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[edit]- AlphaEase FC – image analysis software.
- Anytime B* – sibling algoritm to Anytime A*
- Attestation Credential Certificate – Mentioned at [1]
- BALZ – A ROLZ-based file compressor. [2]
- Bitsort - An O(N) time and O(1) space sorting algorithm with variants. [3]
- Cover Fieldtree - Data Structure for storing Geospatial Information efficiently, AKA Loose Quadtree (Octree), maybe have Fieldtree article [4][5].
- CrowdControlHQ – Social media management software.
- Deutsch–Schorr–Waite algorithm/Link inversion algorithms[6]
- Dynamic Quantum Clustering Analyzing big data. [7] [8] [9]
- Elias-Fano Partitioned indexes [1]
- ELBG - enhanced LBG (VQ algorithm)
- ELS-coder
- Farthest Addition - constructive greedy algorithm (see nearest neighbour, nearest addition)
- Find-S - [10]
- First Story Detection - finding the first mentions of a breaking news story from a stream. [11]
- Fully Automatic Clustering System - vector quantization algorithm (linked from FACS)
- Fully threaded binary search tree
- Gentleboost
- Growing Cell Structures, published in 1994 by Bernd Fritzke, is an important algorithm, especially for unsupervised learning (clustering). Its importance should be roughly similar to neural gas. [2]
- Health Information Service Provider (HISP) - [12] [13]
- Internal state – [14]
- International Repair Information Service – [15]
- Invertable bloom lookup tables (IBLTs): Hashed data structure used to get the difference between two sets.
- Iterative lengthening search - referred to in Iterative deepening depth-first search
- Jump string - somehow related to jump tables
- Lasserre Hierarchy - hierarchy of semidefinite programming relaxations
- March Algorithm - A class of algorithms used to test a computing device's memory. It consists of a sequence of operations applied to each memory cell before proceeding to the next one. [16]
- March C+ algorithm - A memory testing algorithm. "The basic principle is to use finite state machines to read and write all the addresses one by one" [17]
- Maximum cardinality search algorithm - see Lex BFS
- Multihop data propagation
- Multilist structure
- Program analysis and transformation - methods for semantically understanding and modifying programs (as far as I can tell)[18]
- Rao-Blackwellized particle filter - for performing approximate inference in dynamic systems with both discrete and continuous state
- ssdeep - A hashing algorithm, typically used in file fingerprinting
- Twin Sorting Algorithm - A new core sorting algorithm that orders the data based on pairs and a unique mathematical logic. Ref - [19]
- Upper Confidence Bound (UCB Algorithm) - Very important algorithm in Machine Learning. Used in many state of the arts results, including AlphaGo Nature's paper. This is an trustworthy source: [20]
- VF2 (Algorithm) - Graph Isomorphism Algorithm
- Zhao Saalfeld algorithm - A line point reduction algorithm.
- Whiplash Gradient Descent - A first-order non-linear algorithm for the optimization of stiff systems like the Rosenbrock's function. Ref - [21]
Artificial Intelligence
[edit]- AI tarpits in general or Nepenthe (tarpit and Iocane (tarpit) in particular:
- Cognitive robotic abstract machine (CRAM) is a plugin for the ROS robot control software which formulates high level tasks. Fluents and events are created in the Lisp language.[3] The software was developed at the Technische Universität München for the restricted domain of controlling the robot Rosie.[4]
- Cranfield assembly benchmark It's a standardized assembly task in robotics to compare different robot software implementations. [5] It was invented in 1985.[6] The Cranfield benchmark isn't able to control a robot, but it measures if a given control software works accurate.
- Crystal island (video game) is a serious game about an epidemic outbreak on an island.[7] The narrative planning is realized with the shop2 HTN planner.[8] The goal recognition of the human player works with bayesian networks.
- Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent - The foundational technique for solving optimization problems with gradient descent privately. Used in training Artificial Neural Networks. Applies Differential Privacy to machine learning.
- Execution monitoring in robotics, a software is used to control the robot. In most cases, the software isn't able to handle all cases. The gap between the desired actions and the wished actions are determined with a formalized model. [9]
- Factored grammars are used to create valid paraphrases in natural language generation [10]
- FightingICE is an AI challenge for implementing a two player fight game. The software was created at the Ritsumeikan University, japan to test different game AI strategies like monte carlo tree search for playing video games with Artificial Intelligence. The system has much in common with the OpenAI gym platform which is also a game based environment for developing AI bots.[11]
- Fuzzy boom Was a period in which Fuzzy logic was researched with an optimistic attitude. The first Fuzzy boom was in Japan from 1984-1990 in which large tech companies like Fuji Electric have created consumer products and home applications. The second boom was in Europe from 1990-1995.[12] [13] Draft:Fuzzy boom in preparation
- Fuzzy identification, creating the forward model by analyzing the input and output of a system. The concept is similar to system identification in the model predictive control domain but it is working with fuzzy models instead of differential equations. The numerical values of the input/output set are clustered and transformed into fuzzy predicates.[14]
- Fuzzy q-learning A model free learning algorithm to control complex systems. The input space is mapped to the action signals with the help of fuzzy rules.[15]
- Fuzzy state automaton, mathematical model of computation which is allowed to reach in-between states described in natural language. It's sometimes called a Fuzzy state machine or a Fuzzy Automaton.[16]
- Fuzzy turing machine A fuzzy set is converted into a command which is executed on a computer. It is a tool to analyze fuzzy algorithms. In contrast to normal turing machines, uncertainty is handled on a machine level.[17]
- Gaussian mixture regression is an interpolation algorithm to determine trajectories from existing clusters. An application is imitation learning in robotics.[18] The method is preinstalled in the Scikit-learn library.[19]
- Goal oriented action planning (GOAP) A method for AI planning in video games similar to the STRIPS planning system. A path is generated through the symbolic states of the game. GOAP was invented in 2005 for controlling non-player characters in the game F.E.A.R.[20]
- Goal stack, in a cognitve architecture a goal stack is similar to a rule stack and the working memory a module in the problem solving process. The STRIPS symbolic language is using a goal stack for managing subgoals. [21][22]
- Governance of artificial intelligence (broad topic that includes Regulation of artificial intelligence) [22]
- Grid world (simulation) is a simulated ecosystem to investigate artificial life algorithms.[23] Its realized with a 2d game engine for visualizing the behavior of agents.[24]
- Hyper-redundant manipulator is a snake-like robot arm with a large amount of kinematics redundancy, it generates a control problem with a high amount of degree of freedom [25] [26]
- Knowledge container - used in case based reasoning for storing information vocabulary and cases.[27] Traces of past experiences can be hold in knowledge containers as well.[28]
- Knowledge to text - technique of converting ontologies, given in the RDF format, into textual content, written in natural language.[29] Its some kind of verbalizing algorithm to generate different natural language output.
- 'Less than one'-shot learning - An extreme few-shot learning problem setting where a learner must recognize more object categories than the number of examples it is shown. This is different from both one-shot learning and zero-shot learning. One way to achieve 'less than one'-shot learning is to label a small number of examples using soft labels so that each example simultaneously provides information about multiple classes. This technique works with both neural networks and classic machine learning algorithms like the k-nearest neighbors algorithm. 'Less than one'-shot learning can reduce the data and compute requirements for AI development. [30] [31] [32]
- Mario AI - Artificial Intelligence platform and competition to create an ingame NPC, which is able to play a jump'n'run game autonomously [33]
- Matlab fuzzy logic toolbox is plugin for Matlab to build fuzzy control systems, annual license cost is 430 US$, it provides a graphical user interface to create fuzzy rules and adjust the membership function, according to the amount of papers in which the software was mentioned it's the de-facto standard in creating fuzzy systems in an educational context [34] [35]
- Motion graph a motion capture recording is converted into a directed graph for storing the human trajectories in a database [36]
- Neutrosophic logic is an extension of Fuzzy logic invented in 1995. It contains of truth values plus a separate false value taken from the interval zero to one.[37]
- Non-axiomatic reasoning system (NARS), an example for Artificial General Intelligence which contains of inference rules and self-control [38]
- Qualitative physics Common sense knowledge about the mechanical world is expressed in machine readable models. It is often combined with a linguistic representation and allows to predict future events. [39]
- Reward shaping in reinforcement learning "is supplying additional rewards (separate from the desired final goal) to a learning agent to guide its learning process".[40] A decent (but dated) starting point would be the brief "reward shaping" subsection from this 2009 survey.[41] Should be a child article or subsection (depending on length) to Reinforcement learning.
- Soft gripper is an under-actuated robotic hand made of rubber material. Sometimes it has the shape of an octopus robot.[42]
- Task specification language is a corpus of actions which are grounding a robotics problem at a semantic level.[43] A user interface is provided which accepts commands in natural language.[44]
- Temporal abstraction is a method in reinforcement learning to reduce computational complexity. Options are included in the action space to express different time intervals which allows to build hierarchical reinforcement models.[45]
- Tracking control, used in robotics in a semi-autonomous mode to bring a mobile robot towards a goal trajectory provided by the human operator. It is the ability of a system to follow external goals under disturbance. The underlying theory was developed in 1980.[46] There is a simple linear tracking control available and more advanced model-based systems as well.
- Truck backer upper problem A control problem in robotics which contains of a truck and a trailer. Its a nonlinear complex domain with a practical application and was investigated with many potential algorithms. [47]
- Turing Trap By focusing on imitating humans, rather than augmenting or extending human capabilities, the Turing Test risks directing research and implementation toward technologies that substitute for humans and thereby drive down wages and income for workers. As they lose economic power, these workers may also lose political power, making it more difficult for them to change the allocation of wealth and income. This can trap them in a bad equilibrium. Erik Brynjolfsson has called this "The Turing Trap" and argued that there are currently excess incentives for creating machines that imitate rather than augment humans.[48] See and
- Universal subgoaling The SOAR cognitive architecture is a general problem solver which allows to create agents. An agent has a subgoal structure and the task is to define the next goal.[49] Another mechanism which goes into the same direction is chunking and goal reasoning.[50]
- Vision zone is a region in a computer game, in which the player can see the opponent.[51] Non player characters need a model of perception to act intelligently.[52]
- Wikikreator a computer program which converts Wikipedia stubs into normal articles [53] It's using a word graph for the knowledge base.
- Wikitology is a knowledge base which was extracted from the Wikipedia encyclopedia [54] The information is stored in the RDF-triple format which can be parsed by natural language understanding systems.
- Yaps is symbolic process simulator which was developed to control the JACK virtual human. A symbolic model is created which acts as a middle layer between graphics rendering and high level goals.[55]
[edit]- ACTUNIV – Computer training software company. [23][verify notability]
- Altimesh – Compiler technology company. They produce a compiler named Hybridizer which translates C# to CUDA. [24]
- AppBrain - Android intelligence and developer services platform founded in 2010. Lifehacker NYTimes, provides free statistics frequently linked to from news articles (e.g. ArsTechnica and Entrepeneur) and scientific publications.
- AppDirect – network of app stores [25].
- Appuals - website increasingly seen in Google search results.
- – Mac search spyware [26]
- Artivatic – First End to end Insurtech AI company. [27] [28][29].
- Aura (software) - antivirus
- BeanOX – PC tuning software development company from Germany. [30]
- Berkeley Speech Technologies – [31][32]
- Bitfury – Bitcoin mining company and blockchain software provider founded in 2011. [33]
- BlockIDE – Easy to use Smart Contract platform that allows users to create and manage Smart Contracts on multiple networks [34]
- BlockTrack – A monitoring solution for IT systems. [35]
- Carrd, as in, extremely popular one page website builder
- CarKnow - Open-source hardware and software to connect existing vehicles to a brand-agnostic Internet application development platform. [36] [37] [38] [39]
- Cinchy is a Toronto based dataware software company that provides a platform enabling enterprises to embrace a data centric development methodology.
- Codehaus - Now defunct, once popular repository for Java applications. [40] [41] [42]
- Colocation America - Colocation hosting provider.
- - A very good C++ reference site, seems to have no advertising and does have reliable information.
- Crokes – Founded in 2014, Crokes is a social network for authors and readers to connect with each other. Ranked best startup in Victoria (Australia), 17th best in Australia and comes in top 700 startups of world. [43] [44] [45] [46]
- CrowdAI - Founded in 2016, CrowdAI was named as one of Forbes 2021 Most Promising AI Companies. CEO was Devaki Raj (Forbes 30 Under 30) and Chief Operating Officer was Paige Kassalen (Forbes 30 Under 30). Founders were Devaki Raj, Nic Borenstzein, and Pablo Garcia. [47] [48] [49] [50] [51]
- CS+Social Good - student organization at Stanford.
- Cyph - Free, signup-less, cross-platform encrypted communications. [52] [53] [54] [55]
- Cytora Ltd – Data analytics company that uses machine learning and unstructured web data to help insurers quantify, select and price risk. [56]; [57]; [58];[59]; [60]
- Cylex - is a company that offers online business solutions through its main products: business directories. It was founded in 1998 and operates business directories in more than 30 countries/, most well known in UK [61] and Germany [62]
- dB Performance - Wi-Fi fast-roaming software provider. [63] [64] [65] [66] [67]
- Design Computation Created DC-CAD, a DOS-based Printed Circuit Board and Schematic CAD program that regularly won 'shoot-outs' against better-known names in PCB CAD software. Based in New Jersey; not sure when they started, but their heyday was the late 1980s. I think they folded in the 1990s. I can give you the name of one of their principal engineers, who could provide much detail for this page.
- Digital West - American internet service provider. There are currently 57 pages (not counting this very page) that have a link for this company in them.
- FlashVOS - a virtualization technology pioneer.
- Electric Rain
- EMPIEZO – Data science industry
- Enterra Solutions - Cognitive company specializing in big data analytics. [68]
- FORMVERSE Inc. - Using Patented Active Structured Email to create digital forms and workflow automation right within existing email infrastructure - [69] [70] [71]
- FamilyAlbum (app) - a family-oriented photo and video sharing application [72] [73] [74] [75] [76]
- Framer (company), web site design and build for pros, main competitor to webflow
- Golem Network - a decentralized computational network. [77]
- Groundswell Cloud Solutions - business and technology consulting firm headquartered in Vancouver, BC. They are a Salesforce partner. [78] [79] [80][81] [82]
- GroupGets - crowd purchasing platform that allows users to create or join group buying campaigns for existing products or services. [83] [84] [85]
- Greentwip - Game company founded by former Gameloft employees. [86] [87]
- Hedvig Inc. - a software-defined storage startup based in Santa Clara, California. Founded by Avinash Lakshman in 2012 [88] [89] [90]
- HeyFlock - website/company that hosts daily standup meetings [91]
- Helprace - SaaS community helpdesk provider [92]
- IBL-Unisys - Enterprise Solution Provider [93]
- Ideamarket - Ideamarket is a trustless, permissionless, and provably fair system for managing public narratives. [94][95][96][97]
- INAIC - The Internet Names Authority and Information Center, the authority overseeing new public and corporate Top Level Domain applications
- Impressions Mobile Application First mobile application using deepfake technology to generate celebrity deepfakes. [98][99]
- International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS) Currently a redirect to Marc [100]
- Jide Technology - Started by 3 ex-Googlers in 2014, Jide is a software company that makes its own hardware whose mission is to build products based on Android that allow for familiar productivity experiences in the mobile era of . [101] [102]
- JSCAPE - FTP software, such as AnyClient and JSCAPE MFT Server
- Landingi, creating landing pages for digital marketers, popular among pros
- - website notorious for its design [103] [104] [105] [106]
- Linkfly/, very popular "content into link" site
- Logic Supply - Global manufacturer and distributor of industrial, fanless computers [107] [108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113]
- Machine Learning Department - Notable research institute, ranking as number one for graduate education in machine learning and AI, a pioneer research education institute in AI and machine learning. [114] [115]
- Melissa Data Corp. - Data Quality Software [116]
- MetaRam - company that aims to quadruple computers' maximum RAM limits; [117][verify notability]
- MetroNet (telecommunications company) - American fiber-optic telecommunications company providing services in Indiana and Illinois. [118]
- Micantro Pty Ltd - Australian game-design studio based in Newcastle NSW; makes iPhone games, console games, PC games
- Microhardxce – Canadian-based software company specializing in free educational and computer protection software. [119]
- – Online mood board software.
- SEO Expert – Sri Lanka based SEO Optimization company that helps people to climb up in the search platforms. [120]
[edit]- SpacemiT - Chinese semiconductor company specializing in the development of RISC-V processors. SpacemiT's flagship product is the K1 processor, an octa-core RISC-V processor.
- National Injection Services - an IT services and consultancy company operating in AI, Big Data and Industrial IoT. It offers blueprint technology solutions for cloud integration in different sectors. [121]
- netBlazr - Boston-based startup broadband company using wireless broadband technology. Offers packages for houses, apartment/condo buildings, and businesses. [122] [123] [124] Official website: [125] Supports net neutrality and has simple terms and conditions. [126] [127]
- Netreo - IT Infrastructure Monitoring Platform company. They have been in market for 20 years. They have development centers in Irvine CA, USA and Bangalore, India[128]
- Netsweeper - A Waterloo, ON, Canada based software company, also based in The Hague and Dubai, supplying surveillance software to schools, companies, governments, notably to ISPs in Yemen, the UAE, Pakistan and Qatar, according to the Citizen Lab.
- Notion Ink Design Labs - Consumer Electronics; Maker of the Adam [129] and Adam II Android tablets and more recently the Cain 2 in 1 Windows device; [130]
- ParcPlace Systems - (currently a redirect) smalltalk company
- passwd (company) - company developing team password manager for Google Workspace. [56] Also a disambiguation from passwd a unix command.
- Pluribus Networks - company specializing in networks, network operating systems, hypervisors and network virtualization; [131]
- Primate.js - open source project dedicated to giving engineers a truly polymorphic development platform
- Prolific Interactive - We partner with startups and leading brands to create incredible mobile products. [132]
- Proxima Software
- PuppetLabs - company sponsoring the development of Puppet open source configuration management software; formerly known as Reductive Labs
- Rivet Networks - Austin, TX based company producing Networking Hardware and Software for consumer and commercial markets. [133]
- Rosedu (Romanian Open Source Education) - open-source organisation from Romania
- RubyApks - Marketplace to download and publish varieties of software for free. [134]
- Sambreel - San Diego, CA-based software company; received substantial media coverage for its browser add-on products; in 2011,received mainstream television, newspaper, and online coverage for its products Drop Down Deals, PageRage, and OverApps; in late 2011, substantial media attention focused on a disagreement between the company and popular social network website Facebook about the operations of its product, PageRage; [135]
- Security Certified Program – company that issues the SCNS, SCNP and Security Certified Network Architect professional certifications.
- SE Labs a security company
- Service Strategies Corporation – company that issues the Service Capability & Performance standards.
- Shareware Industry Awards Foundation
- Shiftall - Extended reality, spatial computing and metaverse company [136]
- silex labs - non-profit organization; based in France; dedicated to open source web applications; official maintainer of Silex, [137]; Oof and Flog; offers open-source projects to help with their communication; [138]
- Silverton Consulting, Inc - a storage analyst firm, headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado. The company was incorporated in April 2004 and is in the business of providing marketing collaterals to storage and system's companies. Ray Lucchesi, the Founder, has been in the data storage business since 1979 and is a co-host on the GreyBeardsOnStorage podcastand blogs at information on Silverton Consulting services can be found at Silverton Consulting's home page.Silverton consulting also provides a monthly infrastructure newsletter signup page.
-, popular website builder
- SmartBox Web Marketing - a national private dental digital marketing agency headquartered in New Albany, Indiana. The company was listed on Inc.'s 2016 list of fastest-growing private companies in the US. SmartBox uses SEO, PPC, blogging, reputation enhancement, video, automated email marketing, and other digital tools to help dentists attract new new dentists. [139] [140] [141] [142] [143] [144] [145]
- Snap Limited - New Zealand-based ISP (Internet Service Provider). [146]
- Sound Particles, Lda. (Sound Particles is a software house that develops audio software and plugins in November 2016, based in Leiria, Portugal. Its core software, Sound Particles, an audio software that brings the power of computer graphics to the sound world, is used in major Hollywood productions such as Star Wars 9, Frozen II, Game of Thrones and Ready Player One. The company also has available two innovative plugins Doppler and Air.) ([147][148][149][150] [151][152][153])
- SproutVideo - An internet video hosting service for businesses offering tools to manage video security, engagement analytics, marketing, player customizations, and branded video websites. [154] Based in Brooklyn, NY, SproutVideo is a privately held company founded in 2010 by Adam Podolnick. [155] Along with companies like Wistia and Brightcove, SproutVideo is commonly listed as an alternative for business video hosting [156], rather than larger services like YouTube and Vimeo [157], which often focus more on sharing video content widely rather than keeping videos private or restricted to a select group of people. [158] [159]
- Steel Wool Studios - currently a redirect, a Californian video game development company best known for their work on Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted and Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. [160] [161][162]
- Stratus Cloud Consulting - South African based Cloud Consulting Firm. [163]
- Telecoms Cloud - cloud communications company headquartered in Liverpool, England, which provides a Telecoms API which enables the Internet of Things, giving software developers a telecoms toolbox with tools across Voice, SMS, Data Intelligence, Storage and Fax, accessed and triggered programmatically in websites, mobile apps and Internet-connected devices [164][165][166]
- Tkprobix - An all-round digital content creation company created by Testimony Tunmibi in 2020. Tkprobix creates various digital products ranging from games to sites and others. [167]
- Transceptor Technologies, Inc - Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA company, founded in 1986 by people with backgrounds in medicine, visual rehabilitation, telecommunications, computer design and education, developed the Personal Companion computer [168] - also see The Power (Snap! song)
- Ufanet - Russian Internet service provider; Ufa city, Bashkortostan; [169]
- Userify - Enterprise Security software company, designers of an encryption key and sudo management application with a unique, decentralized design. Userify Website
- Vewd Software AS - Vewd [170] is a company based in Oslo, Norway that develops software (List of smart TV platforms and middleware software) to enable the playback of OTT and streaming content on connected and hybrid TV devices such as Smart TVs and set-top boxes. Vewd was created when Moore Frères & Company took a majority stake in the Opera TV business unit of Opera Software ASA (now called Otello Corporation) in December 2016 [171]. The resulting company changed its name to Vewd in September 2017 [172]. As well as its Vewd Core and Vewd OS software for TV devices, Vewd offers the Vewd App Store which hosts a wide range of TV apps that can run on the Vewd platform. Vewd is a member of the HbbTV Association, and won an award for Best Multiscreen HbbTV Service in 2017.
- Viv Labs - Developers of "Viv: the Global Brain"; Chicago Tribune article; Wired magazine article
- VoiceThread; [173]
- Vtiger - (currently a redirect) Developers of Vtiger CRM, an open source CRM application that grew to become the most downloaded open source CRM application on SourceForge. [174]
- Vultr - A cloud infrastructure provider based in the United States providing cloud instances for consumers. [175]
- Webteh - Slovenian software company that produces BS.Player
[edit]- Machine description
- ProDev WorkShop - A C++ Compiler
- Salford C++ Compiler - A C++ Compiler
- SAS/C C++ Compiler - A C++ Compiler
- Scalar replacement of aggregates
- Wasmer - WebAssembly runtime
Computer books
[edit]- devMAG [176]
- Javapro aka JavaPro aka Java Pro Magazine [177]
- Mike Murach & Associates, 4340 N Knoll Ave Fresno, CA; publishing books for professional programmers since 1974.[178][179][180][181][182][183][184]doi:10.1145/1113487.1113498
- What to Do When You Get Your Hands on a Microcomputer - ISBN 0830600825; published 1982.
Computer architecture
[edit]- Data centricity is a methodology that recognizes data as the key asset of a business and establishes processes for developing business capabilities in the form of applications that are free from the complexities of storing, connecting and protecting data. It assumes that data is autonomous and that applications are merely skins that represent data.
- Declarative Transaction Management
- Dynamic System Domain – [185] [186] [187] [188]
- Electronic BatchRecords
- Hardware-assisted garbage collection - Use of dedicated hardware to increase the performance of garbage collected languages in various ways. Was mildly popular in 1990s until memory became cheap enough. Most prominently implemented in some versions of SPARC, POWER, Lisp machines and Oberon machines.
- Hardware/software co-design – Exploiting the integrated design of hardware and software created in parallel. [189]
- Impact of Internet addiction disorder on computing research - Taking advantage of recent efforts by large tech companies, universities, and the operators of Summit and Blue Waters to find new Internet addiction disorder (IAD) treatments, vaccines, and medical protocols[57]
- Independent timing - how this feature of host bus adapter works and helps to access devices without losing speed
- indivisibility - is the required property of a Test-and-set instruction used to implement a semaphore. uninterruptible. — 'Indivisibility' and 'uninterruptible' are generic words and deserve DABs; in the context of CS, Atomicity (programming), Indivisibility (programming) and Uninterruptibility (programming) now redirect to Linearizability.
- List of instruction sets by number of instructions
- Localizer (computer science) - in networking of mobile devices (?)
- Managed Testing Services
- Micropipeline - The Asynchronous circuit article has a brief mention and there is a (very weak) Micropipelining stub using a different sense.
- Modular bays - i.e., the wee dashboard that pops up every time you use your brother printer
- MorphCore – Intel Skylake [190]
- MPS Table - multiprocessor system table
- PEMIC (pedagogical model of instructional computer)
- Platform Configuration Registers [191]
- Pseudomultitasking
- Resource Allocation Graphs - system to keep track of deadlocks in operating systems
- Simplescalar Computer Architecture simulator
- TomAL microprocessor system
- Total Ship Computing Environment Infrastructure (aka (TSCEI) - currently redirects to Zumwalt-class destroyer - computer system for the Zumwalt-class destroyer of the United States Navy [192]
- TyanPSC - multiprocessor as a Personal SuperComputer
Computer languages
[edit]- AntLang - programming language inspired by APL using M-expressions
- Chameneos-Redux - program used to measure programming language processing efficiency
- CUE (programming language) - Configure Unify Execute - language similar to JSON that can be used for defining, generating, and validating data [193] [194] [195] [196]
- dylan.NET - new language for .NET and Mono; [197]; [198]; [199]
- EMC-SNAS EMC filesystem? EMC Scalable Network Accelerator in front of their storage?
- G15 PMN (programming language) - G15 PMN is a "first-hand programming language", because its emphasis is as much direct relationship to data as possible. Programs are put in small cards, rather than files, and the programming style is vertical. The compilation method is similar to Forth and like Forth, it uses stacks but not heavily. Instead of objects it has "warps" (pointers). With its algorithmic network FCM, it can be used in robotics and for formal illustrations. Its platform is the concept of a minimal green Personal Computer with its own G15 CPU, which may run virtually on other types of PCs. Numerous apps incl games exist for it. [200]; [201]; [202]; [203]
- Gura Programming Language - an iterator-oriented programming language; [204]; [205]
- Juliar Programming Language - a free to use open source high level multi-platform semi-functional programming language and compiler that that runs on almost every platform; [https:/]
- kryonet - Java external libraries intended for networking
- Kvikkalkul - the secret programming language of the Swedish Navy; [206]; [207]
- Playbasic - powerful 2d programming language using the BASIC dialect; [208]
- WhizBase - WhizBase 5 is a hypertext pre-processor for Windows®-based web servers; [209]
[edit]- Espressif - Brand of microcontrollers
- StarFive - RISC-V procesor development company
- SpacemiT - RISC-V procesor development company. It has developed the SpacemiT Key Stone K1 which is an octa-core 64-bit procesor aviable in the BPI-F3, LicheePi 3A, Milk-V Jupiter, DeepComputng DC-ROMA LAPTOP II and SpacemiT MUSEbook. It is based on the X60 core design, integrates an IMG BXE-2-32 GPU and supports the vector extension RVV 1.0.
- MP944 (at the moment this is a redirect to CADC) or AiResearch MP944 or CADC's MP944, contender for first microprocessor [210]
- Four-Phase AL1, contender for first microprocessor [211]
- Teclast - tablet manufacturer
- Microsoft Pen Protocol - Protocol used by the Surface Pen and other compatible pens
- AJ-100 - direct execution processor for java
- Apple Media Wall - Apple 3x8 feet multi-touch computer
- BASIC Engine open source computer - article at
- Bridging chipset - chipsets used to adapt eSATA hard drives to Firewire, USB, etc. Discuss faster/slower chipsets i.e. Oxford, Prolific, etc. and why they are so. [212] [213]
- BTTV - Analog V4L capture card BTTV based tuners
- Burroughs A20 - According to this they were interesting designs, possibly the first ever personal computers with PnP modular components. There is a passing mention in Burroughs Corporation.
- Common certificate mark for electromagnetic interference
- C-Tick
- CAMLINK - digital video (frame grabber) interface
- Comparison of ARMv9-A processors - processors which implement the ARMv8-A instruction set architecture and mandatory or optional extensions of it.
- Charap's limit - The maximum density that can be stored on a magnetic hard drive using longitudinal recording. Contrast with perpendicular recording.
- Dallas Chip Could use a translation of the German Wikipedia article as a starting point
- Flitchio - the first smartphone case with a built-in game controller. Website here
- Front Panel Audio - two most common types are onboard AC97 and Azalia from Realtek. The problem is that the PC case connector descriptions always differ from m/b description, which is rather confusing. An article about existing case FP types, m/b FP types and their correlations would be good.
- Gooch Synthetic Woodwind - The first sound card is considered to be the Gooch Synthetic Woodwind, used by PLATO terminals.
- Hardware/software co-design - [214]; exploiting the integrated design of hardware and software created in parallel
- IPC-A-610 is a workmanship standard for the manufacture of electronic assemblies There are three classes, class III being the most stringent, such as for life support and mission critical systems; [215]
- Jacinto (Microprocessor) OMAP-based automotive processors. [216]
- List of experimental computers - The History of computing articles are generally very cluttered and incomplete. A number of list articles could help with this, listing notable commercial or research machines in chronological order, then linking to the relevant articles. This should also allow the current articles to be tidied up with better-flowing prose.
- Logitech Cyberman - 3D controller. [217] [218]
- Madd Electronics Group - Romanian company of hardware distribution; [219]
- Mica2 Motes - Wireless Sensor Network; [220]
- Multi channel data link - [221] (page 2.5)
- mycpu TTL processor - processor and complete 8 bit computer system. a "do it yourself" computer, in a manner uncommon amongst computer enthusiasts since the 1970s; [222]
- Nvidia Bluefield - A series of Data Processing Units produced and sold by Nvidia. Product Information PageServethehome article
- Personal Security Environment (PSE) - type of user authentication often using a digital certificate; [223]; [224]
- Pinch (Virtual Reality) (Virtual Reality phone case created by Cordon Media) (
- PocketSprite -
- Powder display, more exactly quick response liquid powder display or QRLPD – roughly an e-paper variant developed by Bridgestone (and produced by Hitachi)
- Remix Mini - Mini Android PC created by Jide Technology that became the #1 most crowdfunded project on Kickstarter [225] to originate from China. [226]
- Remix Ultratablet - PC productivity on an Android tablet created by Jide Technology.[227] Runs on Remix OS, a productive version of Android. [228]
- RT Core - Type of processing core found in NVIDIA's Turing architecture for performing ray-tracing operations
- Samsung is working on an XR (extended reality) headset, and when it gets released and becomes notable enough it is absolutely necessary for it to have an article.
- Samsung Polaris Controller - AMD's Polaris architecture has an article; why can't Samsung's Polaris SSD controllers have one also? In general Samsung's SSDs are undocumented on Wikipedia.
- Secondary Precharge Transistor - domino logic charge sharing trick
- SecureDisc - feature on many LG brand DVD writers
- Self-tending drive doors - mechanisms on Dell's XPS 700 computer
- Shiftall:
- Shiftall MeganeX superlight 8K - VR headset [229]
- Shiftall HaritoraX 2 - XR full body tracker [230]
- Shiftall mutalk 2 - Silent-outside microphone for metaverse platforms [231]
- Shiftall FlipVR - VR controller [232]
- Shiftall HaritoraX Wireless - XR full body tracker [233]
- Shiftall HaritoraX 1.1B - XR full body tracker [234]
- Shiftall MeganeX - VR headset [235]
- Shiftall HaritoraX - XR full body tracker [236]
- Shiftall mutalk - Silent-oustide microphone for metaverse platforms [237]
- Sisterboard - a printed circuit board on an expansion board (also known as daughter board) of a computer's motherboard [238] (the answer by Kenneth Durham) [239]
- SmartQ 7 - tablets (aka MIDs) created by SmartDevices. As mobile computing becomes ever more important, these devices are notable because of their inexpensiveness and stance of open technology. They also represent increased efforts by firms in China to enter the embedded-linux market. References to these wikipages already exist from the Portable Linux Devices page.
- Smile Zemi - a Japanese educational tablet
- SOHO devices (Small Office/Home Office)
- Stream Processing Unit - don't know what it is exactly, otherwise I would create an article, right? It's something that can be inside graphics card but is a more general thing that might also be in other hardware, afaik.
- Time Card - a hardware (extension) developed by Meta with the means to provide the operating system with accurate and precise time [240]
- Timeline of mobile computing: History of Mobile computing includes handheld computers like calculators, organizers, cellphones, PDAs, music players, video players, CD players, DVD players, game consoles, Smartphones, Tablets, etc.
- Timeline of cloud computing: History of Cloud computing includes Servers technology, Internet technology, and storage technology. "Timeline of cloud computing" could be a sub-section in the "Timeline of mobile computing"
- USB hard disk adapter
- Virtual Extended Bus - some type of physical storage bus extension to PCI-X present on certain high-end Xeon motherboards: uses the acronym VXB
- Wavescalar - modern research dataflow processor
- Way prediction - reducing conflict misses in a cache Socket M AMD processor
- Wireless Networks Cable - Low Loss Cable varieties and appropriate usage
- Worldisk - hard-disk supplier; Remanufactured or relabeled Fujitsu??
- Xpsport - new port format?
- NovaCustom - Manufacturer of Linux Laptops with Coreboot, similar to System76, but in Europe
The Internet
[edit]![]() | Requests for articles on any notable websites, webshows, podcasts, webcomics or internet terms or slang should be posted on Wikipedia:Requested articles/Arts and entertainment/Internet and tech culture, not here. |
- Broadcast Internet - a telecommunications term used by the broadcast television industry & the FCC, related to datacasting (broadcast distribution of digitally encoded data)... Is there a clear definition of "Broadcast Internet" & is it two-way communication? If not, can one-way conduits of information still be considered "internet"? (If so, how? Isn't it just broadcasting?) Although usage in regulatory language seems already widespread & increasing, the term seems either poorly defined or contradictory. A description derived from usage across multiple sources might be very beneficial here. [241];[242]
- Multicast has been part of IP for a long time, though not so well used. Broadcast, as in over the air, is an efficient way to get a high bandwidth signal to many people. Separate IP streams are not. Maybe that is related. Gah4 (talk) 23:46, 11 December 2020 (UTC)
- Browscap.ini - a standard for conveying browser capabilities
- Canonical Text Service - A internet based decentralized persistent URN reference system for citation of text passages in digitised / digital documents.
- Coding for a Cause - a movement of open-source technology advocates supporting not-for-profits by building them websites for free; [243]; [244]
- Comparison of website change detectors - There are countless of sites and software for this, which would be quite useful an article that compares their characteristics. This could be a good starting point.
