Fig. 1. “Euskelosaurus” sp. Proximal end of left femur in posterior view. Original in Vienna Hofmuseum (Coll. BROWN 1876). Karroo, South Africa. 1/4 nat. size, from a cast in Tübingen.
Fig. 2. Coelophysis longicollis COPE. Axis. Original of COPE’s description. Triassic. New Mexico. Preserved in the American Museum of Natural History, New York. Nat. size, from a cast in Tübingen. a, anterior view; b, right lateral view; c, ventral view.
Fig. 3. Same. Ditto. Nat. size. Dorsal centrum in left lateral view.
Fig. 4. Same. Ditto. Nat. size. Middle caudal vertebra. a, right lateral view; b, from ventral view.
Fig. 5. Same. Ditto. Nat. size. Posterior caudal vertebra. a, left lateral view; b, ventral view.
Fig. 6. Same. Ditto. Nat. size. A part of the pollex ungual. a, lateral view; b, view of articular surface (cf. text-fig. 13).
Fig. 7. Same. Ditto. Nat. size. First phalanx of left (?) second manual digit. a, lateral view; b, anterior view; c, posterior view.
Fig. 8. Same. Ditto. Nat. size. Distal end of left (?) metacarpal III. a, lateral view; b, posterior view.
Fig. 9. Same. Ditto. Nat. size. Posterior point of left ilium, lateral view (cf. text-fig. 15 and 16).
Fig. 10. Same. Ditto. Nat. size. Lower half of right ilium in lateral view (cf. text-fig. 17). (No. 2 in COPE.)
The author died in 1969, so this work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 50 years or fewer.
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it meets three requirements:
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