz Stegun ref}}
— Abramowitz and Stegun{{Citation}}
— for books and journals{{Cite arXiv}}
— arXiv{{harv}}
for linking to references{{MathGenealogy}}
— Mathematics Genealogy Project{{MR}}
— Makes a link to MathSciNet from an MR (A.M.S. Mathematical Reviews) id{{MacTutor}}
— MacTutor History of Mathematics archive{{Mathnet}}
— Makes a link to via Mi index{{MathWorld}}
— MathWorld{{nlab}}
— nLab (aka ncatlab, n-Category lab){{OEIS}}
,{{Cite OEIS}}
— reference to sequence in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences{{PlanetMath reference}}
— PlanetMath{{SpringerEOM}}
— Springer Encyclopaedia of Mathematics{{Scholarpedia}}
— Scholarpedia{{Zbl}}
— Makes a link to zbMATH from a Zbl id.{{JFM}}
— Makes a link to zbMATH from a JFM (German: Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik) id.{{ERAM}}
— Makes a link to zbMATH from an ERAM (Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics) id.
Pages in category "Mathematics source templates"
The following 171 pages are in this category, out of 171 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
- Template:Abramowitz Stegun ref
- Template:Adams Fournier Sobolev Spaces
- Template:Adams Franzosa Introduction to Topology Pure and Applied
- Template:Adasch Topological Vector Spaces
- Template:Aliprantis Border Infinite Dimensional Analysis A Hitchhiker's Guide Third Edition
- Template:Animated Knots
- Template:Apostol IANT
- Template:Arkhangel'skii Ponomarev Fundamentals of General Topology Problems and Exercises
- Template:Arnold Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics 1989
- Template:Arxiv
- Template:Axler Measure, Integration & Real Analysis
- Template:Bachman Narici Functional Analysis 2nd Edition
- Template:Bahouri Chemin Danchin Fourier Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 2011
- Template:Banach Théorie des Opérations Linéaires
- Template:Bauschke Combettes Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces 2nd ed 2017
- Template:Berberian Lectures in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory
- Template:Bessaga Pełczyński Selected Topics in Infinite-Dimensional Topology
- Template:Bierstedt An Introduction to Locally Convex Inductive Limits
- Template:Bogachev Smolyanov Topological Vector Spaces and Their Applications
- Template:Bourbaki Algebra I Chapters 1-3 Springer
- Template:Bourbaki Algebra II Chapters 4-7 Springer
- Template:Bourbaki EHM
- Template:Bourbaki Functions of a Real Variable Elementary Theory Springer
- Template:Bourbaki General Topology Part I Chapters 1-4
- Template:Bourbaki General Topology Part II Chapters 5-10
- Template:Bourbaki Topological Vector Spaces Part 1 Chapters 1–5
- Template:Boyd Vandenberghe Convex Optimization 2004
- Template:Cite AIMA
- Template:Cite AIMA/sandbox
- Template:Cite arXiv
- Template:Cite EGA
- Template:Cite Geometric Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization
- Template:Colombeau Differential Calculus and Holomorphy
- Template:Comfort Negrepontis The Theory of Ultrafilters 1974
- Template:Conway A Course in Functional Analysis
- Template:Cornell Silverman AG
- Template:Császár General Topology
- Template:DBLP
- Template:Diestel The Metric Theory of Tensor Products Grothendieck's Résumé Revisited
- Template:Dineen Complex Analysis in Locally Convex Spaces
- Template:Dixmier General Topology
- Template:Dlmf
- Template:Dolecki Mynard Convergence Foundations Of Topology
- Template:Dubinsky The Structure of Nuclear Fréchet Spaces
- Template:Dugundji Topology
- Template:Dunford Schwartz Linear Operators Part 1 General Theory
- Template:Durrett Probability Theory and Examples 5th Edition
- Template:Halmos A Hilbert Space Problem Book 1982
- Template:Halmos Introduction to Hilbert Space and the Theory of Spectral Multiplicity 2017
- Template:Hardy and Wright
- Template:Hartshorne AG
- Template:Hastie Tibshirani Friedman The Elements of Statistical Learning 2009
- Template:Hatcher AT
- Template:Hefferon Linear Algebra
- Template:Hogbe-Nlend Bornologies and Functional Analysis
- Template:Hogbe-Nlend Moscatelli Nuclear and Conuclear Spaces
- Template:Horváth Topological Vector Spaces and Distributions Volume 1 1966
- Template:Howes Modern Analysis and Topology 1995
- Template:Husain Khaleelulla Barrelledness in Topological and Ordered Vector Spaces
- Template:Keller Differential Calculus in Locally Convex Spaces
- Template:Kelley General Topology
- Template:Kelley General Topology/sandbox
- Template:Kelley Namioka Linear Topological Spaces 1963
- Template:Khaleelulla Counterexamples in Topological Vector Spaces
- Template:Knot Atlas
- Template:KnotInfo
- Template:Kolmogorov Fomin Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis
- Template:Kosinski Differential Manifolds 2007
- Template:Köthe Topological Vector Spaces I
- Template:Köthe Topological Vector Spaces II
- Template:Kriegl Michor The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis
- Template:Kubrusly The Elements of Operator Theory 2nd Edition 2011
- Template:MacTutor
- Template:Malkowsky Rakočević Advanced Functional Analysis
- Template:Mathematics Subject Classification links
- Template:MathGenealogy
- Template:Mathnet
- Template:MathWorld
- Template:MathWorld2
- Template:Matsumura CA
- Template:McKennon Robertson Locally Convex Spaces
- Template:Mitchell TOC
- Template:MR
- Template:Munkres Topology
- Template:Pietsch Nuclear Locally Convex Spaces
- Template:PlanetMath
- Template:PlanetMath reference
- Template:PlanetMath attribution
- Template:PlanetMath instructions
- Template:PolyCell
- Template:Prawitz Natural Deduction
- Template:Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics
- Template:Princeton Companion to Mathematics
- Template:Project Euclid
- Template:ProofWiki
- Template:ProofWiki reference
- Template:Publisher Item Identifier
- Template:Riesz Szőkefalvi-Nagy Functional Analysis Dover 1990
- Template:Robertson Topological Vector Spaces
- Template:Rockafellar Wets Variational Analysis 2009 Springer
- Template:Royden Fitzpatrick Real Analysis 4th 2010
- Template:Rudin Walter Functional Analysis
- Template:Ryan Introduction to Tensor Products of Banach Spaces
- Template:Saunders The Geometry of Jet Bundles
- Template:Schaefer Wolff Topological Vector Spaces
- Template:Schechter Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations
- Template:Scholarpedia
- Template:Schubert Topology
- Template:Scopus
- Template:Sharpe Differential Geometry: Cartan's Generalization of Klein's Erlangen Program
- Template:Software Heritage link
- Template:SpringerEOM
- Template:SpringerEOM attribution
- Template:Steenrod The Topology of Fibre Bundles 1999
- Template:Stewart Calculus
- Template:Swartz An Introduction to Functional Analysis
- Template:Taalman Kohn Calculus
- Template:Takhtajan Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians 2008
- Template:TAOCP
- Template:Teschl ODEs
- Template:The Geometrical Foundation of Natural Structure (book)
- Template:Thomson Bruckner Bruckner Elementary Real Analysis
- Template:Trench Intro Real Analysis
- Template:Trèves François Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels