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	var api = new mw.Api();
	var version = [0, 1, 0]; // to get version number, join numbers with periods. For example, "0, 0, 1" is version 0.0.1
	var whatsnew = `Thanks for using TheTechie's User Tools.
To see the changelog for this version (v${version[0]}.${version[1]}.${version[2]}), please go to:
	mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', "mediawiki.api"], function () {
		class textBlocks {
				this.smile = `
==You've been smiled upon!==
{{subst:smile}} ~~~~
				this.teahouse = `
==You're invited!==
{{subst:Teahouse invitation}} ~~~~
				this.warninggeneric = `<br><!-- the above warning was generated by TTUT and is completely the responsibility of the user above -->
''This warning was generated by [[User:TheTechie/UserTools|TheTechie's UserTools]], and is not an official warning, but rather was crafted by the user listed above. They assume full responsibility for this warning.''<br>`;
				this.warning1 = `<br>[[File:Information.svg|25px|alt=Information icon]] %WARNING% ~~~~`;
				this.warning2 = `<br>[[File:Information orange.svg|25px|alt=Information icon]] %WARNING% ~~~~`;
				this.warning3 = `<br>[[File:Nuvola apps important.svg|25px|alt=Warning icon]] %WARNING% ~~~~`;
				this.warning4 = `<br>[[File:Stop hand nuvola.svg|30px|alt=Stop icon]] %WARNING% ~~~~`;
		class editSummaries {
				this.smile = "Sending this user a smile using [[User:TheTechie/tut|TheTechie's User Tools]]";
				this.archive = "Archiving this page using [[User:TheTechie/tut|TheTechie's User Tools]]";
				this.custom = "Using a custom warning created using [[User:TheTechie/tut|TheTechie's User Tools]]";
				this.teahouse = "Inviting this user to the Teahouse using [[User:TheTechie/tut|TheTechie's User Tools]]";

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		class TTUI {
				this.heading = "Foobar";
				this.msg = "Foo bar foobar?";
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		blocks = new textBlocks();
		es = new editSummaries();

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		function wait(secs) {
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		function replacePage( info ) {
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		function smileAtUser(){
			if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) === 'User_talk') {
				if (confirm("Publicly send a smile to this user?")) {
						title: mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
						text: blocks.smile,
						summary: es.smile
			else {
				alert("TTUT: This option can only be used on user talk pages.");
		function changeLog(){
		function inviteToTeahouse(){
			if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) === 'User_talk') {
				if (confirm("Publicly send a Teahouse invitation to this user?")) {
						title: mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
						text: blocks.teahouse,
						summary: es.teahouse
			else {
				alert("TTUT: This option can only be used on user talk pages.");
		function userEditCount(){
			let username = mw.config.get("wgPageName");
			let type;
			username = username.split(":")[0];
			username = username.split("/")[0];
			let contribPage = `Special:Contributions/${username}`;
		function customWarning(){
			warning = window.prompt("Please enter the message of the custom warning:");
			console.log("Warning contents: " + warning);
			let levels = ["1", "2", "3", "4"];
			let level_msg = `Enter the level of the warning:
1: Good faith assumed
2: No faith assumed
3: Bad faith assumed, warning
4: Bad faith assumed, final warning`;
			let level = window.prompt(level_msg);
			while (!levels.includes(level)){
				alert("TTUT: Invalid level specified");
				level = window.prompt(level_msg);
			let block;
			if (level == "1"){
				block = blocks.warning1;
			} else if (level == "2"){
				block = blocks.warning2;
			} else if (level == "3"){
				block = blocks.warning3;
			} else if (level == "4"){
				block = blocks.warning4;
			block = block.replace("%WARNING%", warning);
			block = block + blocks.warninggeneric;
			console.log("Wikitext blurb for warning: " + block);
			if (confirm("Send this custom warning? YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING ALL RULES USING THIS FUNCTION.")){
					title: mw.config.get("wgPageName"),	
					text: block,
					summary: es.custom
		mw.util.addPortlet('p-ttut', 'TTUT', '#p-cactions');
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			smile_button = mw.util.addPortletLink(portletId='p-ttut', href='#', text='Send a smile', tooltip="Send this user a smile");
			$(smile_button).on("click", function(e) {
			teahouse = mw.util.addPortletLink(portletId='p-ttut', href='#', text='Invite to Teahouse', tooltip="Invite this user to the Teahouse");
			$(teahouse).on("click", function(e) {
			custom = mw.util.addPortletLink(portletId='p-ttut', href="#", text="Custom warning", tooltip="Deploy a custom warning");
			$(custom).on("click", function(e) {
		} else if (mw.config.get("wgCanonicalNamespace") === ""){}
		whatsnew_button = mw.util.addPortletLink(portletId="p-ttut", href="#", text="What's new?", tooltip="See what's new!");
		$(whatsnew_button).on("click", function(e) {