- Colistor - a web service that manages lists and collections to organize the information the user needs to remember everyday; [245]
- Conversion Pixel - a blank 1x1 pixel image used to track users behavior on a website; [246]
- - one of the older Category:Web annotation systems, funded by the Foresight Institute around 1997 as a form of ?Category:Social information processing, discontinued long ago but likely to have influenced the attempts that followed it. Sole link in now is Computer-supported collaboration#Link semantics, old sample of how it looked date chosen at random. Followed in time by Smart tag (Microsoft), preceded or concurrent with other software listed under "Related Projects and Software" on its homepage. ([247] [248])
- Discovery engine - [249] Discovery engines are special type of search engines like Stumble Upon and Pinterest.
- DocuIndex was a BitTorrent tracker of documentary films
- Drop-in video chat rooms
- eduladder - a group of people who believe education should be free and accessible for everyone and they designed a web application called openlearning system. [250]
- Explainer Web Site - A new type of web site/page making its appearance in 2014-2015 and often originating with various news organizations. These are sites that devote themselves to clear, often step-by-step and simple explanations of complex thoughts, ideas, processes and events. Examples include The Economist [251], The New York Times, Nate Silver's Fivethirtyeight. There's an article on the subject at Awl that also ranks quite a few such sites. [252]
- Floating browser – There is a whole category of mobile browsers, at least on Android, called "Floating browsers". Two of the most popular, among many others are "Flynx" and "Flyperlink". [253] [254] [255]
- Infinite scrolling, also called endless scrolling or scroll forever - currently redirects to Scrolling - approach to web design where browsing sets of content continually dynamically adds new material to the bottom of the page as the user scrolls downward. This is in contrast to pagination, for which there is already an article. Scrolling does not address this particular topic at all. An article on this topic needs descriptions, examples, history, philosophies, design arguments for and against, and of course references.
- Internet keyword - "a newly emerged technique for visiting network names". The description here on the China Registry website is pretty inscrutable.
- Link Management Protocol - a link management protocol (LMP) that runs between a pair of nodes and is used to manage traffic engineering links (from RFC 4204)
- List of countries by mobile Internet usage There are rankings about Internet, mobile phones but there isn't an article about usage of Internet mobile
- Log-in / Log-on Loop - Where successful attempts at logging in to a website / webpage with a user name and password results in being returned to the initial log-in request. Can also encompass initial log-in privileges, with privileged results as account information; but returning to the initial log-in request when delving into a deeper subsection of log-in privileges (i.e. initial privilege: "My Account", subsection privilege: "My Account/Billing Information"). (One example: [256])
- MaidSafe (software libraries) -- A suite of Dual Licensed libraries in c++ that implement a fully distributed network and serverless network akin to a darknet. [257] [258] [259] [260]
- Midwest Internet Cooperative Exchange (MICE) - non profit internet exchange point in Minneapolis, MN; [261]
- Partly Cloudy Technology - term created by Jeff M. White, Robert Linton and Colleen Rudio, about having a balance between cloud computing and local computing; primarily focused upon protecting the users software and data under any disaster or technical failure; [262]
- Paymo Time Tracker - a popular free time tracker, went to do a background check on Wikipedia but there's nothing here. I found it mentioned on a bunch of sites and blogs; [263]; [264]
- Phantom domains - Never-registered domains with preexisting inbound links, often created as a result of programmer linking errors. The second-most downloaded paper at the 2024 Web Conference shows over 572,000 phantom .com domains exist on the web, vulnerable to exploitation at scale. [265]
- PreserveTube - An archive site
- seekweb - malware browser extension [266]
- Spam404 - An internet abuse report platform which allows it's users to report abusive content such as phishing, spam and survey scams. Spam404 have already helped remove thousands of articles of abuse from leading internet websites such as YouTube, Weebly and SlideShare. MyWOT, URLVoid and Scamvoid use the blacklist provided by Spam404 [267]; [268]; [269]; [270]; [271]
- Tapatalk - forum host
- Tower of Babble BBS - Milwaukee, WI, Online Data Systems BBS, and Metro Big 10/Big 12 BBSes; notable BBSes (see Archives:BBS Addition (Dec 2008)
-, Official website a domain acting as a tld similar to [272][273]
- V-Sekai - Open-source metaverse platform based on Godot Engine [274]
- WOMBAT - A Usenet-era acronym for a process or programming task that is so overcomplicated, trivial, or otherwise devoid of usefulness to not be worth the speaker's time to implement. Frequently applied to work done for governmental agencies. [275]; [276];
Operating systems
[edit]- Budget Fair Queueing (BFQ), useless redirection to I/O scheduling, need an actual article about it.
- pearOS - 64-Bit Debian Linux distro with similar Desktop Environment to Apple macOS X;
- Blackbuntu - Ubuntu base distro for Penetration Testing with GNOME Desktop Environment; being built using the Ubuntu 10.10; [281]
- Circle Dock - circular dock (open source) for Windows platform; [282]
- CMX RTOS - adding links CMX, RTOS, CMX RTOS
- DietPi - a highly customisable, high-performance minimal distro for the Raspberry Pi and other ARM SBCs; [283]
- EYRX - [284]; real-time operating system by Eyring Corporation
- feren OS - A Windows and macOS replacement Linux distro based on Linux Mint (which is based on Ubuntu), featuring a theming engine capable of replicating the look of various versions of Windows and macOS, and a few Linux distros.
- GE Advantage Workstation (Operating System) - For use with workstations, as a component of devices of GE HealthCare.
- Init scripts - topics on scripts in /etc/rc.d on a Unix/Linux OS, naming conventions, how to create one, etc.; [285]
- Lighthouse Linux - a CD-based distro designed for speed, simplicity and lightness; currently at version 0.0.1; [286]
- Linux 4.4 kernel- an operating system kernel that provides support for open-channel SSDs
- Modern X - Linux Distro built to be modern; [287]
- Paranoid Linux - a distro designed for privacy and security, that "assumes that its operator is under assault from the government ... and it does everything it can to keep your communications and documents a secret."; [288] -- Update: Cite given ( ) is dead/parked as of this date. Fnord.
- PicUntu -
- RTOS-UH Real Time Operating System-University Hannover using a DIN 66253-2 language called PEARL. The article is locked, because it was deleted sometimes ago; [289]; we are talking about a real operating system, and not vaporware
- RuggedOS - mission-critical operating system developed and deployed (in, among others, SCADA applications) by Ruggedcom, a Siemens subsidiary; has recently been criticized and targeted by many articles for the undocumented presence of a backdoor and an embedded private key
- TalkingArch - And eyes-free Linux distrobution TalkingParabola ISO, Download site
- Techtocore Xplore OS - An robust Distro specifically customizable for the requested needs; [290]
- TrentaOS - An Operating System that aimed to fill to bring commercial-grade user interfaces and experiences to the free desktop. Linux based.
- ubnhd2 - ARM-compiled and Ubuntu-based Pentest OS for the HTC HD2 phone [291]
- Ulux Corporation - Enterprise Operang syting Systems and more []
- wattOS - lightweight Linux operating system remastered from the core Ubuntu Linux build. It focuses on a small footprint, low power, and a simple interface that you can easily add just about anything. [292][293]
- Windows Research Kernel - Windows kernel source code for research
- Windows Temporary User Profile - temporary user profile is generated when the user attempts login and Windows is unable to load the user's permanent (local) profile. Though the user's files are not deleted, he/she is unable to use them until the problem is fixed. [294]
- [58] [295]
- Draft:Startup sound - The sounds that computers and other electronic devices make when they turn on.
[edit]- biographies have their own article Wikipedia:Requested_articles/Biography/By_profession#Computer_scientists
- See also Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Computer science
- See also, female computer scientists
- See also: articles for women working on AI Ethics Wikipedia:WikiProject_Women_in_Red/AI_Ethics
A–L (by last name)
[edit]- Jim Blandy
- Shaun D'Souza is a computer scientist, researcher, author, inventor and innovator. He is author of the book A Retrospective on Enabling a Connected World: The Race for the Original Primordial Soup. His research interests are in artificial intelligence, machine learning, software and business. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Cornell University with honors in 2003 and his Masters from the University of Michigan in 2005. He has published several papers on AI, ML and been granted patents for his research. He presented a Pie & AI: Navi Mumbai-Past and Future of AI talk hosted by SMLRA in association with He is a recipient of the Gates Millennium Scholarship from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in its first batch-millennium year 2000 - 2007. He was featured in the Cornell Alumni Yearbook, 2020. His AI book is available in his alma mater libraries. Bibliography - A Retrospective on Enabling a Connected World: The Race for the Original Primordial Soup, 2020. ISBN 979-8685292438
- Ioannis Aslanidis - Gentoo developer, Bluetooth documentation for Linux, research proceedings, open-source developer.
- Rob Aspin – Director of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Salford [296] [297] [298] [299]
- Peter L. Bartlett - Australian researcher in machine learning, especially statistical learning; Professor of Computer Science and Statistics at the University of California, Berkeley; has 40,000 citations[59]
- Christopher Beales - founder of the ICTCLOUD community engagement & online portal business analysis; recognised for his contribution to open-source software as cost effective and viable solutions for not-for-profit organisations
- Luciano Bello - Debian developer; discovered an epic fail in OpenSSL
- Gary Bernhardt - programmer and educational podcaster
- Somenath Biswas - professor of computer science, IIT Kanpur; doctoral adviser of Manindra Agarwal; author of several papers and inventor of Agrawal-Biswas Identity Testing; interested in logic and theoretical computer science in general; invented the concept of 'solution preserving universal relations" and "NP Creative Sets" along with Manindra Agarwal; list of his papers and contributions can be found on DBLP; [300]
- Kalina Bontcheva - leading natural language processing researcher; contributions in summarisation, social media; proposer and chief scientist of the Pheme project
- Samuel R. Bowman - Faculty member in natural language processing and computational linguistics at New York University, developer/author of several of the most widely used benchmarks for language model evaluation (including three listed on that page), ~16,000 citations [301] [302] [303]
- Dan Brickley - highly influential in the development of Semantic Web specifications and author of FOAF
- Patrick Brown (YouTuber) - A youtuber who is known for the game Minecraft and has recently reached over 7,000,000 subscribers in February 2016 on YouTube. He is married to Jennifer Brown and some of his most recent series include: The Crafting Dead, Epic Proportions: Season 9, and The Lucky Block Challenge Games. He was born on November 25, 1988.
- Jared Burrows - Young Entrepreneur, Software Engineer and Android enthusiast in Orlando, FL who founded BurrowsApps. [304] Boşanma HukukuNüfus DavalarıMiras Hukuku
- Chris Callison-Burch - associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania in natural language processing [305]; gave a testimony on Interoperability of AI and Copyright Law for the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet on May 17, 2023 [306]; helped create the Moses open-source tool for machine translation in 2007, which has been cited nearly 7000 times [307]; he also provided the Shield of Heroic Memories as an item for the Dungeons and Dragon's podcast The Adventure Zone's first season, episode 28 [308] [309]
- John W. Carr III - early pioneer, y, professor at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering
- Ryan P. Catalfu - 2016 PowerPoint World Champion - Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship [][]
- Shenchang Eric Chen - programmer, inventor of Virtual Reality camera;[310]
- Mychilo Cline - Author of multiple books on the nature of virtual reality and its relevance to modern society.
- William James Cody (died June 24, 2009[311]), numerical analyst[312], author of SPECFUN and other libraries
- Comodohacker, which I misspelled as komodo hacker and that might make a good redirect.
- Surya Dantuluri - Machine Learning and Robotics Researcher, Full Stack Developer. Published researcher and lectures globally focusing on various sub-fields of Machine Learning. Inventor behind El Toro Grande. [313]
- Changyu Dong - lecturer in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde; his research focuses on information security, more specifically trust and privacy management, applied cryptography, access control and policy-based management; before Strathclyde, he was a post-doctoral researcher in the Policy group at Imperial College London; he received my PhD and MSc from Imperial, BSc from Fudan University; also worked several years as a network engineer back in China
- John Duchi - researcher in optimization, statistics, and machine learning with 23k citations[60]; co-inventor of AdaGrad algorithm; Associate Professor of Statistics and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University; recipient of Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (2019),[61] NSF CAREER Award (2016),[62] and Sloan Research Fellowship (2017).[63]
- Julia Evans - programmer and blogger
- Maximiliano Firtman - programmer, author of many books from O'Reilly Media including "Programming the Mobile Web", "jQuery Mobile: Up and Running", "Mobile Web High Performance" and books in Spanish for Alfaomega Grupo Editor, he has written dozens of articles in specialized media, including .net Magazine, Smashing Magazine and more. He has been recognized as Adobe Community Professional, Nokia Developer Champion and BlackBerry Elite developer for his work helping the community, speaking at conferences and sharing knowledge. He is also well known in the mobile web community for finding bugs, hacks and non-documented features on mobile browsers.
- Simon Foster (computer scientist) - created the graphics for RollerCoaster Tycoon series, as well as Transport Tycoon
- Noah Friedman
- Tami Friedman
- Leon Gatys - author of the hugely influential AI/machine learning paper, A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style that first describes the style transfer technique of identifying, separating artistic style of an image from the content/shape; [314]. This technique has been used, adapted, and iterating upon by the entire industry and is, again, hugely foundational and important. He's published many other machine learning papers and is now apparently working at Apple.
- Mats Geier - Major developer of Linux Mint, known as "Husse"; recently deceased
- Joseph Glickauf Jr. - computer-consulting pioneer; inventor of the Glickiac demo counter machine (a small-scale model to demonstrate the power of electronic computing); promoter/evangelist of business use of computers; [315]; [316]; [317]
- Jaydson Gomes - Web developer and system analyst, speaking at conferences and co-founder of BrazilJS Foundation and BrazilJS Conference. Maintainer of Works focused on Front End Web Development.
- Geoffrey Grosenbach - founder of PeepCode Screencasts and Ruby on Rails podcast; [318]
- Ward Hale Mr. Ward "Logan" Hale of Tek Syndicate
- Tam Hanna - online and offline journalist; covering handheld computers; said to also offer marketing advice to mobile computing companies; CEO of Tamoggemon
- Jalali Hartman - Entrepreneur, engineer and activist. Inventor of Social Velocity, The Conversion Index and the 2014 Global IP Champion for his work with opening access to artificial intelligence and robotics to the autism community.
- Jonathan Heiliger - creator of Open Compute Project while VP of Infrastructure at Facebook; notable investor; board member of two publicly traded companies (DuPont Fabros Technology & Jive Software); TR35 recipient
- David Helkowski - Software Engineer; known hacker; author of XML::Bare XML parser ( parser in various mainline Linux distros ). Suspect in UMD data breach ( multiple articles in major news sources about this ).
- Joey Hess,[319] a software developer and former[320] Debian developer.[321] He is the original author of ikiwiki,[322] Alien, debconf, and (co)developer of various other software programs.(*) Frequent speaker at DebConf,[323] successful Kickstarter project,[324] his Palm Pre comments also made the news,[325] [326] [327] (*) He probably also (co)developed: git-annex, ikiwiki-hosting, debian-installer, debhelper, moreutils, myrepos, etckeeper, mpdtoys, tasksel, debmirror, github-backup, propellor, dpkg-repack, Words2Nums, pdmenu, filters, os-prober, devscripts, rootsync, nslu2-utils, jetring, ticker, shoop, apt-src, pentium-builder, perlmoo, TermStool, base-config, flashybrid, satutils, mooix, wmbattery, sleepd, pristine-tar, Kaxxt, bin, kong, acpi, sigprogs
- Jürgen Höller - Spring Framework designer, developer, and front-man
- Russ Housley - Former IETF Chair, (co)author of over 80 RFCs. Apparently PRODded in December 2015, also see an older archived user talk page section.
- Yih-Chun Hu - researcher in network security and wireless networks with 30k citations[64]; Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UIUC; lived in Lake City, Seattle before attending the University of Washington for his bachelor's studies[65]
- Uday Ivatury - Collaborator on projects related to early internet connections, Bridge online, and more, with James Gleick, Bill Gates, and more. [328] [329] [330] [331]
- M. Tim Jones - author ("GNU/Linux Application Programming", "Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach", "AI Application Programming", "BSD Sockets Programming from a Multilanguage Perspective", and "TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems"), and 60+ articles of which some are referenced in Wikipedia (Cloud Computing, BusyBox, Platform virtualization, O(1) scheduler, QEMU, Security-Enhanced Linux, Slab allocation, Journaling file system, Asynchronous I-O, Service Location Protocol, Stream Control Transmission Protocol, Linux startup process, etc.)
- Brian Kantor - currently redirects to AMPRNet#Amateur Radio Digital Communications (non-profit) - co-creator of Network News Transport Protocol, long-time administrator of the AMPRNet, UCSD staff network engineer
- Kyle Kingsbury (programmer) - programmer and blogger
- Jim Kardach
- Jacqueline Kazil (Jackie Kazil) - data scientist, journalist, and software developer; Former Presidential Innovation Fellow; Wrote Data Wrangling with Python; Founder of the second Pyladies chapter, which turned PyLadies into a multi-org entity; Multiple award winning, high impact projects: Top Secret America,, and Geoq
- James King (website developer) (a.k.a Jamesking56) - website developer; [332]; PHP programmer, sells software, does website development freelance; original owner and founder of HeroHost Hosting Company
- Ryan Klimt (website developer) - website developer; [333]; PHP programmer, front and back end web development, aesthetically pleasing sites created with mobile-first ideology; does website development freelance; mobile game development on the side (Tapster)
- Aydin Köksal - Turkish electronics, computer and software engineer and linguist. He brought 2500 informatics terms such as computer(bilgisayar), informatics(bilişim), hardware(donanım), software(yazılım) and database(veritabanı) into Turkish.
