Template:Wikibreak switch
![]() | Wikibreak switch uses the Wikibreak Switch template, and plans to update this notice if a wikibreak is taken. |
This template is an easy-to-use template containing all of the common wikibreak templates in one, requiring only the change of one parameter to shut off, turn on, or change the message.
{{Wikibreak switch|<status>}}
Simply place the template on your talk page or sub-page, and it will automatically display a message on the page. To change the message, just change <status>
to one of the values below. Based on your preferences, the template automatically detects your gender (if added in your preferences) and gives "he" or "she" accordingly. Replace <status> with one of the following (case of value does not matter):
: Shows the standard message saying the user uses this template, but is not on break and will change the template if they are.HIDDEN
: Shows no output, in case the standard message is not desired when not taking a wikibreak.ON
: Shows the generic {{Wikibreak}}, saying the user is taking a short wikibreak.OFF-ON
: Shows {{Off and On WikiBreak}}, saying the user will be editing Wikipedia from time to time.ATTEMPTING
: Shows {{Wikibreak}}, saying that the user is trying to take a wikibreak but will probably come back much sooner to make more edits.BUSY
: Shows {{Busy}}, saying that the user is busy. Supports all parameters except|descriptor=
: Shows {{Atschool}}, saying that the user is trying to take a wikibreak because of school but will probably be back to make minor edits.COLLEGE
: Shows {{Atschool}}, saying that the user is taking a wikibreak because they are going to college and will be back when school is out.- Supports the
parameter that defines what type of educational institute you are learning in. Supported ones are: college, university, graduate. Defaults to college. - Supports the
parameter that conveys if you're taking exams. - Supports the
|returndate=31 December 2199
parameter that conveys when you will return back to edit on Wikipedia.
- Supports the
: Shows {{User health inactive}}, signifying that the user is having health issues and will be back in the near future.- Supports the
parameter saying that it is a family member that is having issues and not the user.
- Supports the
: Shows {{User mental health}}, signifying that the user is experiencing mental health issues.STRESS
: Shows {{User stress}}, signifying that the user is experiencing significant stress.VACATION
: Shows {{Vacation}}, saying that the user has gone on vacation.OUTOFTOWN
: Shows {{Out of town}}, showing that the user is out of town.RETIRED
: Shows {{Retired}}, saying that the user is retired from Wikipedia.SEMIRETIRED
: Shows {{Semi-retired}}, saying that the user is semi-retired from Wikipedia.DISCOURAGED
: Shows {{Discouraged}}, saying that the user is discouraged.FRUSTRATED
: Shows {{User frustrated}}, saying that the user is frustrated.SEMI
: Shows {{Wikibreak}}, for a semi-wikibreak.BONK
: Shows {{Bonked}}, signifying that the user has "hit a wall" and is taking a short break.PERSONALISSUES
: Shows {{Personal issues}}, saying that the user is having personal issues and may be gone for an undefined amount of time.- Supports the
parameter saying that the user expects to be back sooner than later.
- Supports the
: Shows {{User grieving}}, saying that the user has suffered a significant loss and is now grieving, and may have lower editing levels than usual.EXAMS
: Shows {{Exams}}, saying that the user is taking a wikibreak to study for exams.HOLIDAY
: Shows {{Holiday}}, saying that the user is on holiday.NOINTERNET
: Shows {{No Internet}}, saying that the user does not have Internet access and may be unavailable for a little while.NOPOWER
: shows {{No-power}}, saying that a power outage is preventing the user from contributing for an indeterminate period of time.STORM
: shows {{Storm-break}}, saying that a weather-related emergency is forcing the user into a Wikibreak.- Supports the
parameter saying what storm is causing the forced Wikibreak.
- Supports the
: shows {{Wikibreak-in-house}}, saying that the user will be editing, but as part of a training event, edit-a-thon or suchlikeCANTRETIRE
: shows {{Can't retire}}, saying that the user cannot retire.CONSIDERING
: shows {{Considering retirement}}, saying that the user is considering retirement.MOVING
: shows {{Moving}}, saying that the user is moving places.
Some templates support a |msg=
or equivalent parameter to customize the message. Use the {{{msg}}}
parameter on this template to set it.