first published before 1946, According to Public Works and Government Services Canada / Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, Canada has no intention of renewing expired Crown Copyright works in any country, and consequently the URAA does not apply. An email is on record at VRT ticket # 2013122310013986
it was a photograph created before 1949
created before 1949
created before 1946
it was a photograph created after 1948 — and the copyright was owned by a corporation,
created after 1948—but before 1962
it was a work by an identifiable author
* created by an author who died before 1972; * for authors who die after 1971, 70 years p.m.a.;
(but unpublished works by authors who died after 1948 but before 1979 will not enter the public domain until 2049),
published by an author who died before 1946
where the creator is unknown
the sooner of:
A. 75 years p.r., or (if published before auch term expires) the earlier of 75 years p.d. and 100 years p.r., or
B. publication before 1970, or (if not published) creation before 1945
but, where the creator becomes known prior to death (where the disclosure occurs prior to the initial term's anticipated expiry), the term becomes that attributable to works by an identifiable author. In the case of joint works, copyright extends accordingly to the death of the last identifiable author.
first published before 1946
it is a film
the sooner of:
A. 75 years p.r., or if not published within 70 years from creation, 70 years from creation
B. publication before 1970, or if not published within 50 years from creation, creation before 1970
first published before 1946
A more exhaustive listing of terms of copyright and permitted exceptions, by type of work, may be found at the Toronto Archives' Copyright guidelines for researchers
PD-CAPublic domain in Canada//
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[[WP:CSD#F8|F8]]: File available on Wikimedia Commons as [[c:File:Josiah Wood.jpg]]
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Josiah Wood Photograph from the William James Topley collection of [Library and Archives Canada]], PA 028371 Image online from the Library of Parliament [] {{PD
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