- Rachel Kroll - programmer and blogger
- Chris Larson (Microsoft) - Retired MS-DOS Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft [334][335]
- Éireann Leverett (hacker and internet harm reductionist) - Programmer, hacker, magician, magic historian, incident response trainer, with a focus on industrial systems and scada (famous MPhil on the subject), quality assurance, and security economics, Technical editor of a book on social engineering, Attended University of Edinburgh, and Cambridge, and has a famous moustache (in the hacking community).
- Yen-Huan Li - machine learning researcher and assistant professor of computer science and information engineering at National Taiwan University; [336]
- Juan Linietsky - Godot (game engine) founder
- Dan Luu - programmer and blogger [337][338][339][340][341]
- Garvit Arya - Data Engineer at Google and authored tech books along with writing research/blogs/articles on Data Science [342] [343]
- Arjun Sharda - Founder/fullstack developer/Open Source mantainer/contributor to various different organizations across the globe SearchorPasseoMORE
- Greg Linden
M–Z (by last name)
[edit]- Ariel Manzur - Godot (game engine) co-founder
- Damian Mingle - Data Scientist [344] [345] [346]
- Vahab Mirrokni - principal scientist, heading the algorithms research groups at Google Research New York; adjunct associate professor at the Courant Institute at NYU; [347]; [348]
- Varun Mittal - programmer in web scripting and action scripting; known to have programmed the Amazon Web Services implementation for Tekmedia, a product of Tekriti Software; [349]; [350]
- Felipe Moura - System analyst focused on Web Development, specialized in JavaScript, HTML, Css, Node.js, among others. Is also a teacher, speaker at conferences, co-founder of BrazilJS Foundation and BrazilJS Conference, which has been one of the biggest JavaScript Conferences in the world for the last 4 years. Also write articles about technology and tendencies.
- Gustavo Moya - open-source community sponsor and founder; [verify notability]
- Laurence moroney - AI Researcher at Google with hundreds of thousands of students at Coursera Profile for Laurence Moroney MOOCs, a teacher at Harvard, winner of CogX outstanding research award, author of 20+ programming books [351]
- Deirdre Mulligan -Associate Professor in the School of Information at UC Berkeley, a faculty Director of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, and a PI on the new Hewlett funded Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity.
- Crescent Musyoki - CrescentKE - Web designer, System and Software developer at [352]. Founder and CEO of [353]
- Onur Mutlu (Onur Mutlu is a computer engineer who is a Professor of Computer Science at ETH Zurich [354]. He is an ACM Fellow [355][356], IEEE Fellow [357][358], and a member of the Academy of Europe [359]. He previously held the Strecker Early Career Professorship [360] at Carnegie Mellon University. He received various honors for his research, including the IFIP Working Group 10.4 Jean-Claude Laprie Award in Dependable Computing in 2024 [361], IEEE High Performance Computer Architecture Test of Time Award in 2021 [362], Persistent Impact Prize of the Non-Volatile Memory Systems Workshop in 2022 [363], Intel Outstanding Researcher Award in 2021 [364], IEEE Computer Society Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award in 2020 [365][366], and ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award in 2019 [367][368]. His computer architecture and digital logic design course lectures and materials are freely available on YouTube [369][370], and his research group makes a wide variety of software and hardware artifacts freely available online [371][372][373].)
- John R. Nickolls (1950-2011) - Electrical engineer and computer architect. Co-founder of Picture Element Limited and MasPar. Former vice president for architecture and software at Sun Microsystems and at Silicon Spice/Broadcom. Former director of architecture, GPU computing at Nvidia. Author of academic papers and patents on parallel computer architectures. [374] [375] [376] [377] [378]
- James J. Odell expert in information engineering; developer of object-oriented development method known as Martin/Odell Method; chair of OMG's UML task force [379]
- Bastiaan Olij - Godot (game engine)'s lead XR developer ([380]) - would fit in Category:Virtual reality pioneers, the "People" section of {{Extended reality}}, and have the {{Extended reality}} navbox template
- George J. Padayatty - expert programmer; honored by Chennai IIT
- Abhay K. Parekh-inventor of Generalized Processor Sharing, co-Founder of Fastforward Neworks, Adjunct Prof at Berkeley, highly cited researcher.
- Tyler Pitchford - o-founder of the Azureus Bittorrent Client; computer-security expert; appellate attorney; lecturer on both computer and legal issues; [381]; [382];[383]; [384]; [385]; [386]; [387]
- Trevor Prater - Programmer and internet artist with work that has exceeded two million views [388]. Formerly an engineer at Goldman Sachs[389] and HP[390]. Author of a distributed system that accurately predicts the stock market through the ingestion of photos posted to social media sites. [391] [392]; founder of Youfie Technologies[393], an internet startup focused on connecting strangers through facial recognition via neural networks.
- Eric Rescorla – Main architect S-HTTP, IAB mamber)
- Talia Ringer - Professor at UIUC, specializing in dependent type theory, proof automation/engineering [394] [395] [396] [397]
- Karina Rodriguez Echavarria, important figure in applying computer modeling to cultural heritage issues. [398], [399], [400]
- Aaron L. Roth - Computer Science Professor at University of Pennsylvania, Author "The Ethical Algorithm", Advisor to Apple and others on differential privacy (appeared in apple keynote)) [401][402]
- Isaac Sanchez - MIT Student- Course 6; Sysco Intern; Roadkill Buffet Member
- Frei Sangil - Data Analyst; Civic Tech Advocate [403] [404]; Founder of Layertech Labs [405]; Multi-awarded researcher [406] [407]
- Erich Schubert - professor of computer science known for publications on outlier detection (Local Outlier Factor) and cluster analysis (DBSCAN, k-medoids clustering)
- Hinrich Schütze - Author and professor who published many important articles on natural language processing
- Lui Sha, researcher in real-time computing with 29k citations[66]; Donald B. Gillies Professor in Computer Science at UIUC; IEEE fellow
- Beat Signer [408] - Professor of Computer Science at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and co-director of the Web & Information Systems (WISE) research lab [409] doing research on cross-media technologies, Information Science, Digital Paper, Dynamic Data Physicalisation, Personal Information Management and Multimodal Interaction.
- Dave Small (computer scientist) - creator of the Spectre GCR, an Apple Mac emulator for the Atari ST series of computers
- Marc Sokol - author of Realia Cobol; VP at Computer Associates; [410][verify notability]
- Daniel Spiewak - American software developer; based in Wisconsin; he has worked with Java, Ruby, Scala, SQL, C and C++, ML, and half-a-dozen experimental languages; his current open-source endeavor is the ActiveObjects ORM, which seeks to be a more intuitive and lightweight database access layer than existing Java solutions
- R. Srikant, researcher in communication networks and reinforcement learning with 27k citations[67], Frederic G. and Elizabeth H. Nearing Endowed Professor at UIUC, co-director of's Digital Transformation Institute, recipient of IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award (2019) and fellow of IEEE (2006)
- Lynn Andrea Stein (Computer scientist and cognitive scientist working in AI, programming languages, and CS education; professor at MIT and Olin; co-authored foundational papers for semantic web and helped start the MIT Cog Project in 1993; ACM Distinguished Member. Mentioned in timeline of artificial intelligence. [411] [412] [413] [414]
- Jay Elroy Sulzberger
- Thomas Edmund Turner
- Randy Ubillos - video editing pioneer; developed Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro
- Dinesh C Verma - about his works on peer-to-peer architecture
- William Volk - Co-founder/CEO of several gaming companies and creator of several well-known games.[415] [416]
- Joel N. Weber II
- Rina R. Wehbe Wehbe is a computer scientist with a background in psychology. She researchers Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Games User Research (GUR), and User Experience (UX). Information about Wehbe can be found via the [417] and [418]
- Kyle Weins - Founder of iFixit and DMCA Activist. [419], [420], [421], [422]
- Greg Wiggleton - creator of the services such as Simple URL, Simple Image, and a forum site called Forums
- Christopher P. Yarger - freelancer; founder of IT Systems; contributor to open-source software
- Max Base - Max, known as BaseMax is a researcher and a computer programmer who has distinguished himself by his contributions to free and open-source software projects. (ET, LMPHP, PHP JSON,...)
[edit]- Arbortext Command Language (ACL), used in NAS configuration among other things
- Akiban Server - [423]; [424]
- aMazer - a program used to create 3D games. "aMazer is an Adobe Shockwave program that is played in your browser."
- ANT OPTS - does this mean the ANT_OPTS environment variable for Apache Ant? Better to add it there
- Application Verifier - a utility in Microsoft Windows SDK for diagnosing memory errors (buffer overflows/underflows, use-after-free, and the like) in your code -- similar to AddressSanitizer [425] [426]
- Arbitrary Shapes in Microsoft Analysis Services - avoid using Arbitrary Shapes in MDX; [427]
- Autoplan or Autotab spreadsheet programming language, as mentioned on Spreadsheet; code examples would be great!
- Block-based editor - an advanced WYSIWYG editor where content is represented as blocks with different attributes (i.e, WordPress' Gutenberg editor)
- Cambridge Polish [428]
- CT-API (CardTerminal Application Programming Interface)
- Cascade of attention-deficit teenagers (CADT model) - [429]; [430]
- CDXML (Language) CDXML (Chip Data Exchange Markup Language) is a Markup Language being developed by Open Compute Project & JEDEC for chiplet design[68][69][70]
- Coderbyte - Website to practice programming using several languages. Has programming challenges, competitions, questions, etc. [431]
- Coding Dojo - [432]
- Crazybob's contraption - A Java idiom of using double braces for an inner class static initializer of a class. I think an article could explain the origin of the name as well.
- Criticism of BASIC (e.g. from Thomas E. Kurtz#Critics and q:Edsger W. Dijkstra#How do we tell truths that might hurt? (1975))
- Criticism of Python (programming language)
- CSS expressions - a proprietary CSS feature that is supported by IE5+ (in IE8 and later only compatibility mode supports it) and now obsolete [433] [434]
- DETAB-X, an early language that was influential on later spreadsheets, databases, and other data-focussed languages -- see (the "See also" section of Filetab may also be helpful)
- DRLVM - stands for Dynamic Runtime Layer Virtual Machine a clean-room implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition 1.5.0 virtual machine
- Dropwizard A library for creating RESTful web services in Java. Bundles some commonly used libraries such as Jetty (web server), Jersey, and Jackson (API). [435] [436]
- EJB-QL - SQL/HQL-like query language for Enterprise Java Beans
- Ephemeral random constant - related to genetic programming
- File System Access API (API of JavaScript) [437]
- Financial Services Markup Language (FSML) - [438]
- Firebrick JS/UI JavaScript MVC/MVVM framework for creating web applications. Comes with an extendable UI component library
- Flozoids - individual scripts running independently of each other, displaying group behavior as a whole
- FWEB - documentation system for Fortran
- Game of Trees (web)
- General contract (Java)
- GPU bound - term is used at Scalable Link Interface#SLI Antialiasing but never explained, AFAIK. Also, difference between CPU bound and GPU bound and stuff? Also see: CPU bound
- HQ9+ and HQ9++ - Esoteric programming language consisting of four and five commands respectively [439] [440]
- IPC (inter-process communication) primitives
- Jeff Duntemann o'reilly biography
- jUDDI - an Apache Group open source Java implementation of the UDDI specification; [441]
- LANPAR, mentioned on the Spreadsheet page -- the link here just links to the Spreadsheet page, but I'd like to see a separate page with source code examples or the like.
- List of sound libraries (computing) - and linking to it from other pages
- Comparison of user interface frameworks - Features, language bindings, open-source licence, etc...
- Lock elision in multi-threaded programming
- Logback - Java logging framework; intended as successor to Log4J; [442]
- Loop rotation - trying to optimize loops somehow, referred to in [443]
- Ninject - a IOC container
- Nuweb - literate programming tool
- OldestLivingPrograms List of the programs which have been in use the longest. [444]
- OMapper - An annotation based java framework for mapping objects from one design layer to another [445]
- Openedge Progress Software Development - [446] for Progress Software Development and Application Modernization
- Outlying Use Case - Need article written discussing the definition of this term.
- Paidi OS - [447]; check out the video for hidden tag reference material
- Procedure Linkage Table (PLT) - [448][449]
- Pseudohash (only in Perl ?)
- Refuctoring- The art of editing one's code slightly in order to make it your own
- RealTimeBattle - free programming game; [450]
- RxJS - web library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs[451]
- SafeArray - I (User:Gerbrant) - can write a stub, but documentation is hard to find so it'd be better to let an expert have a go
- Samstyle PHP Framework - fast and lightweight PHP framework.
- SAP-BW - related to data warehousing
- Shared Packed Parse Forest (SPPF) - a data structure used in parsing ambiguous grammars.
- Simulation of simplicity - "a general-purpose programming technique... which can be used to cope with degenerate input data for geometric algorithms" CiteSeerx:
- Synchronization domain - terminology in thread synchronization
- VHPI - VHDL - procedural interface
- W3.CSS - a CSS framework, see: w3css @
- W-PuTTY-CD - SSH, Telnet, Rlogin and Raw TCP clients in a Microsoft Windows™ DLL shell; W-PuTTY-CD, PuTTY communication in a Microsoft Windows™ DLL shell.
- Word lattice - A data structure, a kind of directed acyclic graph used in natural language processing. Information available at and cmusphinx
- XMLdoc - XML File Documentor
[edit]- Burroughs Data Link Control (BDLC)
- Connection-less Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (CLDAP)
- Data Distribution Service/ Internet Protocol (DDSIP) - rewrite of DDS Data Distribution Service using TCP/IP sockets rather than RPC (Remote Procedure Calls).
- Errlog Copy Service - an error logging service that runs on port 704/UDP
- Ethernet alarm indication signal (EthAIS) - see Alarm indication signal
- FIPA Contract Net Interaction Protocol - a minor modification of the original contract net IP pattern
- Hypercat - a new (in June 2014) specification that effectively acts as an address book for data hubs holding information transmitted by net-connected devices [452]
- IEEE 2030.5-2018 - IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Smart Energy Profile Application Protocol ([453])
- IP/LDP — an alternative to AppleTalk that some printers can use instead of that; it is still supported by OS X even though AppleTalk isn't, I think…
- MTFPT - Multicast Trivial File Transfer Protocol; A PDF available from Intel refers to a variant of the TFTP protocol as either MTFTP or MTFTP4 [454]
- Network Access Bridge TO (NABTO) - fusion of VOIP/SIP and HTTP, makes you able to create a direct http connection between a browser and a webserver even if both peers are behind a NAT or firewall etc.
- NextDNS - NextDNS is a relatively new (beta started in may 2019) DNS service offering ad domain blocking. They claim to be a pi-hole in the cloud. It is one of two Mozilla DNS partners.
- Optical Signaling and Routing Protocol (OSRP) - [455]
- Optical data unit (ODU)
- Optical transport unit (OTU)
- Pluggable Transport (PT) - transform the Tor traffic flow between the client and the bridge ([456])
- Poll and Select - Burroughs byte-oriented communications protocol
- Risk Incident Sharing and Coordination - (RISC) is an OpenID Foundation standard that enables security signal sharing between online identity providers (IdPs) and relying parties (RPs)
- SolveDNS - SolveDNS was established in 2012 and provides analysis on DNS providers including analytics on hundreds of thousands of name servers. Its monthly DNS speed report is highly recognized amongst DNS enthusiasts and providers ([457])
- Systems Communications Services (SCS) - the proprietary protocol used to communicate between VMScluster systems and between OpenVMS systems and SCS-based storage controllers
- The ϕ(Phi) Accrual Failure Detector - [458]
- U-SNAP - a standard (ANSI/CEA-2045) that enables any HAN (Home Area Network) or DR (Demand Response) standard, present and future, to communicate with utility systems, energy gateways or other devices within the home. Source of information: [459]. From Wikipedia I learned that after the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show, a lot of press coverage was given to fundamental changes about to hit the digital world to include digital home technology (also known as home automation). This could very well require a need to establish standard protocols such as U-SNAP. Wikipedia has a substantial article on the "Smart meter" and "Home automation" but no mention of U-SNAP is made. An alliance, called the U-SNAP Alliance, has been formed and according to [460], is gaining support from "Smart Grid" stakeholders worldwide, including utilities, metering suppliers, device manufacturers, industry consultants, and regulators. A Wikipedia article has been written for "Smart grid," but it does not mention U-SNAP.
- UUSee - a P2P TV proprietary software; [461]; used by CNC World (Xinhua's new English language TV channel at [462]); Spanish description here: [463]
- Verified Email Protocol - looks like this is already getting renamed; [464])
- Virtual Switching System - A VSS is network system virtualization technology that pools multiple switches into one virtual switch [465]
Real-time computing
[edit]Searching; search engines
[edit]- Inquiry Nepal (a local business directory or search engine for users to find contact information of businesses available in Nepal.)(
- DASL or DAV Searching and Locating - a protocol for searching WebDAV repositories; [466]
- Entireweb - one of the largest crawler-based, second-tier search engine
- - Expertscape uses the National Institute of Health's PubMed database to objectively identify and rank medical expertise across more than 26,000 biomedical topics. [[] [The Patients Playbook, by Leslie Michelson, p. 113, 132] [467]]
- FuzzFind - web meta search mashup; combines the leading search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) and social bookmarking sites (, with personalizable results; [468] [469]; [470]; [471]
- - largest global hospitality product and service search engine with global postcode filtering [472]; [473] [474] [475] [476] [477]
- Marginalia (search engine) A search engine that I really like personally run by some Swedish guy
- Reverse SEO - combination of SEO and online reputation management; while a positive topic is written on, the negative topic is basically optimized via unethical black hat tactics in order to lead to a ban
- - search engine; based on opensource software nutch; online since 2009
- site search - a service for finding information on a specific site; for example, the search in Wikipedia is a site search, working only on the information in; site search engine is a big class of search engines, that should be right next to web search engine and probably even before enterprise search in the listing of search; [478]; [479]; [480]
- - search suggestions from the major providers on the net; provided in a visually appealing fashion; first site to focus on helping the user get to the best search terms; [481]; [482]; [483]; [484]; [485]; [486]
- Speedy Spider - from Entireweb; apparently a large Swedish search engine; purpose?
