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2025 Ministry of Finance protests

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2025 Ministry of Finance protests (Japanese: 財務省解体デモ, Hepburn: Zaimusho-kaitai-demo) is a series of protests in Japan made against the Ministry of Finance since February 21, 2025. The protests are mainly taking place in front of the ministry's building, although smaller protests occurred in regional cities.

The protests, according to supporters and various sources are demanding the taxes in the country to be decreased or abolished, such as the consumption tax, while some supporters called for the dissolution of the entire ministry. Misinformation spread in the protests via social media platforms like Twitter, claiming that Donald Trump is planning to force the dissolution of the ministry.

While there were initially no significant disruptions or incidents during the protests, Takashi Tachibana was attacked with a knife before making a speech at the protest on March 14, leaving him with cuts in the ear.



Negative emotions against the Ministry of Finance were seeing an increase since the end of 2024. When Democratic Party For the People demanded the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito to raise the amount of income where income tax starts to apply from the current 1,030,000 yen in an effort to increase the amount of money people have on their hand, the LDP hesitated to make this change citing the large amount of decrease in incomes from taxes. Yuichiro Tamaki, the leader of DPFP made a post on Twitter that the Ministry of Finance is trying to convince the mass media by releasing the projections for the decrease in income the government would face by the change. After this post, online attacks and negative comments against Ministry of Finance drastically increased by people who assumed that the "old media" and Ministry of Finance was resisting this proposal.[1][2] Yuichiro, in response to this increase commented that people should focus on constructive discussions instead of spreading conspiracy theories and making attacks.[2] Although the three political parties ended up reaching an agreement to accept DPFP's proposal, LDP and Komeito later ignored this agreement, resulting in public rage, especially among DPFP supporters.[3]



The protests were first reported on February 21, with a number of around a thousand protesters in front of the Ministry of Finance building. The first protests had no major incidents or disruptions although police were sent to the area.[4] The protests spread through social media platforms, resulting in protests being held in regional cities such as Sapporo.[5] Protesters mainly demand the reduction in tax such as Consumption tax, while some people demand the dissolution of the ministry itself.[6] Protests continued for several days, with a larger protest being held across 12 cities in Japan on March 14.[3]

On March 14, a man was arrested for Attempted murder against Takashi Tachibana after he attacked him with a knife when Takashi was taking photos with his supporters during the protest. Takashi had cuts in his ear, and was taken to hospital.[7]

Misinformation spread through online platforms such as Twitter as the protests gained coverage.[8]



The protests received mixed reactions. Yuichiro Tamaki, the leader of DPFP stated "Although we should avoid simply attacking ministries and workers, but politicians need to react to the background where this anger is coming from." He also pointed out that the population's dissatisfaction agaisnt the ministry raising taxes despite the rising living costs and long-term economic stagnation is causing the protests.[9]

Shigeru Ishiba, the prime minister of Japan stated "The protests show public anger and dissatisfaction, and we must make efforts for the citizens to understand our intentions." He then supported the ministry, saying "The Ministry of Finance is goin through rough times, with this protest taking place. The ministry is doing all it can to improve the country."[10]

Fusao Izumi, former mayor of Akashi stated "Nothing will change if no one speaks up. Discussions start because someone speaks up."[11] Hiroyuki Nishimura, founder of 2channel reacted negatively, calling it "a waste of time and energy".[12]


  1. ^ 諒, 西山 (23 November 2024). "財務省への批判がXで急増、リプライは衆院選後15倍以上に 殺到の批判コメントを可視化". 産経新聞:産経ニュース (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  2. ^ a b 日本テレビ. "財務省のXへ批判コメント過熱…何が? 国民民主党・玉木氏も言及 「誹謗中傷はやめられた方がいい」|日テレNEWS NNN". 日テレNEWS NNN (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  3. ^ a b "「財務省解体デモ」が全国で拡大、石破総理も言及 異様な拡散に主催者も困惑「逆にちょっと騒がれすぎで違和感がある」". テレ朝news (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  4. ^ "財務省解体デモ|テレ東BIZ". テレビ東京 (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  5. ^ "きっかけは「年収103万円の壁」?全国に拡大 札幌でも財務省解体デモ 専門家「次の選挙に影響も」". HTB北海道ニュース (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  6. ^ 日本放送協会 (14 March 2025). "財務省前 減税や積極財政求めるデモ続く | NHK". NHKニュース. Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  7. ^ 日本放送協会 (14 March 2025). "NHKから国民を守る党 立花党首 財務省前で襲われけが 男は逮捕 | NHK". NHKニュース. Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  8. ^ "前澤友作氏、財務省デモに関する"デマ"拡散に苦言「無駄なんて一言も言ってない」(スポニチアネックス)". Yahoo!ニュース (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  9. ^ "古巣の財務省「解体デモ」に国民・玉木雄一郎代表「起きる背景、政治はもっと敏感に反応を」(日刊スポーツ)". Yahoo!ニュース (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  10. ^ 慎平, 奥原 (4 March 2025). "財務省解体デモは「国民の不安と怒り体現」石破首相「等閑視すべきでない」れいわ高井氏に". 産経新聞:産経ニュース (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  11. ^ "泉房穂氏 あす全国一斉"財務省解体デモ"に「黙っていても何も変わらない。声をあげれば議論が始まる」(スポニチアネックス)". Yahoo!ニュース (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 March 2025.
  12. ^ "ひろゆき、財務省解体デモは「財務省の前で何を叫ぼうとしても無駄」 「効果のないデモ」に私見(J-CASTニュース)". Yahoo!ニュース (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 March 2025.