Category:Birds of Trinidad and Tobago
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Birds of Trinidad and Tobago.
This category has only the following subcategory.
Pages in category "Birds of Trinidad and Tobago"
The following 188 pages are in this category, out of 188 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
- Band-rumped swift
- Band-tailed pigeon
- Barred antshrike
- Bay-headed tanager
- Bearded bellbird
- Bicolored conebill
- Black hawk-eagle
- Black-capped donacobius
- Black-crested antshrike
- Black-faced antthrush
- Black-tailed tityra
- Black-throated mango
- Blue dacnis
- Blue ground dove
- Blue-and-white swallow
- Blue-and-yellow macaw
- Blue-backed manakin
- Blue-black grassquit
- Blue-chinned sapphire
- Blue-gray tanager
- Blue-headed parrot
- Blue-tailed emerald
- Boat-billed flycatcher
- Boat-billed heron
- Bran-colored flycatcher
- Bright-rumped attila
- Brown violetear
- Giant cowbird
- Golden-fronted greenlet
- Golden-headed manakin
- Golden-olive woodpecker
- Golden-rumped euphonia
- Gray-lined hawk
- Great antshrike
- Greater ani
- Green hermit
- Green heron
- Green honeycreeper
- Green-backed trogon
- Green-rumped parrotlet
- Green-throated mango
- Grey seedeater
- Grey-breasted crake
- Grey-fronted dove
- Grey-rumped swift
- Grey-throated leaftosser
- Guianan trogon
- Red siskin
- Red-bellied macaw
- Red-breasted meadowlark
- Red-crowned ant tanager
- Red-footed booby
- Red-legged honeycreeper
- Ruby-topaz hummingbird
- Ruddy ground dove
- Ruddy-breasted seedeater
- Rufous crab hawk
- Rufous-breasted hermit
- Rufous-breasted wren
- Rufous-shafted woodstar
- Rufous-tailed jacamar
- Rufous-vented chachalaca
- Savanna hawk
- Scaled antpitta
- Scaled dove
- Scaled pigeon
- Scarlet ibis
- Scarlet macaw
- Scrub greenlet
- Short-tailed hawk
- Short-tailed pygmy tyrant
- Short-tailed swift
- Silvered antbird
- Slate-coloured seedeater
- Slaty-capped flycatcher
- Sooty grassquit
- Southern beardless tyrannulet
- Southern rough-winged swallow
- Speckled tanager
- Spectacled thrush
- Spotted rail
- Spotted tody-flycatcher
- Squirrel cuckoo
- Straight-billed woodcreeper
- Streaked saltator
- Stripe-backed bittern
- Stripe-breasted spinetail
- Striped cuckoo
- Wattled jacana
- White bellbird
- White hawk
- White-bearded manakin
- White-bellied antbird
- White-chested emerald
- White-flanked antwren
- White-headed marsh tyrant
- White-lined tanager
- White-necked jacobin
- White-necked thrush
- White-shouldered tanager
- White-tailed goldenthroat
- White-tailed nightjar
- White-tailed sabrewing
- White-tipped dove
- White-winged becard
- White-winged swallow
- Wing-barred seedeater