- Video search engine optimization (VSEO)
- Qsearch - not a real search engine, but a potentially unwanted program that earns money from redirecting searches to another search engine. I can't find anything about it on reliable sources, but several websites explain how to remove it. Those sites encourage people to buy antivirus software, from which the site may receive a commission so they aren't to be trusted. Possibly worth mentioning at Potentially unwanted software if reliable sources can be found.
[edit]- adsttnmq1 - some kind of exploit that has infected a lot of web pages.
- Advanced Adaptive Applications (A3) - a DARPA-funded software suite, developed by Raytheon BBN from 2010-14, that utilizes "stackable debuggers" to detect, eradicate, and repair the damage caused by never-before-seen viruses, etc. [487]
- Advertisement injection - [488], see Packet injection
- AD Mutate - Mutation integration in Hacking
- All or Nothing Disclosure Of Secrets (ANDOS) - Cryptographic process. I'm not sure of the difference between this and Simultaneous exchange of secrets.
- Alliance of Security Analysis Professionals
- AMSI - a redlink in the hatnote of the article to which the abbreviation currently redirects.
- Authority Information Access
- Behaviour Blocking Software - type of antivirus software which utilises machine learning [489]
- Behavioural Biometric Authentication
- Black Mirror Ransomware - Also known as Encrypts all local files on a system and requests payment to decrypt files. Ransomware;
- Blue Ridge Networks - company responsible for creating the BorderGuard and manages VPNs[verify notability]
- Bubblebabble digest
- Cyclic code shift keying CCSK
- Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional
- Chaotic Cryptosystems
- Cloud Security Posture Management
- C0d0so0 or Codoso a.k.a. Sunshock, a prominent hacking group[490]
- Comodo SecureDNS - a free secure public DNS service by company Comodo, akin to services offered by Google, Symantec, etc.
- ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) - proprietary (but gratis) security suite that simplifies managing Linux server firewall settings; both command line and UI integration for WHM,(source) and DirectAdmin and Webmin; official website; semi-reliable sources are this at Ghacks, this at DigitalOcean; other sources here and this at TechRepublic; used by Linux server admins (see e.g. related questions at Server Fault) but not mentioned anywhere on Wikipedia
- Continuous diagnostics and mitigation - (CDM) DHS
- Coranti Inc - information needed about Coranti Inc, a provider of Multiscanning security applications
- CryptDB
- Crypto-chip
- CryptoHeaven
- Data Security Posture Management
- DeepSight - feature of Norton Internet Security that accesses a blacklist of IP addresses supposedly “maintained by the U.S. government.”
- Defender Pro Internet Security
- Docucolor tracking dots
- Dormant computer virus
- Enterprise Security Client - Redhat program to work with smart cards & security certificates; inherited from Netscape in 2004; [491]; mentioned by dwheeler in a blog entry about the size of Linux distributions
- Executable protection
- Entrust TruePass tm[verify notability]
- Export-crippled cipher (a dictdef. or a redirect to a related Wikipedia article would be sufficient as long as the Wikipedia article to which this title redirects actually defines the term in language understandable to lay users.)
- eXtensible Content Protection[verify notability]
- Eraser software homepage for this opensource eraser/wipe program
- etalio Helps you manage your digital identity and protect your privacy online
- Firejail - an IMHO very sophisticated sandboxing tool which started out as a Firefox sandbox and now supports hundreds of applications. Has 1818 stars and 261 forks on GitHub. Website
- Fortify (programming) - provides a suite of tools to perform source code analysis[verify notability]
- Generalized Framework for Access Control (GFAC)[verify notability]
- Hash time lock smart contracts - (HTLC), MAD-HTLC – Because HTLC is Crazy-Cheap to Attack
- Heimdal Security - internet security company involved in Operation Tovar. [492]
- HenWen (software)
- Hofheinz–Kiltz–Shoup cryptosystem
- Russ Housely (IETF security AD)
- Hoyt Kesterton (X.509 raporeur)
- InfoJack - a malicious program targeted at Windows Mobile smartphones; [493]
- Information asset profiling
- Information Technology Baseline Protection Manual
- IP.Viking - corporate IP attacks live monitoring system - and
- Identification, authentication and authorization
- Key continuity management - Distributed public key infrastructure based on whether several messages were signed with the same self-signed cert. This is used by Mac OS X code signing and by the PGP web of trust.
- Keyword guessing attack - A type of attack on a server
- Kivu Consulting - a security and investigations company that combines technical and legal expertise to deliver data breach response, investigative, discovery and forensic solutions worldwide [494]
- List of security and privacy software - A comparison of diverse security and privacy/anonymity applications in different subcategories: data encryption, communication encryption, traceless erasing, firewalls, tor, i2p, freenet. Just a list with the most important information to each system so a person interested in these fields will get an overview about the software available and then read on in the respective article.
- Lookalike domains or Look-alike domains (plus other spelling variations) – URLs that closely resemble the domain of a real website but are altered slightly to trick unsuspecting persons into visiting fraudulent sites that are used to capture passwords and credit card information or to generate click-bait ad revenue. Is this a variation of Typosquatting and/or IDN homograph attack? If so, we need to create the appropriate redirects. Or does topic includes both and we need to explain this in more detail so that an average person can understand? [495]; [496]; [497]; [498]; [499]; [500]; [501]; [502]; [503]; [504]; [505]
- Low integrity mode
- Metasponse- Explain this security software features and how it protects users and enterprises
- Mini-certificates - WTLS mini-certificates, used for wireless devices
- Mitigation (computer security) — Already understand the basic dictionary definition of "mitigation", but would like to read an overview of mitigation as a comp sci concept as mentioned in this news article: Microsoft ponies up $100K to researcher who figured out new Windows hack in 2 weeks
- mod gnutls - mod_gnutls uses the GnuTLS library to provide SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and 1.2 encryption for the Apache Web Server
- Moving Target Defense
[edit]- Needham-Schroeder-Lowe - encryption algorithm. Should this be simply included in Needham-Schroeder protocol?
- NIST Special Publication 800-series, there are already multiple 800-series articles. An article for the overall series would be helpful, similar to ISO 27000.[506][507][508][509]
- NIST 800-160 - Systems Security Engineering: Considerations for a Multidisciplinary Approach in the Engineering of Trustworthy Secure Systems.
- Onapsis - Cybersecurity company with patented solutions that delivers vulnerability assessment, monitoring and protection of business-critical applications[510]. The Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT), a division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), issued the first alert on “Exploitation of SAP Business Applications,” based on threat intelligence uncovered by Onapsis that revealed that over 36 global organizations had been attacked through SAP-specific exploits [511]. Two years later, the same office published a new alert about “Malicious Cyber Activity Targeting ERP Applications” based on research findings of Onapsis researchers and Digital Shadows [512]. In 2019, the DHS-CERT raised a new alert about “New Exploits for Unsecure SAP Systems” based on research reports from the Onapsis Research Labs [513].
- OnionCat
- OpenSCAP − A set of open source tools for implementing the NIST SCAP standard
- OS-178B
- Passive DNS – A searchable log of DNS requests that allows seeing what domains are hosted by an IP. This service is essential to research in information security, offered by Cisco Umbrella, The Spamhaus Project, and many others [514] [515] [516] [517]
- PLP (Personal License Password)
- PolyUnpack
- Power-Line Exploit - featured on Network World, will be unveiled during Black Hat 2009 USA in Las Vegas in late July. Conference Page
- Privileged Identity Management - There exists the article Identity Management, which is where Privileged Identity Management redirects to, but it is not concerned with any kind of problems specific to privileged accounts (like that privileged users are able to create more privileged users which are hard to control). On page Identity Management, there is even a link to Priviledged Identity Management under 'See also' which leads to the very same page of course... So I think this redirection doesn't make too much sense. There should either be an own article for Privileged Identity Management or a section in Identity Management.
- PyCrypto and other cryptographic libraries, including, notably, OpenSSL [518], of widespread interest due to the massive security breaches made possible by poor implementation (Heartbleed). I cannot find an existing article. Could be added to existing articles, such as AES implementations AES implementations. PyCrypto [519] is a commonly-used library for Python language programming; it is used as a replacement for OpenSSL.
- Security Excellence Awards - UK Security Awards run by the people who run Black Hat Briefings (United Business Media)
- SHALB - Security High Availability Load Balancing concept; Information Security Agency; [520]
- Simultaneous exchange of secrets (Sometimes just Exchange Of Secrets (EOS)) - Cryptographic process to atomically exchange secrets. The aim is to avoid a limbo case where one party has the secret they want but another party doesn't get theirs in return. See also ANDOS.
- Secure Signature Creation Device
- Smart Fortress 2012 - scareware program similar to SpySheriff that is common as of April 2012
- Spy Shredder
- Stop-and-go generator - encryption hardware, type of clock controlled generator
- Strokejacking
- Survivability and Information Assurance - [521]
- SusPacked virus
- Tabletop exercise [522][523][524]
- Theory of Security Maxims - [525]
- TICSA - Security certification, possibly obsolete
- Tiny Fragment Attack - another IDS evasion technique
- Tony Nadalin (Main architect WS-*)
- Traffic confirmation attack
- Trusted Network Interpretation of the TCSEC (the Red Book)
- Trusted Zone Management
- User Controlled Encryption - a security process where encryption keys are controlled by the user; referenced in part 6 of MEGA's ToS here: and already listed on the disambiguity page for UCE here: UCE; more information available from sources here and here.
- UCON Usage Control (UCON) Model; [526]
- Web fake, specifically, how a phishing site can redirect to a legitimate site and still maintain control over your browser
- Wegman-Carter authentication - Unconditionally secure cryptographic authentication. [527]
- Wifiphisher Automated victim-customized phishing attacks against Wi-Fi clients - [528]
- xp-police-av - fake spyware removal tool that takes control of the victim's browser and redirects them to its website, giving them a "special offer" on a licence for xpPoliceAntiVirus; imitates genuine Microsoft logos, trademarks and packaging.
[edit]- AcctVantage ERP - (Enterprise Resource Planning) accounting software for Mac
- ACOS/MACOS - language used for bulletin board software GBBS II Pro on (almost entirely) Apple II computers
- Adobe Substance 3D - Software suite about 3D/AR , source:
- Adobe SVG Viewer - software
- Adobe Type on Call - software
- Adobe Type Reunion - software
- Advanced BKF Repair - nominated for Epsilon Award 2010
- Advanced Exchange Recovery - nominated for Epsilon Award 2010
- Advanced Outlook Express Repair - nominated for the Epsilon Award 2010
- age (software) - a simple, modern and secure file encryption tool, format, and Go library; [529]; [530]
- Ahsay - rebrandable backup software
- AirBrowse (web browser) - a fast, secure and extendable browser using the Chromium V8 renderer created by AirBrowse Technologies.
- AirDroid -,
- Airesis - Web based, Open Source, E-Democracy platform
- All in One - System Rescue Toolkit - This utility disc is designed to quickly and efficiently aid a technician with troubleshooting and repairing Windows based PCs. (May belong to this category: List of live CDs) [531]; [532]; [533]
- AmCharts (JavaScript library for making charts; charting software) ([534])
- Amethyst (software) - Data-oriented and data-driven game engine written in Rust
- AmiBroker - popular technical analysis software platform [535]. Popularity as compared to Metastock: [536]
- Analog Rails - EDA tool/platform and start-up company aimed at providing 100% automation and simulation of analog/mixed-signal IC layouts; [537]; [538]
- Anatella (software) - software; ETL for big data
- AOMEI Backupper - backup and recovery software. [539], [540], [541], [542]
- Apache Archiva - [543] Apache Archiva
- ApexCharts (JavaScript library for making charts; charting software) ([544])
- API Manager - [545]; Other vendors are Apigee and Mashery. Wikipedia does not contain an article on this segment of the industry
- ApiGen - tool to create PHP 5.3+ API documentation; Home. It can be installed using a PEAR channel. It's supported by NetBeans since version 7.2.
- Aria2c - HTTP/HTTPS/BitTorrent client with metalink support. [546]
- Artifactory - [547]
- Asynchronous Procedure Call in the Windows NT family of operating systems. [548]
- Atom (web browser) - Mail.Ru group recently announced the launch of its new Atom browser, another attempt since chromium based Amigo (web browser) [549] [550]
- Atomic Game Engine - a multiplatform open source game engine. Full page requested to be linked from List of game engines#Engines. Acceptability for inclusion is assumed based on similarly mature engines that are however not listed as having been used in commercially released games. ([551])
- Aura (software) - antivirus company
- Auto Shutdown Manager - nominated for Epsilon Award 2010
- AutoRune - first RuneScape cheat; the author, Aivars Kaitnieks, created his own programming language for people to write scripts that the program could execute
- Autotask - expense management, service desk, project management, CRM, and time & billing software
- B Lyrics Mimer - portable Karaoke creator freeware; [552]; [553]; [554]
- BackUp and Restore Program - network backup and restore, AGPLv3; [555]
- BackupVault - UK based backup services for SMEs world-wide; [556]; [557]; [558]; [559]
- BannerSnack - an online app for creating Flash banners; [560]; [561]
- Bareos - an enterprise level open source backup system for heterogeneous networks. See [562]
- BatchPhoto - a powerful all-in-one image manipulation program for Windows and Mac OS X. 2012 Epsilon Award's second-place winner. See [563]
- Bettercap,tool for network reconnaissance, enabling a range of activities, including man-in-the-middle attacks
- Betternet - A virtual private network (VPN) app for iOS and Android that does not work on Windows
- BDV DataHider - portable application for encryption and hiding data on a flash drives; [564]
- BDV Notepad - portable plain text editor, freeware; [565]
- BiblioteQ - library software. [566]
- Bikeshed (software) - Documentation generator used for official HTML5 Living Standard, CSS specifications, C++ Standards (homepage)
- bitfarm-Archiv - Open-Source Document Management System. [567]
- Blacklight (framework) - an open-source discovery software framework. [568]; [569]; [570]
- Bleep (software) - Private instant messaging via secure, distributed technology; [571];
- Blockbench - Open-source 3d modeling editor for low-poly renders; [572];
- Bluebeam PDF Revu – professional PDF editor for the architecture, engineering and construction industry and other technical users; [573]; [574]
- bsdiff - open-source executable comparison tool
- Bsplayer - media player; [575]
- Bugherd - A issue tracking software which is embedded in a website
- Bulk Rename Utility - free file rename utility for Windows
- Business Cataylst - a hosted (SaaS) platform for building and managing online businesses; acquired by Adobe Systems in August, 2009; [576]
- Android Braille Slate - The Android Braille Slate is a mobile phone application that aims to help visually impaired students in learning the English Alphabets in Braille. The app recreates the Braille environment through TOUCH TACTILE FEEDBACK and SOUND. This application uses Touch, Vibration and Sound to help the Visually impaired students recognise revise and learn Braille alphabets in an intuitive manner ; [577] [578]
[edit]- Cambalache Interface Designer - GUI creation tool for GTK and GTK 4, successor to Glade Interface Designer
- CanvasJS (JavaScript library for making charts; charting software) ([579])
- Carbonate browser - is it legitimate?
- CashOrCard POS a full Electronic Cash Register / Point of Sale solution, built with omnichannel retail in mind. Free to download and install, all that is needed is a tablet (iPad or Android). Brings together integrated loyalty, full eCommerce integration and a globally-accessible dashboard to manage business performance... [580], [581], [582], [583]
- Cetaris - Fleet maintenance and Enterprise Asset Management Software for fleet and fixed assets. [584], [585], [586], [587], [588], [589]
- Chankast - Sega Dreamcast emulator, which seem to be the first and, although now unmaintained, has opened the way to other emulators like NullDC
- Chartist (JavaScript library for making charts; charting software) ([590])
- Cisco DNA - [591] [592]
- Cloud System Booster - system maintenance & optimization tool based on cloud technology; all-in-one PC repair and system maintenance program; [593]; [594]
- Cogl - a Low Level GPU Graphics and Utilities API
- Coherent UI - a Graphical User Interface system, designed for real-time applications; [595]; [596]
- CoinIMP miner (CoinIMP is an in-browser miner that provides webmasters with a cryptocurrency JavaScript miner that can be embedded in a website so visitors can allow cryptocurrency mining as they navigate through the site. It brings the concept of responsable website mining) (* Color Insight - a color asset management and color approval application for graphic arts, commercial print, and textile industries. Developed by Julian Mussi, Color Insight is a part of the DeSL CLM (color lifecycle management) module; [597];[598];[599]
- Comparison of Android emulators - This article should include both those that are independent programs (like BlueStacks or YouWave) as well as those that can be run from a virtual machine (Android-x86) and others.
- Comparison of file recovery utilities: a list already exists, just need a good comparison of its features.
- Component Based Servicing - built into Windows Vista and later; [600]
- Concerto signage - open-source digital signage software; started at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; [601]
- Consoleworks - connects consoles together
- CoolNovo - a Chromium-based web browser and enhanced edition of Google Chrome; [602]; [603]
- Copywhiz - a flexible file copy program. It was formerly known as Piky Basket
- CoreCluster cloud (a platform for small and cloud computing installations, dedicated for devops and automated tests) [604]
- Corel Home Office is a sleek new office suite for word processing, spreadsheets and presentation projects
- CoreNLP - a popular natural-language processing toolkit from Stanford University, Christopher D. Manning
- CrazyBump is a program for making bumpmaps, normal maps and displacement maps from pictures.
