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File:ECB Hazard Symbol T.svg

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Original file (SVG file, nominally 173 × 173 pixels, file size: 21 KB)

Please note: from June 1st 2015, use File:GHS-pictogram-skull.svg


Description ECB Hazard Toxic Symbol
Date (UTC)
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العربية: مُسبب للتآكل
English: Corrosive
Català: Corrosiu
Čeština: Žíravý
Deutsch: Ätzend
Español: Corrosivo
Français : Corrosif
Italiano: Corrosivo
Nederlands: Bijtend
Polski: Żrący
Português: Corrosivo
Suomi: Syövyttävä
Svenska: Frätande
한국어: 부식성
日本語: 腐食性
Ελληνικά: Διαβρωτικό
Русский: Разъедающее
Latviešu: Kodīgs
العربية: مُتفجِّر
English: Explosive
Català: Explosiu
Čeština: Výbušný
Deutsch: Explosionsgefährlich
Español: Explosivo
Français : Explosif
Italiano: Esplosivo
Nederlands: Explosief
Polski: Wybuchowy
Português: Explosivo
Suomi: Räjähtävä
Svenska: Explosivt
한국어: 폭발성
日本語: 爆発性
Ελληνικά: Εκρηκτικό
Русский: Взрывчатое
Latviešu: Sprādzienbīstams
العربية: قابل للاشتعال
English: Flammable
Català: Inflamable
Čeština: Vysoce hořlavý
Deutsch: Leichtentzündlich
Español: Inflamable
Français : Facilement Inflammable
Italiano: Infiammabile
Nederlands: Ontvlambaar
Polski: Łatwopalny
Português: Inflamável
Suomi: Helposti syttyvä
Svenska: Brandfarligt
한국어: 인화성
日本語: 強い可燃性
Ελληνικά: Εύφλεκτο
Русский: Огнеопасно
Latviešu: Ugunsbīstams
العربية: شديد الاشتعال
English: Highly flammable
Català: Extremadament inflamable
Čeština: Extrémně hořlavý
Deutsch: Hochentzündlich
Español: Altamente inflamable
Français : Extrêmement Inflammable
Italiano: Altamente infiammabile
Nederlands: Licht ontvlambaar
Polski: Skrajnie Łatwopalny
Português: Extremamente inflamável
Suomi: Erittäin helposti syttyvä
Svenska: Mycket brandfarligt
한국어: 극인화성
日本語: 非常に強い可燃性
Ελληνικά: Πολύ εύφλεκτο
Русский: Крайне огнеопасно
Latviešu: Ārkārtīgi ugunsbīstams
العربية: مُلوِّث للطبيعة
English: Nature polluting
Català: Perillós per al medi ambient
Čeština: Nebezpečný pro životní prostředí
Deutsch: Umweltgefährlich
Español: Peligroso para el medio ambiente
Français : Dangereux pour l'environnement
Italiano: Pericoloso per l'ambiente
Nederlands: Vervuilend
Polski: Szkodliwy dla środowiska
Português: Perigoso para o ambiente
Suomi: Ympäristölle vaarallinen
Svenska: Skadligt för miljön
한국어: 수생환경 유해성
日本語: 環境への危険性
Ελληνικά: Ρυπογόνο
Русский: Опасно для окружающей среды
Latviešu: Bīstams apkārtējai videi
العربية: مُؤكسِد
English: Oxidising
Català: Comburent
Čeština: Oxidující
Deutsch: Brandfördernd
Español: Oxidante
Français : Comburant
Italiano: Comburente
Nederlands: Brandbevorderend
Polski: Utleniający
Português: Oxidante
Suomi: Hapettava
Svenska: Oxiderande
한국어: 산화성
日本語: 酸化剤(酸化性)
Ελληνικά: Οξειδωτικό
Русский: Окислитель
Latviešu: Oksidētājs
العربية: سام
English: Toxic
Català: Tòxic
Čeština: Toxický
Deutsch: Giftig
Español: Toxico
Français : Toxique
Italiano: Tossico
Nederlands: Giftig
Polski: Toksyczny
Português: Tóxico
Suomi: Myrkyllinen
Svenska: Giftigt
한국어: 유독성
日本語: 有毒
Ελληνικά: Τοξικό
Русский: Токсично
Latviešu: Indīgs
العربية: شديد السمية
English: Highly toxic
Català: Molt tòxic
Čeština: Vysoce toxický
Deutsch: Sehr giftig
Español: Altamente toxico
Français : Très toxique
Italiano: Altamente tossico
Nederlands: Zeer giftig
Polski: Silnie toksyczny
Português: Extremamente tóxico
Suomi: Erittäin myrkyllinen
Svenska: Mycket giftigt
한국어: 맹독성
日本語: 猛毒
Ελληνικά: Πολύ τοξικό
Русский: Крайне токсично
Latviešu: Ārkārtīgi indīgs
العربية: مؤذٍ
English: Harmful
Català: Nociu
Čeština: Zdraví škodlivý
Deutsch: Gesundheitsschädlich
Español: Nocivo
Français : Nocif
Italiano: Nocivo
Nederlands: Schadelijk
Polski: Szkodliwy
Português: Nocivo
Suomi: Haitallinen
Svenska: Skadligt
한국어: 유해성
日本語: 有害
Ελληνικά: Επιβλαβές
Русский: Вредно
Latviešu: Kaitīgs veselībai
العربية: مُهيِّج
English: Irritant
Català: Irritant
Čeština: Dráždivý
Deutsch: Irritierend
Español: Irritante
Français : Irritant
Italiano: Irritante
Nederlands: Irritant/Irriterend
Polski: Drażniący
Português: Irritante
Suomi: Ärsyttävä
Svenska: Irriterande
한국어: 화나게 하는
日本語: イライラする
Ελληνικά: Ερεθιστικό
Русский: Раздражитель
Latviešu: Kairinātājs
SVG development
The SVG code is valid.
This sign was created with Inkscape.
This sign is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Overall improved quality Hazard symbol close to ECB symbols. The original can be viewed here: T Toxique.png. Modifications made by LCARS.


Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide.
In some countries this may not be legally possible; if so:
I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

Original upload log

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:Hazard T.svg licensed with PD-ineligible
    • 2011-07-21T01:39:07Z Natr 500x500 (20031 Bytes) cleaned
    • 2008-02-22T15:14:22Z Matthias M. 500x500 (20990 Bytes) valid SVG
    • 2008-02-15T18:18:44Z Matthias M. 500x500 (22585 Bytes) cleaned up the file using Inkscape
    • 2006-12-20T21:43:33Z Phrood~commonswiki 500x500 (31111 Bytes) bigger
    • 2006-08-10T22:34:15Z Phrood~commonswiki 106x106 (31123 Bytes) Better image, converted from EPS file at http://forum.cptec.org/index.php?s=29b968d131eb98629a75f8f9284d54aa&showtopic=368 {{PD-ineligible}}
    • 2006-05-25T13:51:09Z MarianSigler 600x600 (14759 Bytes) removed the margin
    • 2006-04-29T22:07:04Z MarianSigler 750x750 (16131 Bytes) * '''Description:''' The hazard symbol for toxic/highly toxic substances according to directive 67/548/EWG by the European Chemicals Bureau. * '''Source:''' Clipart Gallery on [http://www.sodipodi.com/ sodipodi.com], http://w

Uploaded with derivativeFX


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25 September 2011

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current21:52, 25 September 2011Thumbnail for version as of 21:52, 25 September 2011173 × 173 (21 KB)LCARS~commonswiki{{Information |Description=== ECB Hazard Toxic Symbol |Source=*File:Hazard_T.svg *File:T_Toxique.png |Date=2011-09-25 21:51 (UTC) |Author=*File:Hazard_T.svg: '''Unknown''' *File:T_Toxique.png: Pixeltoo *derivative

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