Text Appearing Before Image: ly it cannot continue its rapid course for any length of time.Terrible would be the duel, if when aroused to anger, these two great beasts shouldmeet and. engage in conflict. Difficult indeed would it be to foretell which would ,come off victorious. Their mode of. life does not often cause themi to interferewith each other, the Bear preferring the seclusion of the thick jungle, while theBison, as I have said, is a dweller on the open plains. It is possible, however,that they have fierce disputes at times, and the moment has been selected forillustration when a sharp-clawed Grizzly is overthrown by a blow delivered bythe armed head of his ferocious-looking adversary.. It is impossible to surmise theresult of this conflict, for we may rest assured that one blow will not put the bearhors-de-combat. When he next returns to the charge. the position of the com-batants may be reversed, and terrible will be the struggle for the mastery, betweensuch great and powerful rival monarchs. PLATE y\/ Text Appearing After Image: RIVAL MONARCHS. THE KING OF BEASTS.
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