- Cxbx-Reloaded - Based on a now dead emulator Cxbx (wich together with Dxbx could redirect to this), Cxbx-Reloaded is a continuation with 88 working games and its developer also know for attempting to recreate the original xbox live services as mentioned on Kotaku, Youtuber ModernVideoGamer MVG mentions the emulator working, Borman mentions its progress [605][606][607][608][609][610].
- D-Pixed - image editor specializing in 256 color images; originally a Japanese program, it has been translated to English; [611]
- D-Spy
- Dconf Editor
- Deeponion - Deeponion is an anonymous cryptocurrency that is natively integrated with the tor network; [612]; [613];[614];
- Demantra - Oracle Demantra is a best-in-class provider of demand management, sales & operations planning, and trade promotions management solutions; [615]
- DeskDeco - free wallpaper management software; [616]
- DevelSoftware assembler x86-64 - freeware x86-64 assembler
- Dictator (software) - [617]; for on-screen reading of text files
- Disco Project - erlang/python mapreduce+ framework; [618]
- DisplayCAL Open-source software that allows a user to commit color calibration [619] [620] (in Chinese)
- DNSKong - "is an Internet privacy filter, which uses simple text files. The program filters Domain Name Server requests on a local machine or home router. DNSKong comes in a version 1 with visual cues and version 2 w/o visual cues and more advanced configuration."; [621]
- Dodontof - online text-based system
- Dr.Explain - a help authoring tool which can automatically document application screens; [622]
- Driver Genius Professional Edition - [623] a sound device manager and updater
- DriverPack Solution Since I myself was preparing an article about hw-probe, I was on the Internet looking for device information on the go. I came across the website of this program written for Windows DriverPack Solution, which is offered at least on the websites and [] and according to the provider's website, the number of worldwide users is currently indicated with 46,0085,000. , and offer it probably already for download, even if the thing due to unclear funding, would be possible Symantec, since I have also seen a hint, which refers to this, and with installation of adware such as the Opera browser, one Russian Firefox version and Avast antivirus protection should be considered at least with caution with a possible download size of 2.68 GB. Some protection programs, like Malwarebytes, also seem to regard it as a kind of virus, others, like Kaspersky, seem to rate it as good. Should not we, because of the number of program installations that have already taken place, be obliged to also offer an article about it? But I will not be able to do that because I deal almost exclusively with Linux myself. The author could perhaps take an example on the ru: DriverPack Solution(Russian) or fr: DriverPacks (French) Wikipedia. --Peter Littmann (talk) 00:58, 7 December 2019 (UTC)
- Dygraphs (JavaScript library for making charts; charting software) ([624])
- Dyplo - a distributed, robust and failsafe embedded infrastructure enabling seamless software and FPGA integration including Linux API, FPGA infrastructure and partial reconfiguration management.; [625]; [626]; [627]
- Dyre (malware), malware used to steal bank login credentials (and also the name of the group that created it). Used by Wizard Spider cybercrime group. Refs: SecurityIntelligence, Forbes
- eDexter - "is an Internet privacy filter-supplement, working with DNSKong, to reduce unnecessary & unwanted graphic-file downloading. The program speeds up web-page display by replacing remote images with smaller, local ones."; [628]
[edit]- Excitel broadband (Excitel Broadband is known for providing high-speed internet services with a focus on consistency and customer satisfaction. They offer a variety of plans tailored to meet different needs, from casual browsing to heavy-duty streaming and gaming. With their fiber technology, customers can enjoy fast and reliable connections. Additionally, Excitel emphasizes customer support, ensuring that any issues are addressed promptly, making it a popular choice among users looking for quality internet service providers.) [629],[630],[631]
- EaseUS Todo Backup - a free backup software. [632], [633]
- EHCP - a free GNU/GPL hosting control panel solution
- Elektra (Software) - a registry system for Linux. [634]
- Email Director - Email, fax and SMS marketing solution widely used in government, large and medium businesses; [635]
- EMotion FX - a real-time cross-platform character animation SDK; [636]; [637]
- Enlighten (lighting software) - a cross-platform lighting system; [638]; [639]
- ERBuilder -ERBuilder data modeler is a database modeling software created by the company Softbuilder, its first version was launched in 2017. It is a visual tool for database modeling and DDL script generation using an entity-association approach. [640]
- Eshbel Technologies - an ERP software developer, notable as the first to offer an ERP system fully based on .NET and WPF technologies. I wrote up a page about it but can't post as I have a COI. Several articles including a case study in conjunction with Microsoft have been published and links included in the mock-up page User:ThinkERP/Eshbel Technologies
- EtherCalc - Online spreadsheet that extends WikiCalc. People can edit the same document at the same time; [641]; [642]; [643]; [644]; [645];
- Eventum - issue-tracking software from; see Comparison of issue-tracking systems; [646]
- Examplify - exam-taking software [647]
- Exastum - a free GNU/GPL HTML5 project designed to act like an Operating System within the Google Chrome Browser.
- F2T - app software platform designed for the local food distribution industry; [648];
- Fabric (Python tool) - remote execution, deployment and automation tool in Python
- Fabric (Twitter - Google) - Twitter development platform purchased by Google
- FAISS (or "Faiss") - Facebook AI Similarity Search; [649]; [650]
- FBackup - freeware backup software for Windows; [651]; [652]; [653]; [654]; [655]
- Federal Personnel Payroll System - personnel and payroll system developed by the Department of the Interior's Interior Business Center
- Feudalism 2 - online computer game
- File Scavenger - a shareware for restoring files which has been deleted from the hard disk, or in case the entire device became unavailable (in case of unplugging the device insecurely)
- FlexHex Editor - a hex editor specially designed to help you securely inspect and edit binary files, OLE compound files, logical devices, and physical drives
- FlippingBook - a PDF converter, allows its users to read digital publications as they would in print (i.e. by turning pages); mentioned in the Apple Books and Mindanao Times articles; [656], [657], [658], [659]
- Flot Charts (JavaScript library for making charts; charting software) ([660])
- Fluency Translation Software - a Cat Tool [661]
- Focus Photoeditor - software application for image editing and photo-retouch; [662]
- FontCreator - created by software company High-Logic; software to create own fonts or even edit fonts already installed on PC; [663]
- FontReview - a replacement for Windows 9x/NT's built-in font viewer
- FourCC Changer - tool to alter an AVI file's description code
- FreeCommander - an alternative to the standard Windows File Manager; [664]; [665]
- Freevo - an open source HTPC media center; [666]; [667]
- FriendlySeats - a software, that allows up to 8 users to work simultaneously and independently from each other on a single PC. New workstations are organized by connecting additional monitors, keyboards and mice to one base unit; [668]; [669]; [670]
- Fring (VoIP) - VoIP client software; [671]; he:Fring, id:Fring, it:Fring, ja:Fring, nl:Fring, pl:Fring, ru:Fring, sk:Fring and uk:Fring
- Full-stack framework
[edit]- GNOME Settings
- GNOME Calls
- GNOME Contacts
- SimpleScan
- GNOME Music
- GNOME Connections
- GNOME Fonts
- GNOME Logs
- GNOME Weather
- GNOME Calendar
- GNOME Snapshot
- GNOME Human Interface Guidelines - guidelines for creating GNOME applications
- GemRB - Free software re-implementation of the Infinity Engine, has pages on 4 other language wikipedias. wikidata:Q1988298 [71]
- Glary Utilities - Glary Utilities is a smart and reliable application that offers numerous powerful and easy-to-use system tools and utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC. It allows you to clean common system junk files, as well as invalid registry entries and Internet traces; [672]; [673]
- groovydoc - Groovydoc was introduced in 2007 to provide API documentation for the Groovy language, similar to Javadoc for the Java language; [674]
- Gruveo - an online video calling software which does not require accounts or sign in; [675]; [676]
- galera cluster - synchronous replication cluster based on MySQL; [677]
- Gracie (software) - OpenID provider, written in Python programming language; [678]
- Gentran (IBM Sterling Gentran) EDI Gateway; [679]
- Gitian - Software build system around since 2010 used for Reproducible builds that can be safely trusted by Debian, Tor, Bitcoin, and others [680]
- gmask - image editing software
- G2 Rule Engine Platform - real-time rule engine platform used in a wide variety of fields; [681]
- G3D Engine "G3D is a commercial-grade 3D Engine available as Open Source (BSD License). It is used in games, tech demos, research papers, military simulators, and university courses. It provides a set of routines and structures so common that they are needed in almost every graphics program. It makes low-level libraries like OpenGL and sockets easier to use without limiting functionality or performance. G3D gives you a rock-solid, highly optimized base from which to build your application." [682]
- Gradio - Find and listen to internet radio stations on Linux [683]
- Grammatica (software) - application designed to display stress marks and linguistic information for all words in a Russian text; [684]; targeted at serious Russian learners; SlavFile Summer 2011 ([685] (page 27)); [686]; [687]; June 2011 Newsletter ([688]); language resources ([689])
- Grunt.js - Node.js task runner [690]
- Guardio - antivirus software/browser plugin [691]
- H2GIS - Open source spatial extension of H2 database. In the spirit of PostGIS. ([692])
- Hazelcast Jet (Hazelcast Jet is an application embeddable, distributed computing engine built on top of Hazelcast. With Hazelcast IMDG providing storage functionality, Hazelcast Jet performs parallel execution to enable data-intensive applications to operate in near real-time.) [693]
- hCaptcha - a CAPTCHA system [694][695]
- Heaventools Software
- Heimer - Open source mind map and note-taking tool written in Qt. [696] [697] [698]
- HelloTalk – Mobile app.
- History of Bangla computing - history of how the software of Bengali/Bangla script interfacing developed at 1980s-present
- Hive (Hadoop) a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop.[
- High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence [699]
- Horizon QCMS - open source CMS programmed in PHP; [700]; [701]
- Huoshanzhibo (Chinese: 火山小视频) – mobile video app also known as Huoshan [702]
- Hype (software) HTML 5 animation creation alternative to Adobe Edge [703]
- IconEdit2 - TrueColor icon editor. Supports 256x256 Vista icons; [704]; [705]; [706]; [707]
- ifupdown network interface manager for linux
- Indigo-rose - software development tools; [710]
- Indimile - Web-based project management / client engagement tool for freelancers; [711]
- InfiniSQL - Free/Open Source Massively Scalable Relational Database Management System (RDBMS); [712]; [713]; [714]; [715]; [716]; [717]
- Insight Remote Support (HPE Insight Remote Support is a monitoring software developped by HPE focused on HPE hardware and integration with HPE software like HPE OneView.) ([718] )
- iPDF - Some sort of definition would help readers understand articles where this term is used.
- iSPY (open source webcam surveillance/monitoring software)
- jDisk Report - java software to monitor disk usage
- Jiangmin
- Jinzora - PHP internet jukebox manager
- JSCAPE MFT Server - platform independent managed file transfer server
- JuMP (modeling language) - Julia for Mathematical Optimization is an Algebraic modeling language developed by the MIT Operations Research Center, for mathematical optimization embedded in Julia. It currently supports a number of open-source and commercial solvers for a variety of problem classes, including linear programming, mixed-integer programming, second-order conic programming, semidefinite programming, and nonlinear programming [719] [720];
- Justis (software) - Database of Case law. First ever to provide PDF's online and contains exclusive online worldwide content. Similar in form to Westlaw. ; [721]
- JioGate (Apartment security management application. Its an Indian app launched by Reliance Jio.) [722], [723], [724], [725]
[edit]- Kangas Sound Editor - An open-source Java program for creating music and sound-effects from scratch, by specifying harmonics and inharmonics which are stored in a database; [726]; [727]; [728]; [729]
- KillCopy
- Kizoa - An online movie maker for the creation of videos and digital collages; [730]; [731]; [732]; [733]; [734];[735]; [736]; Lewell, John.Digital Photography for Next to Nothing: Free and Low Cost Hardware and Software to Help you Shoot Like a Pro. Wiley. 2010 pp. 213-214.
- Kohana (web framework) - an open-source, object-oriented MVC web framework; [737]; [738]
- Kontalk - A community-driven open-source encrypted messaging project de:Kontalk [739]
- Konvertor - a file viewer/converter supporting conversion among 2483 3D, image, photo, animation, audio, video and text formats quickly and easily; nominated Epsilon Award 2010
- Koteret-Lakoach-Nachas-Zefa - Hebrew for koteret = title, lakoach = client/customer, nachash = snake, zefa = viper. It is a name of a service window in Mercury Winrunner Web Add-In. WinRunner is a software testing tool. I think the particular module has been developed by somebody from Israel (Possibly by Dan Tsirlin).
- LBackup - backup system aimed at systems administrators; [740]; [741]; [742]; (mentions Lucid Information Systems, currently key contributor)
- LBMMPS (Location Based Mobile Multimedia Pusher System)
- Legendre Moments - Moments used for computer image processing. [743]
- Lelogiciel - language lab software; India; [744]
- lexiCan - client which allows knowledge distribution across a company network, e.g., for instructions, course material, faqs, manuals. As found on Hane, Paula (2009-06-29). "New Version of Knowledge Management Software: lexiCan 3". Information Today. [745].
- libexo. Some library that my updater installed on kubuntu linux just now.
- libhogweed. Some library that my updater installed on kubuntu linux just now.
- libxerces - another library that my updater installed on kubuntu linux just now. I think this one parses XML but am not sure (and certainly not competent to write an article on it).
- lightIRC - A popular web-based IRC client written for the Adobe Flash Platform. [746]
- Lively Wallpaper - Free and open-source software for playing animated desktop wallpaper. [747]
- Linux Tycoon - Linux Distro Building Simulator; [748]
- Litterati - App gamifying picking up litter. [749]
- Little Apps - Our aim is to create free, open source, redistributable programs. We license our programs under the GNU General Public License, which means that we will never charge you and it allows (you) the customer to edit the software. One of our noted programs is Little Registry Cleaner. [750]
- Log Analyzer: Trends - website statistics software; nominated for Epsilon Award 2010
- Logstash - The log parsing engine for Elasticsearch (our Elasticsearch article already contains a link to the missing Logstash article). Official home page: [751]. Wikitech article: [752].
- National Instruments Lookout
- LPMT – we are working on a free software video tools manual and I found there is no page or mention of this projection software. Given that there will be a task and case study published soon it would be great for there to be a Wikipedia page. [753]
- Luakit - Highly configurable microbrowser that uses Lua as a configuration language. [754]
[edit]- Magnifique - an outdated theme manager for Mac OS X Leopard which may be updated anytime; featured on: [755] and [756]
- Microsoft Authenticator - MFA/2FA app [757]
- MakeMKV - a program for ripping DVDs and Blu-rays to video(s) that use the .mkv file extension and MKV container. I have seen it mentioned on the HandBrake Wikipedia page.
- MalZilla
- MASS-11 - a 1980s character-based document processing system for VAX and PC from Microsystems (magazine)
- Matali Physics - a cross-platform, advanced 3D physics engine [758]
- Mathematical Programming Language - MPL Modeling System; [759]
- Meson (build system) [760]
- Melody Composer Squared - a free app for iOS for creating melodies using their conversions to the two-dimensional plane [761]
- Metal Player – audio and video player made by Abyssalsoft home page
- midPoint - open source organization & identity management and identity governance software created by Evolveum [762]
- Migiri App - App to Quit Porn iOS and MacOS [763]
- Mininet - Mininet is a network emulator which creates a network of virtual hosts, switches, controllers, and links. Mininet hosts run standard Linux network software, and its switches support OpenFlow for highly flexible custom routing and Software-Defined Networking.
- Milanote - Milanote is a tool for organizing creative projects [764]
- MicroWorld - makers of eScan Anti-Virus software. latest VirusBulletin results
- Miro(RealtimeBoard) - a Visual collaboration platform [765]
- MobaXterm - Xserver and tabbed SSH client for Windows [766]
- Mokee - an open source Android custom ROM [767]
- Mojo (software) - "a collection of runtime libraries that facilitate...inter-process communication" [768][769][770][771]
- Move player/Move Player - used by Fox on Demand
- Movebot (Cloud Storage Migration tool that supports the likes of dropbox to google drive, amazon s3 to wasabi and on-prem to cloud) ( &
- MHSVLC Player
- MSIE 1.0 - the first version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, a web browser [772]
- Musophobia the Particle Painter - particle-based, generative-painting application; developed for iPhone and iPad; featured at SIGGRAPH 2010; abstact can be found at ACM PORTA;L [773]
- mytuning utilities - PC Software for speed and clean computer [774]
- nanDECK - a freeware software that creates graphic images with a scripting language. [775]
- Nano MVP - a PHP framework based on the MVP design pattern. [776]
- Nano Sign - Nano sign (aka Nsign) is a open-source digital file signing and verification software. [777]
- Nav4All - satellite navigation software; [778]
- navfree - open-source satellite navigation application for iPad
- Neck Diagrams - a tool to create fretboard diagram; nominated for the Epsilon Award 2010
- Network Broadcast Sound
- NetworkMiner - open-source network forensics application; [779]
- News Worm - RSS and Atom reader for Windows; [780]
- Nodebug
- Nomacs - An open source, multiplatform (64-bit only) image viewer [781]
- Notezilla - an elegant sticky notes software for Windows. It is the new version of Quick Notes Plus
- Nozbe - popular multiplatform productivity app [782]
[edit]- Pika Backup
- Object Mapping - Such as Automapper, ModelMapper, Dozer, Orika - not to be confused with ORM - Object Relational Mapping which relates to Databases
- ocad - software for creating maps; [783]
- OCP art studio - art package for the 48K spectrum and related models
- Octalyzer - music editor for Amiga's Atari 1040STE
- Octopus Deploy - orchestration software, should be disambiguated from octopus (software); [784]
- Offen (software) - fair, open source and free web analytics tool which allows web users to access their data; [785]
- OneClick - business application builder; [786]
- OnShare - OnShare is a software that allows you to access your friends documents and files as if it was on your own computer. It also enables chatting and allows you to connect computers directly together allowing you to share files securely. This software enables your friends to appear as drives on your computer for easy access. Within windows you can easily access files, drop, drag, copy and paste; [787]
- Open Colour Standard - [788], [789]; [790]
- Open Linux Router - [791]; has a modular design that gives the user the ability to choose what features that will be implemented
- OpenGamma - open-source risk- and trading-analytics platform for the financial services industry; User:Ogmark/sandbox; [792]; [793]; [794]; [795]; [796]; [797])
- OpenP2M - file-sharing software; produced by Glauber Magalhães Pires
- Opera PMS - a booking system software used by hotels to make reservations
- ORC File - Hadoop Hive data storage format called ORC (Optimised Row Columnar) Files [798]
- Origo (platform) - open-source and closed-source software development platform [799]
- Orocos - the Open RObot COntrol Software project [800], is used for teleoperation robot control [72]
- OS/161
- OptionScape (Financial risk management software. Somebody please help me, I have COI. A very brief non-commercial explanation of the principles behind the software and what it is used for would be very much appreciated. Thank you! User:wingstarsoft ) (,
- Outguess - Steganography software for macOS [801]
- OW-CCA - a claim of security against chosen ciphertext attack; other claims, such as IND-CCA are already covered; [ht]
- Pablo (image editor) - a social media image editor app created by Buffer (application) (mentioned in the article); [802], [803], [804], [805]
- Pacifist (Mac OS X) - an installer for Mac OS X that can install software that the default installer will not; presumed notable as per inclusion in Pacifist (disambiguation)
- Paludis - a package mangler; one of the alternatives of the Gentoo package manager portage; [806]
- PaperCut NG - [807]; print and internet monitoring / quota software
- ParmisPDF - [808]; software for creating, processing and securing PDF files; both graphical user interface (GUI) and command-line (CLI) versions are available
- Passbolt - An open source password management software for storing credentials and secrets. Based in Europe. [809] [810] [811] [812]
- PC Bean & Clean - PC Software for speed and clean computer; [813]
- PDF Annotator - PDF editor; won the 1st place in Epsilon Award 2011
- PDFium - Open Source library for rendering PDF pages. Part of the Chromium project and the only C language open source library which has a BSD-style license.
