Category:Books in political philosophy
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Books in political philosophy.
Texts, either classical or modern, which have influenced the development of political thought and philosophy relating to politics.
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Pages in category "Books in political philosophy"
The following 186 pages are in this category, out of 186 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
- Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
- Common Organization of the Society
- The Commonwealth of Oceana
- A Companion to Continental Philosophy
- The Complete Anti-Federalist
- The Concept of Law
- The Concept of the Political
- A Conflict of Visions
- Conservatism: A Rediscovery
- Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition
- Considerations on Representative Government
- Constitutions (Aristotle)
- Crises of the Republic
- The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy
- The Critical Legal Studies Movement
- Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
- Crito
- Culture vs. Copyright
- Lament for a Nation
- Land and Sea: A World-Historical Meditation
- Law in Modern Society
- The Law of Peoples
- The Law (Bastiat book)
- The Left Alternative
- The Legitimation of Power
- Leviathan (Hobbes book)
- Lex, Rex
- Liberalism and the Limits of Justice
- Liberalism Is a Sin
- Libertarianism Without Inequality
- Liberty and Nature
- Liberty Defined
- The Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of Moderns
- Life of Castruccio Castracani
- Patriarcha
- Persecution and the Art of Writing
- Philippine Society and Revolution
- The Philosophical Manifesto of the Historical School of Law
- Philosophy and Real Politics
- Policraticus
- Political Animals and Animal Politics
- Politics (Aristotle)
- Politics and Excellence
- Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture
- The Pope (book)
- Power: A New Social Analysis
- The Prince
- Prison Notebooks
- Privacy and Freedom
- Prussianism and Socialism
- The Racial Contract
- Radicals for Capitalism
- The Reason of State
- Reason, Romanticism and Revolution
- The Religion of the Future
- Republic of Equals
- Republics and Kingdoms Compared
- Revolt Against the Modern World
- The Revolt of the Masses
- The Revolution: A Manifesto
- The Right Side of History
- The Righteous Mind
- Rights of Man
- The Rise of Modern Judicial Review
- The Road to Serfdom
- Rules for Radicals
- The Salvaging of Civilization
- The Self Awakened
- Sentientist Politics
- The Servile State
- The Social Contract
- Social Justice in the Liberal State
- Socratic Citizenship
- The Source and Remedy of the National Difficulties
- Sovereignty and Its Other
- Spheres of Justice
- The Spirit of Law
- St Petersburg Dialogues
- The State (book)
- Taking a Stand
- The Tea Party Goes to Washington
- The Tears of the White Man
- The Temptation of Innocence
- A Theory of Justice
- Theory of the Partisan
- Thoughts on Government
- Thoughts on Machiavelli
- A Thousand Small Sanities
- Three Principles of the People
- Traité sur les apparitions des esprits et sur les vampires ou les revenans de Hongrie, de Moravie, &c.
- The True Law of Free Monarchies
- Two Concepts of Liberty
- Two Tracts on Government
- Two Treatises of Government
- The Tyranny of Guilt