- PDQ Deploy - Windows software deployment tool; [814]
- - analytics, in-application user feedback, and contextual guidance designed to help companies measure and elevate the customer experience within their applications [815]
- Pepperflash - a replacement for the adobe flash browser plugin
- PE Explorer - tool to view and edit PE Files; won first place, Epsilon Award 2010
- Phone Support Tools (PST)
- Photo Renamer - EXIF renamer that puts photos in chronological order; [816]; [817]
- PhotoPosPro - [818]; photo editing software
- PhotoShare - iPhone application [819]
- PhotoSnack - online photo slideshow maker; [820]; [821]
- Phoxo - open-source image and photo editor for MS-Windows; [822]
- Phraseanet - open-source digital-asset management software; [823]
- Pictavo [824] - web-based yearbook, military book, and church directory creation software
- Picture Converter - [825]; image resizing and conversion software
- Pinpoint (Application performance management) (
- PicsX4 - PicsX4 is a 4 pics one-word game where you try to find a particular word that is common to the four given pictures. The challenge becomes harder with each new level. The available letters are shown at the bottom of the screen. The letters need to be added manually. It is possible to get a hint or ask a friend for help and both require a coin currency. Hints include exposing a letter, removing letters, and solving the question right away. [826]
- picoCAD - A lightweight low-poly 3d modelling software built for the PICO-8 [827];
- Pix4Dmapper - [[828]] Pix4Dmapper is a photogrammetry and 3D modeling software. I can provide a large number of references if it is needed.
- Pixelshop - [829]; icon and cursor editing software
- Pixelvision 8 - a Fantasy video game console similar to the PICO-8 machine. [830];
- Pleroma (software) - [831] - free and open-source software for social networking using ActivityPub, compatible with other Fediverse services such as Lemmy (software), Mastodon (social network), Friendica, Misskey, Hubzilla, Zap, Pixelfed, and others. [832][833][834][835][836][837][838]The creators presentation at ElixirConf 2019Debian announcement of Debian Social initiative, which in includes hosting a Pleroma instance[839]Pleroma on YunoHost[840]
- Polarity - [841] - A feature packed, fast, secure, stable, and a highly customizable web browser that offers the latest web standards.
- PollDaddy - online survey and poll tool
- Polyplexus (a social media platform to help speed the pace of U.S. technology development.) [842] [843]
- Posibolt Software
- PouchDB - [844] - NoSQL database that is designed to run in a web browser; Aims to be CouchDB compatible.
- PowerPad - [845]; text editor
- PowerNex - [846] Possible competitor of the Linux kernel; an open source operating system kernel written in the D programming language, under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.
- PowerWorld Simulator is an interactive power system simulation program. It was developed by PowerWorld Corporation [847]. This program was designed to simulate high voltage power system operations. The software is capable of completing a full power flow analysis up to 100,000 buses. It's widely used in electrical engineering
- Printer's Apprentice - [848]; powerful font manager
- PrintingWorks - [849]; print monitoring / quota software
- ProcessGuard
- Project Chaplin - [850]; the first fully free open source video sharing platform
- Project Lombok - [851]; Java library for automated addition of build tools
- PropertyBox - real estate website generation software; [852]
- ProxMox Virtual Environment - virtualization; [853]
- PROXY protocol - a commonly used non-IETF standard for passing network traffic through proxies and load balancers. [854],
- Prozilla - a download accelerator for Linux; [855]
- Pview - [856]
- Pykota - [857]; print monitoring / quota software
[edit]- Qemu Manager - an easy to use management tool,a compact front end for the fantastic QEMU emulator for Windows & WINE
- qualxserve service agreement
- Quibids - auctioning website
- Quick Format
- Quick Notes Plus - a desktop note program for Windows which has fewer functions than Notezilla (but is cheaper)
- Radmin - Remote administration software, remote pc access and control, remote techsupport software - [858], [859], [860], [861]
- Raven DB - [862]
- Raece Conquest
- Rama (software) - mobile application for self-guided historical walking tours; ranked among BBC's "Top Ten New Travel Apps"; created by Crimson Bamboo; would require a note in the disambiguation page
- Rapture3D an Ambisonic OpenAL driver bundled with DiRT 2. There's a first attempt without adequate sources at User:Rfurse/Rapture3D.
- RailsBricks - [863] - an app creator for the Ruby on Rails framework
- RecentX - tool which lets users quickly open any document, folder, program or bookmark; nominated for Epsilon Award 2010
- Reflex ERP - a fully integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution that has been developed to leverage the latest .net framework in order to deliver highly functional, adaptive software that can run on virtually any device and can be hosted either on-site or in the cloud. [864]
- Remote Development
- Report Manager - a free and open source reporting application (Report Manager Designer) and a set of libraries and utilities to preview, export or print reports. Include native .Net and Delphi/C++Builder libraries, ActiveX component and also standard dynamic link library for use in any language like GNU C. [865]
- Resource Tuner - a tool which lets users view, extract, replace, edit, and delete the embedded resources of executable files: icons, strings, images, sounds, dialogs, menus
- Resource Tuner Console - a command-line tool which enables developers to instantly change different resource types (version numbers, icons, images and strings) in large numbers of compiled 32- and 64-bit EXE or DLL files from the batch files
- RaidCall - online voice communication software
- ranqit - user-driven top ten lists; [866]
- rapget - downloader for file-sharing sites (Rapidshare, megaupload, ...)
- RD Tabs - third-party Windows remote desktop application (tabbed like Firefox)
- RealProducer
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform
- REKURSIO - free editor xml files for Windows [867]
- Reloaded (software type)
- REMnux
- Remindo - SaaS corporate company network; [868]
- - an open-source team chat platform. Draft exists as Draft:Rocket.Chat, but has (for somewhat unclear reasons) been repeatedly declined.
- Restoro - linked from Appuals. Is this program legitimate or is it malicious?
- rsnapshot - open-source filesystem snapshot utility for making backups of local and remote systems; [869]
- Rspamd - open-source spam filtering system; [870]
- RT Se7en Lite
- Rubedo CMS - Rubedo is a full featured open source Enterprise Content Management System, built on MongoDB [871] and Elasticsearch with Zend Framework, AngularJS and Boostrap. It offers a complete set of back-office tools to easily manage galaxies of responsive, flexible and performant applications or websites. [872] - [873]
- Raptor Launch Groups - Raptor Launch Groups is a UWP app for Windows 10. It allows the user to create Launch Groups to group folders and files together. Once a Launch Group has been created, the user can click or tap it to open all the folders and files associated with the Launch Group. [874]
- Rufaydium-Webdriver - Rufaydium is a WebDriver Library written in Autohotkey to support browser automation using WebDriver;[875][876][877][878]
[edit]- Sysproof
- Safarp
- Safe Eyes - Safe Eyes is a Free and Open Source tool for Linux users to reduce and prevent repetitive strain injury (RSI). [879]
- SAIL LABS Technology - automatic speech recognition
- Sales Channel Management (Software) - Type of software to manage e-commerce marketplaces
- San Andreas Multiplayer - multiplayer modification for the PC version of Rockstar North game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas; [880]
- SANmelody - storage-virtualization software
- Scanahand - font generator
- ScanQuix - standard scanning software for the Amiga computer;
- Scarab (software) - a hosted java-based issue-tracking system; Included in Comparison of issue-tracking systems (talk)
- Schedule Deluxe - The most known Android School and Study Timetable App; Stundenplan Deluxe
Screenmate or screen mate - type of programs/applications that shows animation(s) of character(s) or object(s) involved in various activities. Examples: Neko, XPenguins, Xsnow/Snow for Windows, Hanami, AutumnLeaves, Stray Sheep The Screen Mate (also known as Scmpoo, eSheep, Screen Mate Poo), FaFa Cat/Favour Cat/Silver Cat, etc.
- ScreenScenes - software package with screensavers that includes Claria adware
- ScreenToGif - A screen recording software that gives the user the ability to record, edit and save the animations as Gif or Video. [881]
- Scripto (software) - app used by TV show producers
- SecDoK - unknown
- Selective display - option in the Emacs text editor; [882]
- Self-help for anxiety management (SAM) - An app designed to help people track their anxiety to talk to others about their exeriences. Has the goal of stopping irrational anxiety [73] [883][884]
- Sendtask - task management software [885][886][887]
- Sentinel System Driver - piece of software that runs on Windows XP
- ServletExec
- SESAM/SQL-Server - relational database system from Fujitsu; [888]
- shared browsing - what it is, how it works and which software is available (with links)
- Shark007 - a collection of audio and video codecs for Microsoft Windows that enables the operating system and its software to play various audio and video formats generally not supported by the operating system itself; [889]; [890]; [891]
- Shutter (software) - free and open-source screenshot tool for Linux [892]
- SICSIM - Discrete Event, Flow Level simulator for simulating Peer-to-Peer overlays. Developed in SICS
- Silex RIA - open-source web application to produce Flash websites/web applications/CD-R/points of sell/... without Flash and without programming skills; has a plugin system to change the framework behaviour with javascript, ActionScript2, ActionScript3, php and haXe; [893]; [894]
- SimpleX (software) - free and open-source messaging application, using Simplex Messaging Protocol. [895]
- - website builder - Website builder is tool that allow the construction of websites without manual code editing [896], [897]
- Slixta - Next generation, content and commerce platform for digital representation and eCommerce for modern brands [898]
- SmadAV Antivirus - A popular antivirus software from Indonesia on which there already is a Wikipedia article created in Indonesian language [899]
- Smart Diary Suite - completely customizable, personal information solution; nominated for Epsilon Award 2010
- SmartMusic - a practice tool for musicians; provides visual feedback about performance accuracy; produces an assessment score that can be used in music education; can play an accompaniment while recording performance.[74] Mentioned in serveral books [900] [901]. Included in Music and artificial intelligence list.
- SmartStartMenu - [902]; an application launcher for WINDOWS
- smilez - tab add-on for AOL Instant Messenger; can be found on aim ad hack site
- SMTT (Small Monitor Test Tool) - display test tool; developed by Thomas Thiemann offers a high-precision test for Display lag (aka display input lag) and a brief test for 10-bit colour output ([903])
- smzip - file extension
- SnackTools - a suite of online apps that help Internet users create rich media content (banners, photo slideshows, etc.) [904]; [905]; [906]; [907]
- SnapRAID - user-space RAID5 and RAID6 for another RAID [908]
Snoop filter - [909]
- Socialbox - Facebook's IM Client
- SockJS - A JavaScript library (for browsers) that provides a WebSocket-like object. [910]
- Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
- SOLVATE InfoTech
- Softsaurus
Sopcast - program enabling viewing video streams employing Bittorrent
- SoundHelix - MIDI-based Java framework for composing and playing algorithmic random music ([911])
- Sound Particles (Software) (Sound Particles is a 3D CGI-like audio software that uses computer graphics techniques applied to sound and is able to create thousands of sounds on a 3D environment in a few minutes) ([912][913][914][915][916][917][918])
- Source Navigator
- SpamFilter ISP - commercial antispam software by LogSat Software ([919]) in August 2002
- SpAsm
- Spectrum (software) - XMPP texting server package providing numerous gateways- and transports for popular instant messaging systems. It is based on libpurlpe; [920]
- - only water-focused marketplace in the industry, it is a one-stop resource that helps industry buyers, sellers and innovators of water solutions to find one another as well as millions in funding, and thousands of project opportunities from sources across the industry. From interests in water, wastewater, stormwater and remediation to planning, design, monitoring and equipment. [921][922][923][924][925][926]
- Spold
- SpriteWorld - Mac OS/Mac OS X game creation SDK
- SProbe
- SQLiteTool - SQLite database client
- Spyware Terminator
- StackApplet - an application indicator for Linux
- Statseeker - Enterprise Network monitoring appliance built on FreeBSD and custom SNMP poller (
- Stampede Linux
- StaxRip — free Open Source video conversion front-end to ffmpeg
- Stikipad
- Stoffi Music Player - an adware music player for Windows 7 that streams from YouTube and has a focus on native design; [927]
- SynaptiCAD - a VHDL and waveform simulation program
- Swiftlight - project management and communication software
- sXid - flags changes in SUID programs in Unix-like OSes
- SupremeSched
- surl - command line tool for url shortening; [928]
- Summarize (software) (OS X service utility)
- Summation (computer software) – principal competitor to Concordance®
- SurRender software - A powerful image rendering software for space applications; [929],[930],[931]
- SurveyEngine - human-decision modeling software
- Synchronization Primitive - something to do with threads and parallel processes
- SmartFoxServer - Online multiplayer game server
- Sync Center - component of some versions of Microsoft Windows.
[edit]- T-Splines - used in CAD programs to create previously impossible freeform, organic, watertight designs; a plug in for Autodesk Maya and Rhinoceros 3D; [932]; [933];[934] (page 17)
- TalkAndWrite An obsolete commercial online tutoring platform reliant upon now deprecated Skype desktop API
- Taskpad
- tEABAG 3D - a CAPTCHA developed by OCR Research Team
- Test Objectives - software test objectives
- TestSwarm - jQuery's TestSwarm, a JavaScript testing software. [935]
- TeutonPE - custom BootCD based on OpenSource BartPE Plugins and a minimalistic GUI that comes from *nix;; [936]
- TextNow - mobile messaging app and service provider [937]
- TGB Dual - console emulation software of game boy
- theShell - desktop environment for Linux systems, based on Qt [938]
- ThreatFire
- TimeSnapper
- TLP - Advanced Power Management for Linux [939]
- TLSF Allocator - TLSF (Two-Level Segregate Fit) allocator [940]
- Toad's Tool 64 - level editor for Super Mario 64 created by VL-Tone
- Todoist - popular web service and suite of task management software. [941], [942]
- Topaz Labs - photo editing software suite similar to Photoshop or NIK Software by Google. The business is well established and used by many photography and fine art professionals. [943]
- - online anonymous proxy service for torrent downloading, using custom configured U-Torrent client
- Trace Modeler - program dealing with sequence diagrams; nominated for Epsilon Award 2010
- TrackMeNot - privacy intrusion reducing Mozilla Firefox extension that performs automated searches on a number popular search engines, at somewhat randomized intervals, with a self-evolving set of keywords seeded by user provided set of RSS feeds
- TRACX - software to collect feedback from people [944], [945]
- Transaction layer packet (TLP) - encapsulation of data in the PCI Express serial bus specification
- Transactional license program (TLP) - open volume software license
- Trickle (software) - Userland Bandwidth Shaper for Unix-like Systems
- TronLink - Open source Tron wallet [946] [947]
- Trumpet (IRC client) - DOS IRC client
- TuMicro Android app for public transportation planning in Lima, Peru [948] [949]
- Turtle Tracks (Logo) - Logo interpreter
- Tux Commander - file manager for Linux [950]
- Tversity
- Twitter clients - comparison list of clients for Twitter
- Twubs - software to manage Twitter topic hubs and events
- Type Library
- typing software - several articles on specific applications, many of questionable notability (see Category:Typing software), but no broader article on the subject
- UDP Host Cache - one method used by Gnutella to find an initial host [951]
- Ulead COOL 360/Ulead Cool 360 - photo panorama software [952] [953] (in Chinese)
- Ulead Cool3D/Ulead Cool 3D/Ulead COOL 3D - a now discontinued software which allows a user to create simple 3DCG. VideoStudio contains many of its features [954] [955] [956]
- UltraCompare - comparing software released by IDM Computer Solutions
- Unified Archive - email archiving software solution from ZL Technologies
- Unified information systems
- Universe@Home
- Universal Ground Control Software - software for central management of all types of unmanned vehicles [957] [958]
- Unstuck (app) - productivity app [959]
- User Principal Name - The name of a Windows network user in an email address format
- Urban Turtle - agile development/scrum tool; [960]
- VAJLEBKA System - specially designed cascade captcha guard for php pages
- VAX Floating Point Format (Including VAX D, VAX G, and VAX F formats)
- VeeFriends, another craze like cryptopunks
- vendavo - [961]
- Versato.exe
- Verse, IBM - Cloud-based business email software [962]
- Video.X driver - the file included from Mac-on-Linux ([963]) and PearPC ([964])
- Viero - Clear Channels program for managing commercials; [965]
- Virtual Peer Programming (Something being pioneered in Jbuilder 2006)
- VirtuaScore - a line of Mac sports scoreboard applications from BlackwoodApps
- Visual Autorun [966] - CD Menu and slideshow software
- Visual Page - by Symantec - Abandoned HTML WYSIWYG editor
- Visual question answering (VQA) - A rapidly growing area of artificial intelligence [967]
- vizrea - [968]
- VocalWriter - Power Macintosh MIDI voice sensitizer for singing, similar to Vocaloid, introduced in 1998; [969]; [970]; [971]
- Voice (software) - Text-To-Speech software for macOS [972]
- VQC1 and VQC2 - video/audio codecs
- VRM (file format) - metaverse avatar file format [973]
- VRVS, mentioned in [974]
- VSCO (VSCO cam), an online photography community accessed through mobile iOS and Android apps.
- VPN Unlimited
- vy - vim-like in python made from scratch.
[edit]- wasysym - LateX macro package for fonts. See also Draft:wasysym
- Wikipedia Store - Sells wikipedia-related stuff.
- Warbirds (Computer game) - Combat Flight Simulator
- Web Client Network
- w32codecs/win32codecs - commonplace package of questionably legal drivers for Linux incorporating wrappers for win32 codecs.
- WebFerret (Desktop metasearch utility for Microsoft Windows)
- WebODF See a draft here: User:Falafel teller/sandbox
- Webplanner - online collaborative project management software from Experience In Software, Inc., makers of Project KickStart; [975]; [976]
- Webpublishing System - program or system that allows you to apply your content to the web. i.e., Wordpress, Blogger
- Webrip - commonly associated with mp3s. I believe it's an mp3 encoded at 128kbs or lower to get a small filesize for web distribution?
- Webstump - software from the Free software foundation
- WebView) - a software tool, I think.
- WebWork Time Tracker - (time tracking SaaS tool that tracks users' desktop and measure their activity level) [977] ; [978] ; [979] ; [980]
- WhiteSmoke (writing software)
- Whited00r - independent free-moded software update for iPhone and iPod Touch; [981]
- Wild Media Server - Digital Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP) [982]
- Winchester OS - I remember we had this at school running on the 186; could run both from floppy or hard drive, had a blue boot up screen and used the function buttons to choose from the menu; we had it from 1990 to 1994 to give an idea of dates
- Windows Embedded Studio - set of development tools used for building Windows XP embedded and Windows Embedded Standard OS images; consists of tools like Target Analyzer, Target Designer, Component Designer and Component Database Manager
- WinSoft Software
- Winstep Xtreme - A Windows application which can transform your desktop, see [983]
- WisBar task management software for pocket PC
- WizTree - A high speed disk space analyzer for Windows [984]
- Wolverine (offline mail reader) (offline mail reader)
- Writing With Symbols 2000 (WWS2000) - program that helps children with severe learning difficulties
- X-Ways Forensics - now listed in List of digital forensics tools, see also [985]
- X Video Driver
- XDP (PDF files)
- Xibo (software) - open-source digital signage software; [986]
- XNAT - medical imaging informatics software [987]
- XWIDGET - XWidget - Free desktop customisation platform. Powerful visual widget editor, smooth animation javascript/vbscript widgets; [988]
- YATE (Yet Another Telephony Engine) - User:Diana cionoiu/YATE Yet another telephony engine
- YASH (Yet Another Shell) - lightweight posix compatible shell for Unix systems. article already made in Japanese
- Youtube vanced - just needs a redirect to YouTube Vanced
- YUMI (Your USB Multiboot Installer) - Software that can be used to create a Live Multiboot Bootable USB containing multiple ISO files; [989]
- ZebOS – the commercial version of GNU Zebra, put out by IP Infusion
- Zelda Classic - software for making games similar to Zelda 1; created by Armageddon Games; [990]; [991]
- Zzaph
- Libadwaita - The libadwaita library was created to further develop Adwaita as a more closely-adherent component of the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines. Libadwaita is a library augmenting the GTK widget toolkit in a manner conformant with the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines. It lets applications change their layout based on the available space, integrates the Adwaita stylesheet, allows runtime recoloring with named colors amd adds APIs to support the cross-desktop dark style preference.
Software engineering
[edit]- Acceptance criteria
- Agile Portfolio Management
- Agile in Name Only (AINO) - [992]
- Application signatures
- Behavioral entity
- Boys Without Brains A well-known Commodore 64 and Amiga gameteam [993][994]
- Brownfield Development - systems development method that acknowledges the existence of legacy codebases during design, build and test phases
- Business Delegate - Java BluePrints' pattern [995]
- Quality in business systems
- CDM Rule Frame Oracle Custom Development Method (CDM)[996] - ...consists of a template package and utilities that boost productivity. It now also includes CDM RuleFrame a powerful framework for the implementation of business rules.
- Comparison of open source licenses as child of Open source
- Conceptual level design
- Curtailment - see Left recursion
- Decessor
- Design for diversity - Google, [997]
- eCollaboration and eBusiness (near-synonyms), in the context of dynamic, cooperative networks formed by a group of autonomous enterprises using e.g. the Service-Oriented Architecture paradigm. (definition)
- Effect correspondence diagram
- Enterprise design pattern
- Event delegation
- Extreme binning (Data deduplication)
- Fault injection and robustness testing ?? fault injection and robustness testing
- Feaping creaturism - spoonerism of "creaping featurism"
- Five State Model for Processes
- Flame graph - A graph of hierarchical data used for software performance analysis (for verifiability concerns, see Draft talk:Flame Graph). [998]
- Generic software
- Graph index - An index of frequent features of a graph database (e.g., gIndex)
- Hardware/software co-design [999], exploiting the integrated design of hardware and software created in parallel.
- Ideafarm (IP well known ports 902 & 903) Homepage
- Infinite Plane Rendering
- Infrastructure software (definition and explanation of the term, examples)
- Instance member
- ISO 25010:2011 - Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- System and software quality models
- IT Consolidation
- Ingenuity Pathway Analysis IPA
- Jamagic
- JFG interlocked functions
- Lead Systems Designer A job title used by Blizzard and General Electric
- List of FreeBSD developers
- List of GNU Project people
- Logical view
- MIDAG (Medical Image Display Analysis Group) Homepage
- MoLIC - acronym for "Modeling Language for Interaction as Conversation" - UI extension to UML
- Nested parallelism
- Object Action Interface model (OAI)
- Object Points
- Plugin architecture development
- Positive acknowledgement with retransmission
- Preliminary Investigation - What it is and how to write one
- Program management (software)
- Project MAC people
- Railway oriented programming
- Requirements document
- Right recursion - currently redirects to Recursive grammar - also see Left recursion
- Ripple Analysis
- Real-Time Process Algebra (RTPA); [1,000]
- Semantic Purity
- Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) - [1,001]
- Skript - scripting language for Minecraft
- Source code extensions
- Software Design Engineer
- Specialmeaning - blog
- Subsystem model
- Tech Lead
- Tech Consultant
- Visual environment - full explanation/benefits
- Web service JustLikeIt
- XKERMIT - version of Kermit that runs on X-Windows
[edit]- DVD +R/-R comparison WP is long overdue for an article on this. They seem to have their own separate pages now, which are biased to each format.
- Locate mode, and the alternative Move mode, input/output. The terms are, at least, used by IBM in OS/360, MVS, and z/OS, and by DEC/Compaq/HP in VMS. Locate mode allows for one fewer copy operation between I/O buffers.
- Punctured Stripe in RAID Arrays - currently redirects to RAID - Topic surrounding a specific type of fault that can occur to RAID arrays causing them to fail.
- Room temperature semiconductor memory cell see Talk:Solid-state_storage
- Self-delimited/Self-delimiting - A fairly important concept in storage formats, these terms are used in quite a few other WP articles (Special:Search/Self-delimited, Special:Search/Self-delimiting), but there doesn't appear to be an article on the subject. (Delimiter doesn't discuss the issue.)
- SFSZ - Disk format, Used by Netgear SC101. What is it and how is it used? Its this.ZFS Solaris's new file system, which is used by several other OEMS as its new and very efficient.
- Storage Spaces - currently redirects to its own section on Features new to Windows 8 - Microsoft's Storage Spaces is only covered in a small section of the article. This is a huge feature set in Microsoft's operating systems since Windows 8/Server 2012, is still a feature in Windows 10/Server 2016 so probably warrants its own article delving into the technical nature of it.
- TapeAlert - standard for tapes, autochangers, libraries used for diagnostics and health []
- Ledger (Cryptowallet) (de) [1,002][1,003]
File formats
[edit]- CF-JSON JSON encoding for weather, ocean and climate data.
- Data Definition Specification
- MD4 (file format) - Quake file format for models; [1,004]
- mPNG (aNIM or anIM chunk), an APNG/MNG competitor [1,005] [dead link ]
- PNG in GIF ("PIG"), an APNG/MNG competitor [1,006] [dead link ]
- RGBA in GIF, an APNG/MNG competitor [1,007] [dead link ]
- Sound Designer II - an audio/music file format by Digidesign
- VR8 - Roland proprietary file format used with BOSS BR-1600CD, how to convert it to .wav
- XBP (File Format) - a package file format used in some original Xbox games to pack multiple WMA files into one
- RCSU & Reuters Compression Scheme for Unicode – please redirect to the new name Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode [1,008]
- Portfolio Graphics Q28206910 [1,009] [1,010]
[edit]- Dgraph - An open source, low latency, high throughput, and distributed graph database with native GraphQL support.[1,011][1,012][1,013][1,014]
- Eloquera Database - [1,015], article about Eloquera Database - a native object database for .NET environments; and Eloquera Cloud based on Eloquera Enterprise Database.
- GemFire - [1,016] Pivotal GemFire is a memory-optimized, distributed data store and data management platform.
- Gyxi - [1,017] Document Database as a Service with an open API that can be used by generating a guid. Unique because no prior registration is required.
- The Integrated Data Hub -- I ma very surprised that there is not page explaining the concept of Integrated Data Hub. See book on Amazon in different articles fron its inventor: Dario Mangano
- Linux SQL Databases and tools - [1,018]--Even as Linux has garnered support by all of the major commercial database vendors, the freely available open source databases have grown in sophistication and features. Below follows a partial list of some of the more popular of these.
- List of serverless database management systems - there should be a page listing database management systems that don't use a server-client model such as Sqlite.
- OracleDBConsole - Would like info about this and other services of Oracle DB's.
- Rdb/ELN - VAX Rdb/ELN [1,019]
- SubstratumNet - [1,020], "Substratum is an open-source network that allows anyone to allocate spare computing resources to make the internet a free and fair place for the entire world"
- Supabase - [1,021] Open-source, self-hostable BaaS.
- Universal numeric fingerprint (Unique signature of the semantic object to uniquely identify and verify data, e.g. datasets in archives or dataverses such as the Harvard Dataverse) (
Theory and theorems
[edit]- Adversary structure: Distributed Protocols on General Hybrid Adversary Structures and as linked to on Secure multi-party computation
- Agricultural knowledge system in SSM[verify notability]
- Boom hierarchy - Hierarchy named after H.J. Boom, containing Trees, Lists, Bags, Sets, in order of decreasing information stored. See CiteSeerx:
- Business system domain
- Cell probe complexity - [1,022]
- Computational basis, Hadamard basis - In quantum computing. We already have Bell basis (although it's a redirect)
- Connection trap
- Continuous automata - i.e. not-discrete
- Deterministic finite cover automaton - [1,023]
- Diagonal language — example RE language containing codes of Turing machines that don't accept their codes
- Distributed representation - currently redirects to Artificial neural network - stores a language model in a neural network by converting the feature vector into a probability function [75]
- Exact real arithmetic - Umbrella term for arbitrary-precision arithmetic, interval arithmetic and the like. See e.g. here
- Explicit polynomial - Historical usage of the term; one paper briefly describes it as: "A polynomial p (or more accurately, a sequence $(p_n)_n \in \N $ of n-variate polynomials) is considered explicit if it is of degree polynomial in n, and there is a polynomial time Turing machine that when specified a monomial, outputs its coefficient in p."
- Fusion calculus - see The Fusion Calculus: Expressiveness and Symmetry in Mobile Processes
- Gamma-neighborhood graph - parametric generalisation of beta skeleton and convex hull.
- Generalized recursion theory Recursion theory for computations that are not necessarily finite, e.g., hyperarithmetical theory
- Hughes phenomenon - currently redirects to Curse of dimensionality - result in learning theory that states that increasing the number of input dimensions while keeping the number of examples constant will result in an increase in the classification error; also see VC dimension
- Interval domain - proposed by Dana Scott in 1970 (I think) as a domain-theoretic model for real numbers, see Abbas Edalat and Philipp Sünderhauf, A Domain-Theoretic Approach to Computability on the Real Line CiteSeerx:, and Andrej Bauer and Iztok Kavkler, The Role of the Interval Domain in Modern Exact Real Arithmetic.
- Isoefficiency analysis in parallel algorithm development
- No-valley theorem - theorem regarding the properties of an AS path in BGP routing. One explanation: [1,024]
- Optic-based quantum computers
- Ownership types
- Pagelets - A component of an HTML page, that contains directives, layout, and code in a single context. The term is for example used by Facebook and Oracle. Dictionary entry: [1,025]
- Parametric diagrams - The parametric diagram represents constraints on system property values such as performance, reliability, and mass properties, and serves as a means to integrate the specification and design models with engineering analysis models [1,026]
- Point splatting as it relates to surface tracking and visualization and how it differs from marching cube
- Pure Lisp/Pure LISP - See [1,027] and [1,028]
- Reverse Shannon theorem - the classical RS theorem in context is referenced e.g. here: [1,029]
- Sensitivity conjecture - currently redirects to its own section on Decision tree model - The article could consist of basic definitions (boolean functions, sensitivity), history of the problem and different proofs (by Hao, Tao and Mathews) and the approaches they used (respectively a curious variant of an adjacency matrix, twisted convolution and Clifford algebra's) [1,030]
- Software anthropology
- Sparse map - [1,031]
- Third World Technical Scientific Dependency
- Wadsworth Constant - ([1,032])
- WYSIWYN - 'What You See Is What You Need' theory of interface design
Widget toolkits
[edit]- advertising intelligence (ADINT)
- Ambedkar Community Computing Center - computing education center which is focused on free software and freedom, and that is located in a slum; I've added some sources here:
- - website
- Computer History Association of California [1,033] [1,034] [1,035]
- Distributed Hardware Evolution Project (DHEP) [1,036] - based out of the University of Sussex, DHEP is currently an active distributed computing project that runs on top of the BOINC software platform.[1,037] This research initiative utilizes genetic algorithms to discover new and highly efficient designs of self-checking fault-secure circuits for use in automated self-diagnosing hardware.[1,038] Circuitry that integrates this Concurrent Error Detection (CED) technology is more reliable and well-suited for many mission critical systems.[1,039] Results are open-sourced and free for use under the GPL license.[1,040]
- Dosis (typeface), a sans-serif typeface made by Impallari Type.
- Drift (extended reality) - Erroneous 6DoF tracking in virtual and augmented reality
- Exo (typeface) - font by Natanael Gama, also has a successor named Exo 2 [1,041][1,042]
- Glossary of extended reality - "metaverse", "immersion"/"immersive", "spatial", etc.
- Merged mining Requesting article about this crypto currency mining procedure (should be categorized together with POW proof of work, POS Proof of stake etc. In 2017 a thesis studing Merged Mining was publised. [76]
- Pledge of the Computing Professional [1,043]
- XR boom - similar to the AI boom but with extended reality
Wikiprojects with lists of missing computer articles
[edit]- Skysmith list, User:Skysmith/Missing_topics_about_Computer-related_subjects
- missing algorithm and datastructures, Wikipedia:Missing_science_topics/NIST_Dictionary_of_Algorithms_and_Data_Structures
[edit]- ^ Ottaviano, Giuseppe; Venturini, Rossano (2014). "Partitioned Elias-Fano indexes" (PDF). Proceedings of the 37th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research & development in information retrieval. pp. 273–282. doi:10.1145/2600428.2609615. ISBN 9781450322577. S2CID 14124415.
{{cite book}}
ignored (help) - ^ Hodge, Victoria J. and Austin, Jim (2001). "Hierarchical growing cell structures: TreeGCS" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 13 (2). IEEE: 207–218. doi:10.1109/69.917561.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Beetz, Michael and Mosenlechner, Lorenz and Tenorth, Moritz (2010). CRAM A Cognitive Robot Abstract Machine for everyday manipulation in human environments. 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE. pp. 1012–1017. doi:10.1109/iros.2010.5650146.
{{cite conference}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Wei, Changyun and Hindriks, Koen V (2012). An agent-based cognitive robot architecture. International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems. Springer. pp. 54–71. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38700-5_4.
{{cite conference}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Martinez, David and Alenya, Guillem and Torras, Carme (2017). "Relational reinforcement learning with guided demonstrations". Artificial Intelligence. 247. Elsevier: 295–312. doi:10.1016/j.artint.2015.02.006.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Quispe, Ana Huaman and Amor, Heni Ben and Christensen, Henrik I (2018). A taxonomy of benchmark tasks for robot manipulation. Robotics Research. Springer. pp. 405–421.
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